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Dayz Panthera - Official downloads, info and discussion

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Hello everyone,

some of you may have noticed that a new map for DayZ has arrived. Panthera Island, made by famous IceBreakr is waiting for you to discover and scavenge it.

Simply follow this link http://www.tunngle.n...to-version-1-3/ to get all the information needed to play/host this map, report Bugs or get help when you have trouble. I will announce updates here but the detailed informatins will always be given over there at Tunngle to reduce the risk of providing wrong information in one of the forums due to brainlag or whatever. Stay tuned for updates!

Current Version:

Client Files:V1_3

Server Files (just the mission):V1_0

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Respect for coding this map to DayZ mate, i have altered my post in this section to link to your original tunngle post. Looking forward to see how it grows

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>.< I've died twice to steep cliffs...

Lol.... and I swear this map is full of Mike Tyson Zombies xD

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Superb map with some stunning topography/scenery. Way better than Lingor Island. All buildings enterable.

Has v1.3 fixed the occasional rubberbanding in some doorways ie the barracks?

Many thanks for putting in the good work. Our clan will hopefully be hosting this soon.

EDIT*bean giving ain't working atm!!

Props to IceBreakr. Took him 3 months to make this superb map and it shines

Edited by bogroll

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Hello everyone,

some of you may have noticed that a new map for DayZ has arrived. Panthera Island, made by famous IceBreakr is waiting for you to discover and scavenge it.

Simply follow this link http://www.tunngle.n...to-version-1-3/ to get all the information needed to play/host this map, report Bugs or get help when you have trouble. I will announce updates here but the detailed informatins will always be given over there at Tunngle to reduce the risk of providing wrong information in one of the forums due to brainlag or whatever. Stay tuned for updates!

Current Version:

Client Files:V1_3

Server Files (just the mission):V1_0

Intereseted in hosting a server with this. Will contact you in a few days. GREAT JOB - You have my beans

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You have loads of players waiting to be added... just saying. :b

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Rocket give Icebreakr a Job as MapDesigner!

This guy know how to make awesome Maps!

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Hello everyone,

many people struggle with half empty servers, of all when running a new map/mod that is not common to other players. Because of that I decided to advertise some Servers here to lure some players :P.

- We begin with Dayzland-Community ( http://www.dayzland.eu/ ) this mostly german but very friendly and open to non german speaking players community hosts a whitelisted Panthera Server that is quite midi populated. Admins are present most of the day without abusing any power at all (had some cool matches with them). Just sign-up on the page and follow the steps to be whitelisted automaticly. You can also always find the most recent files on their page.

-And my very own. It used a whitelsit till now but I decided to open it for the public. Grab the most recent files at tunngle and connect to Port:6302 or just search for newcommunity in the serverbrowser.

Will be outsourced into a seperate thread this afternoon. Serverhosts can PM me here with the details of their server. Get them ppl to play this shit!

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So last night i noticed a new map called Panthera available to download. Ive played it for a couple hours and came to the decision it will be a good one. the steep mountains and wooded areas, with a high vehicle count has already given me some intense playtime in the short while of having it downloaded.

the first 30 minutes i was playing, i found the Osprey at the north airfield and was flying around the whole map.

(very hard to fly btw, for me anyways)

If anyone else has already played the map, please give your personal opinion of it

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Is this map on DayZ commander?

I really want to try it.

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Yeah i enjoyed playing it, had a bit of a DayZ moment where my car was flung 150m in the air spinning and upon impact on the floor blowing up and dieing, the only thing that bugged me is the "creator" of the map had scaled some building down and i cant fit through some doors and ontop of that i look like a giant in some of the scaled down buildings :P

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Yea the barrack doors are an extremely annoying bug (you can crawl through them but I have already been sniped doing this so be careful), but it is pretty fun otherwise. Might even give lingor a challenge for my favorite new map.

Zargabad (I think) is a fun casual map, like a far better Utes.

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Panthera Island has taken the spotlight and is my favourite map by far now. "Small but big" is what I'd call it, and with all the vehicles (80 on the private hive I'm hosting) there is action at most places and times and it's always easy to get around the island.

Been flying the Osprey for a while aswell, landing in the small villages and such, picking up random paratroopers.

Come play with us!

Search for Two Vikings and there'll be a Chernarus and a Panthera Island with 50 slots.

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Really like it so far. Few obvious landmarks so it's hard to get your bearings.

Very mountainous and I like that.

Few issues; in any case a much more stable and functional release than Crapujah.

Some buildings were scaled down a bit, which bring some problem.

Also, hearing the damn sea while inland in annoying.

had a jolly good time. Rammed a parked Osprey with a pickup, it blew up killing three guys but not me. Good loot afterward.

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My opinion? Hm not sure if I should tell you or if it may disappoint all the vilayer peons. Well here is the truth about "panthera by vilayer":

Dayz was first released on Panthera island at 28th of september not 9. october. It was created for the community and released in the tunngle forums for free and everyone to host and play. It features lootspawns for every custom building adapted mechanics like bottle refill and grabbing fuel at fuelstations to fit the map, something the existing ports never had. Then nearly 2 weeks later DayZ Panthera by vialyer released and guess what, it had lootspawns, something they were never abled to make before. Le me looking up their code, hm nothing else changed, looks fishy, grabs my own code made 2 weeks before and comapres:

My own code:

class Land_afbarabizna: Residential
maxRoaming = 10;
lootPos[] = {
class Land_fuelstation_army: Military
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {};
class Land_army_hut_int: Military
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {
class Land_army_hut3_long_int: Military
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {
class Land_army_hut2_int: Military
maxRoaming = 3;

Their code:

class Land_afbarabizna : Residential {
maxRoaming = 10;
lootPos[] = {{5.24512, 5.37036, -4.19494}, {5.20117, -1.52295, -4.22117}, {-2.97363, -1.07031, -4.22117}, {-2.50391, 5.43677, -4.22117}, {5.04004, -0.233643, -0.168262}};

class Land_fuelstation_army : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {};

class Land_army_hut_int : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {{1.64453, -5.52002, -1.33056}, {0.53125, 1.72607, -1.36391}};

class Land_army_hut3_long_int : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {{-1.72803, -0.726563, -1.23617}, {-2.26416, -4.87402, -1.23617}, {-0.449219, 3.71338, -1.23617}};

class Land_army_hut2_int : Military {
maxRoaming = 3;
lootPos[] = {{0.703369, 0.560547, -0.948328}, {1.6875, -2.17627, -0.948328}};

Damn they must be good, they did not only finaly figure out how to make a damn 10 lines of script to grab those spawn positions they also managed to get exactly the same I have, oh wait no its vilayer, they just copy&pasted it and signed this work of 5 minutes with their name. What else. And then releasing it under their name cutting access to the server files so that only guys who rent their servers can use them. Oh well and dayz commander releases their version so of course clients will only use their version. The result, ppl are forcd to rent servers by them if they want to have clients playing that use dayzcommander. Great company :thumbsup: . Much to be proud of with this work. Not.

Want to play the community version that is more balanced and advanced? Klick here http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/97961-dayz-meets-panthera-island-updated-to-version-1-3/ you find a little list of servers in this forum.

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