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What's the point in trying?

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I love all the butthurt casuals being shutdown when suggesting things to make the game easier. If the game was any easier I think we would have more of a deathmatch then it is now because everyone would be so damn bored.

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While you could die from a stray bullet that wasn't even intended for you but for some zombies there are certainly ways to reduce the chance of getting killed. Like never stand still unless you feel completely safe, same obviously goes for looting/picking up items since it's harder to take out moving targets from far away and the closer the bandit/killer gets to you the higher your chance is to spot him. Another even easier way to survive is to stay away from the commonly visited sites like airports etc.

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Pretty much everyone in this topic:

"Herp derp casual"

You have anything useful to say, like prove me wrong maybe? Some of you did that, but most of you are just whining about how "casuals/codfags" are ruining your game.

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What are you talking about? It isn't about skill or anything' date=' the guy killed me before I could do anything about it. You can't "learn" to be more careful, because no matter how careful you are someone will kill you out of nowhere. It's like some sort of insanity test.


Uh, yes it is skill. You didn't know he was there because he got the drop on you. The skill is being aware of your surroundings, which he was, as he saw you and dropped you, you weren't as you died. This isn't some run and gun game, it's a MilSim with Zombies, it's not get shot, wait 5 seconds for full health run out again, it's get shot, odds are you are dead. Play as if your character was really you, in a situation like in DayZ you wouldn't just sprint everywhere without checking your surroundings.

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If you can play for a day straight' date=' get the rarest items in the game with your friend including map and NV goggles and then some random asshole out of nowhere just kills you, and you can't even tell from where did he shoot from or anything about him (even who he is) then what's the point in playing this game? You can just get killed anywhere at any time with 1 shot you don't have any time to react or do ANYTHING.

You're cautiously walking inside of a building and BANG you're dead. There was nothing you can do. It is unfair punishing the player for something he had no control over. If it wouldn't be a 1hit death then maybe you could do something.

There are no killcams or anything either so you can't even tell where your enemy is. He an just camp there all day.


The point of trying is to try - in the end, after your character dies, all you will have to remember him is the experiences you had. Those experiences are what make the game, not gear. Gear is easily replaced once you learn where it spawns. Gear only helps enable those experiences.

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Pretty much everyone in this topic:

"Herp derp casual"

You have anything useful to say' date=' like prove me wrong maybe? Some of you did that, but most of you are just whining about how "casuals/codfags" are ruining your game.


At this state of the game devlopment without a lot of content to play with. Making the game any easier would just drive people to deathmatch or clan wars. What's the point in trying if it's so damn easy?

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You have anything useful to say...

Yes, you need to turn your head more.

Situational awareness is key.

Sometimes you gotta hunker down, catch your breath, and listen for movement.

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Because this game is like a box of chocolate.


Yep, pretty much "run", "forest", and more "run". :)

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If you can play for a day straight' date=' get the rarest items in the game with your friend including map and NV goggles and then some random asshole out of nowhere just kills you, and you can't even tell from where did he shoot from or anything about him (even who he is) then what's the point in playing this game? You can just get killed anywhere at any time with 1 shot you don't have any time to react or do ANYTHING.

You're cautiously walking inside of a building and BANG you're dead. There was nothing you can do. It is unfair punishing the player for something he had no control over. If it wouldn't be a 1hit death then maybe you could do something.

There are no killcams or anything either so you can't even tell where your enemy is. He an just camp there all day.


Alright listen...just some tipps when you come from shooters with smaller maps:

* scan the area, best is if you have binocs or a scope

* take your time, this is not a game where you rush in

* always use cover if you think someone could be around

* if someone is good at aiming and you are an easy target (i.e. no cover, no movement, not proned..), there is not much you can do..so avoid such situation as much you can.

* last but not least....the situation you describe can happen to everyone

This game offers not tiny maps like most shooters but rather a game world which simulates the real world. If you watch on youtube combat footage from Afghanistan for example, you will notice that often the military has no clue about enemies position, sometimes for hours...we dont have this ingame, its more easy to detect but rifles/players are more accurate when it comes to shootings.

Of course there is an advantage for someone who camps a certain area, especially with a sniper rifle. This is just one part of the thrill ingame. Even there would be killcams, what help would it give you anyway if you spawn back on the beach miles away.

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Okay. Hang on. Let's break this down if you want a real discourse:

What is the game lacking that you feel your experience could have been bettered by? We can't prove you wrong or right because you didn't give us any real input, here. You just asked what's the point in trying. Well, the point in trying is to have fun.

So what would have been a better outcome/scenario?

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Pretty much everyone in this topic:

"Herp derp casual"

You have anything useful to say' date=' like prove me wrong maybe? Some of you did that, but most of you are just whining about how "casuals/codfags" are ruining your game.


Because you sound like a herp derp casual?

I think everyone has proven you wrong. The game is about skill. It's completely about skill. The guy that killed you had skill, you had none. Killcams and being able to take 10 bullets before you die is a crutch for people without skill, to make a game more available to a wider range of people. DayZ is not meant to be for a wider range of people.

