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Stepping on Yellow Jacket nest.

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Random spots on maps that if you step on you get attacked by yellow jackets or Honey bees. You have to run a certain distance while they chase you, stinging you the whole time. The don't do any damage but every second you are being stung increases your chances of going into Anaphylaxis, your breathing becomes raspy and loud and your vision blurs, then you go unconcious after a couple of minutes like this you then die. This could be cured by using and Epi pen.

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I'm all for seeing more random events and interactions with the world. More uses for medicine is also a plus in my eyes.

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how about...they do small damage and have a high chance of causing pain along with blocking vision as they fly around you vision? as irl not everyone is allergic, and this is basically random death you cant really avoid.

Edited by t3hnoob

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PLz no random hazzards that can come down to "you is unlucky, go f*ck yourself". I want to look infront of me not sniffing the ground like my bloodhound.

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Sounds stupid... I dont want bees just randomly attack me middle of no where, There should be visible nest or someting + sound so you could have option to go around...

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It could more so be something super rare if you found a bee box thing and want to harvest the honey or whatever you have a chance at being bee raped but none of this randomly stand on something then get attcked.. you should have full knowledge you are provoking teh beez

please excuse my bee talk as you ppl can tell i know so much about them and im feeling somewhat lazy at the moment trying to log into cherno to kill bandits

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no point in having bees if you cannot defend yourself and cannot see your target

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I don't think yellowjacket wasps are found in Europe, and therefore not in Chernarus. Aren't the zombies, bandits, snipers and jason Voorhees wannabes enough for you sadist players? :D

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I support he motion if there's a beekeeper's suit added accordingly! I might give up the way of the gun and set up a honey production. With that I tame bears and finally rule the world!

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