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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

Free DayZ StandAlone TeamSpeak @ - ZombieWorld.eu -- SA Server is up !!!

Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Name: Christopher

From: Norway

GUID: 0fcf7e68ac0e7f5627fa5cf419f450d1

Reason: I wanna play without cheaters, and this server seems pretty awesome. 80 players, clean, "correct" time zone and custom bug fixing code! :)

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Panda, i may be was killed by cheater. In Electro i shoot a man on head from DMR, but nothing was hepend with him, then he killed. It was this day at 19:13 this day. Can u check it please.

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- Name T1z3R

- Location Glasgow, Scotland


- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10 to kill my all-ready-whitelisted brother in a hack free server

Edited by T1z3R
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-Name [RHM]Clydey2040

-Location Northern Ireland

-GUID 7a05cf3fa55211ce46ba89873770fc74

I want to join this server because I want to play with a good community that's hacker free

Edited by Clydey2040
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- Name RLN - Greg IGN - humanplus

- Location North Dakota

- GUID 8baqbfc8a7ff1bf30595858ab9a1ce9c

- Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10

I have been playing DayZ for about 2 weeks now found a few good servers but not many people on them. Read this post about this server and liked whatI read. Would like to try to survive here.

I tried to log into the seerver but it says im not white listed. I assumed that Panda liking my post was a sign of im in?

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-Name: Snow Wolf

-Location: Germany

-GUID: 05f5906e6e939110d08deb762fe1c8a

-Reason: Friend told me about this server. And hacker-free is always good.

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-Name: Anti

-Location: USA

-GUID: 884c9c19cc957d0b59a69c6930e6214a

- Reason: Been looking for a whitelist to move too as my home server community wants to stay public - too many hackers on public servers & I have friends on this server. I am an active community member of http://xstreemstudios.com & the admins can vouch for me.


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Name: Fox

From: United Kingdom

GUID: bae74ef22e465ceb490288430f81cd95

Reason: Many of my friends play on this server and highly recommend it. Want to play on a constant server which dosen't get hacked and just have fun :D

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hacker on the server

daniel shot him twice with an as50 ive hitted him 4 times with a dmr and he didnt die just kept shooting back at us....

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I tried to log into the seerver but it says im not white listed. I assumed that Panda liking my post was a sign of im in?

your guid must be incorrect

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-Name: Snow Wolf

-Location: Germany

-GUID: 05f5906e6e939110d08deb762fe1c8a

-Reason: Friend told me about this server. And hacker-free is always good.

guid too short

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hacker on the server

daniel shot him twice with an as50 ive hitted him 4 times with a dmr and he didnt die just kept shooting back at us....

Identified, banned and removed from the WL.

Edited by -Panda
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Name: Cpt.Slapawhore

Location: Germany

GUID: a8e80e2be2b56794f7ca1536d0b9e1ce

I would like to play on your Server because two of my friends are already playing on it and i would love to play on a server without Hackers and have fun with DayZ again :)

Edited by TheMetal
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Identified, banned and removed from the WL.

I shot him 4 times I belive

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GUID: 766f8acda53e76515b6f33f1dffa4701

Looking for a good UK server

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Name: Cpt.Slapawhore

Location: Germany

GUID: a8e80e2be2b56794f7ca1536d0b9e1ce

I would like to play on your Server because two of my friends are already playing on it and i would love to play on a server without Hackers and have fun with DayZ again :)

LOL, lovely name :P

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* Rules to be followed *

- No cheating

- No glitch exploiting

- No malicious chat

- No racism (racism results in an immediate, permanent ban)

- No voice over Side Chat, text only (in English)

- Comfirmed Combat Logging results in a 24 hour ban, repeat offenders will receive a 48 hour ban

(Combat Logging is forcing your game to close (disconnecting) whilst in a fire fight/under enemy fire)

but bigphil got ban for just playing come on panda

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Name: Joe

Location: UK, England, Lancashire

GUID: f2864c5336a4c5ddf5f3d38947b020f5

I have done this before but i didn't receive any beans so i'm just trying again because i don't know what else to do.

Thank You.

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Name: Joe

Location: UK, England, Lancashire

GUID: f2864c5336a4c5ddf5f3d38947b020f5

I have done this before but i didn't receive any beans so i'm just trying again because i don't know what else to do.

Thank You.

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Name: Joe

Location: UK, England, Lancashire

GUID: f2864c5336a4c5ddf5f3d38947b020f5

I have done this before but i didn't receive any beans so i'm just trying again because i don't know what else to do.

Thank You.

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