Okay. Hang on. Let's break this down if you want a real discourse:

What is the game lacking that you feel your experience could have been bettered by? We can't prove you wrong or right because you didn't give us any real input' date=' here. You just asked what's the point in trying. Well, the point in trying is to have fun.

So what would have been a better outcome/scenario?


He kills the guy after being shot in the face and then T-bags him while looting.

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Pretty much everyone in this topic:

"Herp derp casual"

You have anything useful to say' date=' like prove me wrong maybe? Some of you did that, but most of you are just whining about how "casuals/codfags" are ruining your game.


And here you have it folks. This is the end result of schools/parents/games spoonfeeding and coddling everyone into thinking that they're always going to win and bebetter than everyone else....

In real life, you won't always know where the bullet that ends your life is coming from. Just like you probably won't be able to take 5 fucking rounds in the chest like call of duty.

This is a milsim...learn to adapt or leave.

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Right, Publik. He wouldn't be here if he didn't die. But that's not to say he doesn't have some kind of useful input. Or at least input we can use to justify our position and make him realize there's a reason he died, and it is because you don't find the juggernaught perk with NVGs and a silenced M4.

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It's a core mechanic and as others have (rather harshly) said it's central to the experiance, and there are things YOU could have done.

If you want to survive on more then just luck always take your time, and always scope out a situation before comiting.

Except for glitches i have never died when being more carful and aware wouldn't have helped me.

That said i still belive somthing needs to be done with the PVP system in it's current state ;)

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So far all my PvP deaths (not counting bugs/lag) were caused by mistakes. Being careless, underestimating your enemy, not enough recon/observing, bad positioning, bad RoE, being impatient and so on... You know, military stuff. The core game of the mod is a milsim so that makes sense. Go to a high traffic area, find a good vantage point with cover and sit there waiting for your target for HOURS = valid tactic both IRL and ingame. However I don't know where the fun is in that as its effortless and not always rewarding. Having to use actual tactics and think on the move is much more fun, but you'll die to campers and there's not much you can do about them. But I don't care much. I was having fun for an hour meanwhile this guy was sitting here scratching his butt the entire time. I win.

Also I found myself having this bad habit: The more better equip I have the more cocky and careless I feel. Forgetting that a bullet to the head is still a bullet to the head and not even the best rifle is going to make you invincible if you're careless and if you get into bad situation, your leet equip is just as good as the starting gear. Unlike in RPGs where good gear vs starting gear usually results in stupid dmg calculation where you can basically fall asleep during combat and the guy with low lvl won't be able to kill you during that day :D

That said, I'd like to add that I ragequitted after I died to a winchester after controlling the lives and movement of every player in a kilometers radius around airfield with my L85 with thermal and night vision :/ Got impatient with looting and forgot to scan enough.

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There is another important tip, which I actually recommand to everyone !

Go and play some multiplayer rounds with the original Arma 2 game modes, this will help you to see from what distance people are actually attacking, how weapons perform and it will help you a lot aswell to survive in DayZ. You get a lot more practice with weapons and an overview.

Some player just jump into DayZ, doing not even the boot camp of the game or any offline/mutliplayer missions.

Really...do this.

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The game is unforgiving, sometimes you will die and there is nothing you can do about it. I've found though I die mostly from screwing up or cutting corners, and if I think about it, it was avoidable.

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The simple fact is that, yes, sometimes somebody will get the drop on you and you will die and lose all of your hard earned gear. It isn't a big deal: I die, I can get an ALICE pack, a decent primary, a secondary, and a metric ton of survival gear by the end of the day. Hell, sometimes I've done it inside of an hour. After that, I start surviving again - sometimes for a week, sometimes for an hour. That's what keeps me coming back: death is semi-permanent, and as such, every single moment is tense, every single conflict leaves your hands shaking from real adrenaline rushes - hell, I've had a gunfight with a man that was using a crossbow, and another where I managed to outmaneuver another player with an M16 with my Makarov. It can be tough, but it gets easier as you keep going.

You wanna talk about unfair, though? I had a DMR, all the tools, an ALICE pack, so on and so forth - and when I was navigating through the jungle at night I slipped into a pond and was instantly treading water. I couldn't get my bearings, spent maybe eight seconds in the water, and lost everything. Because I got careless and sloppy for one second. No joke. That's how it works in this game. If you want something a bit more user friendly, by all means, we don't want to waste your time with a game that does nothing but piss you off. If you want to stick around and meet the challenge, though, go for it. It can be very fun.

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OP has a point, but still has it all wrong.

The game is about survival. You see how long you can survive. Well, 97% of your survival involves running around a 225km map. Running. This is my main issue with the game. I spend hours upon hours traveling. Only minutes are spent scavenging, only seconds to a few minutes are spent in zombie killing and even shootouts with other survivors. Once I had an SVD. I was just running along very far north when I spotted a random survivor running along some trees and thought hell I'll kill him, and in one shot over 300m away he was dead and it was the first time I'd ever fired that gun. So it was that damn easy to just randomly murder another person who had probably been running for hours to get to the spot where they were. Not too long after this similar deal happened to me, but I went back North spent several hours getting there and was shot going by a small town on a very low population server. So the issue isn't "What is the point in trying?"...it's all about "Why even bother going that far north?"

