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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Which scenario for the next admin event?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which scenario for the next admin event?

    • Hostage rescue: Admins have a hostage, players have to kill admins // rescue hostage.
    • Admins defend building, Players have to blow up the building with satchel charges.
    • Convoy: Admins have a convoy of vehicles moving from point A to B, players must ambush and kill admins.
    • Race: Players & Admins race on quad bikes // motorbike around a set route // checkpoints. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

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Yep banned for no reason - i was afk most of the morning - if panda knew how to check loggs then maybe he could see i did nothing

I'm sure your insulting tone will make him think his decision over and unban you right quick...

Edited by Deviant82

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Panda any clue yet when the server will restart again?

Still waiting on the main TCAdmin server to come online, its going to be a few more hours unfortunately. Will restart as soon as I can :thumbsup:

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I'm sure your insulting tone will make him think his decision over and unban you right quick...

Well its a bit of a piss take, it took him 20mins to ban 2 real hackers yesterday and i do nothing and he tells me im teleporting insta ban, i bet 100% he wouldn't post the logs of me teleporting beacuse there wouldn't be any.

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Well its a bit of a piss take, it took him 20mins to ban 2 real hackers yesterday and i do nothing and he tells me im teleporting insta ban, i bet 100% he wouldn't post the logs of me teleporting beacuse there wouldn't be any.

You were Bill, the player who was down near Kamenka, then a moment later up north of the NWAF with an SUV.

You're banned.

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The WL was on, they applied in the WL app thread!! DIRTY CHEATERS!

The two BNS people have been banned for hacking. Teleporting and other hacking actions.

Edited by -Panda
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Great. I downed their little bird at Grishino and pinned them with M14-bullets. All of a sudden one of them was up again and AS50'd me.

I think I can't help but suggest being a bit more restrictive with the WL app thread.

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Great. I downed their little bird at Grishino and pinned them with M14-bullets. All of a sudden one of them was up again and AS50'd me.

I think I can't help but suggest being a bit more restrictive with the WL app thread.

Perhaps a test? Maybe show them a bit of script and then ask them what it is. A normal player wont have a clue but a hacker might.

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hi there i've applied to be whitelisted and it appears to be accepted as I can get onto the server and join the lobby however after I click ok in the lobby it just says loading. and thats it there is no bar or anything like that and i've waited 20+ minutes and nothing has happened. I can get on other dayzsevers I dont really know where to go from here. have searched online and cant find any solutions.

I'd very much like to play on the server so please help!

Cheers, Dave

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Great. I downed their little bird at Grishino and pinned them with M14-bullets. All of a sudden one of them was up again and AS50'd me.

I think I can't help but suggest being a bit more restrictive with the WL app thread.

Well we've had 4 confirmed hackers out of 632 entries on the WhiteList, so that suggest it is 99.36% hacker free.

I'm happy to listen to any suggestions though as to how we can screen applicants...

Edited by -Panda
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Long loading time atm, have restarting the joining process but seem to be stuck on loading.

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hi there i've applied to be whitelisted and it appears to be accepted as I can get onto the server and join the lobby however after I click ok in the lobby it just says loading. and thats it there is no bar or anything like that and i've waited 20+ minutes and nothing has happened. I can get on other dayzsevers I dont really know where to go from here. have searched online and cant find any solutions.

I'd very much like to play on the server so please help!

Cheers, Dave

Yes i know we all have this, its due to the server not being restarted were waiting on the main server for the TCAdmin control panel to come back online as it was down for maintenance since this morning. I'll update as soon as the main servers online.

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Great. I downed their little bird at Grishino and pinned them with M14-bullets. All of a sudden one of them was up again and AS50'd me.

I think I can't help but suggest being a bit more restrictive with the WL app thread.

Sounds like I died from BNS Chris. AS50 and tp behind my back.

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Ty panda, will wait until its all good again.

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Well its a bit of a piss take, it took him 20mins to ban 2 real hackers yesterday and i do nothing and he tells me im teleporting insta ban, i bet 100% he wouldn't post the logs of me teleporting beacuse there wouldn't be any.

You were Bill, the player who was down near Kamenka, then a moment later up north of the NWAF with an SUV.

You're banned.

Hilarious, this is the same Bill that came onto the hatchet reloaded server and whos buddy got global banned within 2 days of joining and then announced he was ''leaving'' the server himself 5 minutes after before he got admin banned and/or global banned as everyones shit kept going missing!

Grow up, faggot. Because you suck at the game it doesn't mean you need to troll and ruin it for everybody else playing legit. Black Ops 2 just came out, go play that.

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Hello Panda,

I was at the NEAF this afternoon and walked to a Krasnostav (no zombies/pheriphal dots).

I keep checking for zombies/pheriphal dots but none appear so I head to the barn from the tree line I was in.

The moment I am half way (20m) I get insta killed by a player named David.

According to David he walked from Dubrovka to Krasnostav and logged out in the barn to lose the zombies.

Than he spawned in and happen to see me and kill me instantly.

I watched that area for quite a while and no zombies/pheripal dots for like the last 10 min.

Hopefully you could give this a check because it was al a bit weird.



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Hello Panda,

I was at the NEAF this afternoon and walked to a Krasnostav (no zombies/pheriphal dots).

I keep checking for zombies/pheriphal dots but none appear so I head to the barn from the tree line I was in.

The moment I am half way (20m) I get insta killed by a player named David.

According to David he walked from Dubrovka to Krasnostav and logged out in the barn to lose the zombies.

Than he spawned in and happen to see me and kill me instantly.

I watched that area for quite a while and no zombies/pheripal dots for like the last 10 min.

Hopefully you could give this a check because it was al a bit weird.



Ill watch him mate, thanks for reporting it :)

Update: Still no update unfortunately, I know they are still working on it, its not forgotten about as its affected every Vilayer server, not just their DayZ servers.

Edited by -Panda

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Thanks for putting some time into this Panda :)

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Joined without a problem now. But at the beach not in the church i logged off at:(

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