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I had a cool flame design #8 motorcycle, turned into bicycle.

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I found an overturned flame painted red motorcycle with a number 8. Somebody had given up trying to upright it. I gassed it up and messed with it for about 2-3 minutes and wham, I was up and off. I had it for a few days(z), but like all things Chenarus it was ephemeral--maybe scripted-in in the first place. After the beta update of Arma, it turned into an ordinary crappy bike. Anybody know about this motorcycle type, or why this happened?

Also, do bicycles fix themselves after server restarts, or do you have to fix them with the toolbox?

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Oh, yeah, totally gutless. I have a real life 650xr.

So obviously Arma2 has a plethora vehicle models and colors, its too bad Dayz only uses, or seems to use, a few--I know its in keeping with rural Russia realism though.

So does anyone know, will I ever see this model again?

Edited by mjp808

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Recently the bike I found fixed itself by jumping off then on again, no parts needed--although I did have the toolbox, I didn't "use" it.

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