So now I just go to a few deer stands and towns slightly north and come back and just kill people in the south because there is no point in wasting time going so far north. :) Once I die near the south I'm not too far from where I died and from the locations I got my loot from. Many other people make this same decision on how to play the game because they are just stuck in between the "casual" and "hardcore". The kind of people who like a challenge, but don't have a lot of time to play or simply don't feel like risking their day off getting a gun they wanted just to be killed at random at the end of the day. Regardless of how good you are at ArmA2 gameplay you will never get enough kills or enjoy the time with a specific rare gun long enough to warrant the amount of time it takes to get to the north.

DayZ kicks ass. It's the best thing to happen in a long time. It just has that unfortunate flaw of requiring massive amounts of time running which no one enjoys doing.

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The possibility that you could get ganked at any moment is a critical feature of the game. Admittedly, in a 4-5 hour play session, there may only be a few minutes of actual, intense action, but without the constant threat of engagement the game would lose a lot of its character (and appeal).

That being said, there does need to be mid-to-end game content - it's cool to get spec'ed out with all the high end gear, but what can you really do with it? If you just want to scavenge gear and "survive" the M1911 (or maybe the M9 SD) and a whinny are more then sufficient to hold off the zombie hordes. Reality is the high end gear only really comes in useful against other players. That is a totally legitimate use for it, but, unless some interesting new content is introduced (I know this is still in alpha so I expect there will be), the end game will consist of either hunting, or at the very least getting into fire fights, with other players. Like I said earlier, I think those aspects are super cool and fun, but they can't be all there is.

Personally, I would like to see the game evolve so that the further you go north, the more progressive the zombie horde/difficulty would get, but the better the loot. You'd need to scavenge the coastal cities to get equipment that would allow you to explore further north, loot the next tier of cities, gear up from that, and continue north. This would also have the added benefit of utilizing some of those smaller towns the north that currently don't serve much of a purpose, unless you are in desperate need of a can of beans. By the time you get to Stary and NWA they should be over run with Zeds, to the point that without appropriate gear, and probably a coordinate group of players, looting (and camping) those area's would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Taking a group photo inside the barracks at NWA should be a noteworthy achievement, due not just to the PvP aspect, but also the PvE.

Along with permadeath, this would present a longer term challenge then is currently in the game, get much more use out of the smaller settlements that are basically unused right now and provide something else for higher end characters to do other then look for other survivors.

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Honestly if the game world would be not that big, I would not play it....just imagine 50 people on a map like in COD or BF3, this would be insane and not fun.

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Alright listen...just some tipps when you come from shooters with smaller maps:

* scan the area' date=' best is if you have binocs or a scope

* take your time, this is not a game where you rush in

* always use cover if you think someone could be around


Lemme fix that last tip....

*always use cover. always use cover. always use cover.

I dont care if you are in the woods on the least traveled part of the map. You don't EVER step away from that single rule. Use every last shrub, building, rock or fence line to your advantage. If your intention is survival, this is not ever negotiable.

Also, don't only plan your infiltration route, but your exfiltration as well. And as you are moving be aware at all times where your next cover would be if the shit hits the fan, and when it does, you will already have a course of action in mind.

Someone else already said it best: Play this game as if it is your own life is on the line.

Sure you can run around and deathmatch and have some fun, but this game has so much more to offer if you can get into the whole deeper more serious spirit of it.

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What are you talking about? It isn't about skill or anything' date=' the guy killed me before I could do anything about it. You can't "learn" to be more careful, because no matter how careful you are someone will kill you out of nowhere. It's like some sort of insanity test.


This is wrong. It is *extremely* hard to be killed if you play the game right. You should hear OTHER people before they hear you. At worst you should BOTH be aware of each other, making it a legit fight. Judging by your complaint, other people see/hear you while you have no idea they're there.

Take the time to sweep (or at least scope out) the treeline before entering a city. Find the best place to enter without being seen. Keep track of what positions you have cover against and which you don't. Keep a sharp eye on the positions you're vulnerable against. Figure out where a sniper would be hiding. In general there are very few positions that give snipers good coverage of the entire city. So either you can easily hide from them, or easily find them. Peek around corners/entrances before going in.

SNEAKING is overrated. It's for zombies. It doesn't mean you're not completely visible to players. I see so many newbies who are crouch walking around but not using cover or keeping an eye on anything but the building they're about to enter. It's just bad play.

Go watch some videos and see how other players play.

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I'm on day 15 with my current char. I'm playing (almost) daily for several hours. I'm not hiding in the wilderness, I go raiding the NW airfield, Stary and Berezino all the time. Sometimes alone, sometimes with a group of buddies. It's not THAT difficult to survive. Yes, sometimes it's just bad luck, nothing you can do about it. But 90%+ of the people I've killed made it FAR to easy for me by being careless and/or simply stupid. Most importantly, few non-ArmA veterans seem to understand how important it is to observe your surroundings. And no, watching that entrance for 5 seconds it NOT "observing".

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