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FOURTWOZERO DayZ Panthera [CUSTOM BASES/TERRITORY CONTROL] NL #420 [Private Hive|100 Player]

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High Performance Server

New Map!

100 Players + Full Vehicles & Saves

Capture Bases and Territories

Private Hive

Clans / Groups / Co-Op Buddies Welcome


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FOURTWOZEROGAMING.COM is happy to announce the launch of its latest server, DayZ Panthera. This new unofficial DayZ map, Panthera Island, is based on the Gorenjska region in Slovenia, Europe (which isn't actually an island). Featuring a map the same size as Lingor (and by the same creator), players can explore up to 50 villages across this almost completely accurate remake of the region.

FOURTWOZERO welcomes groups, squads and friends who are seeking a place to play maturely - griefers, cheaters, and hackers will be banned. We will be holding regular events, and also have an official hive Chernarus server, along with a new DayZ Fallujah server. FOURTWOZERO is also recruiting members for its DayZ fireteams, if you are interested in joining please contact WintersWolf on skype: winterswolf- or read our recruitment thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...ero-recruiting/

DayZ Panthera: http://www.tunngle.n...to-version-1-3/

Island Panthera: http://www.armaholic...age.php?id=7467


As part of our initiative to get our players more actively inhabiting the world, rather than living off in isolated locations - we have set up several new bases and outposts. These fortified areas offer the chance for survivors, groups, and clans to take over and defend these locations. Each location has its own benefits for those who control it, whether it be medical supplies or control of the main access to a valuable area. Join our server now, find one of these outposts and claim it to be yours. Check out some screenshots of some early bases below - please note we are currently in a test phase with these bases and currently just have a few on the map to see how they work out. We will be working on more elaborate and detailed bases/outposts in the meantime.

Radovljica NE Airport Checkpoint

Control access to the main entrance to Radovljica airport, located on the North East coast of Panthera Island. This checkpoint was established to stop civilians entering the airport, causing chaos and panic on the runways - now you can use it to control who enters and leaves, or set up the perfect ambush. Benefits: Control of high-traffic road, control one entrance to the airport.


South Shore Outpost

Located on the southern coast of Panthera Island, this small outpost the perfect secluded camp for a group of survivors. With plenty of visibility, and flat open ground surrounding the outpost making it perfect for more tents, vehicles or a helicopter. Benefits: Plenty of flat open ground, secluded area.



West Airport Base

This base located on the western coast of Panthera Island is one of the more well fortified bases on the island. Offering an extremely well fortified perimeter, watch towers, and medical facilities - this was home to some of the last soldiers to make their stand on the island against the undead. Benefits: Medical loot spawn, airport location, easy to defend.





Arnoldstein N Airport Base

Located on the far north coast of Panthera Island is another large base that was the area of operations for freshly landed troops when the outbreak first began on the island. Extremely well fortified, with raised walkways, high visibility and an airport location - this base even comes with a jail perfect for holding bandits or kidnap victims. Benefits: Easy to defend, jail to keep prisoners, airport location.







Edited by WintersWolf
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The Map looks realy beautiful, awesome!

i like the mountain and river in the video.

Beans 4 you :thumbsup: :beans:

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The Map looks realy beautiful, awesome!

i like the mountain and river in the video.

Beans 4 you :thumbsup: :beans:

All credit for the actual map goes to Icebreakr - for anyone who hasn't heard of him before, he's the guy who's repsonsible for Lingor and many other gorgeous islands. Check out his site: http://www.icebreakr.info/

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Nice map, realy nice.

But there are some problems with the barraks doors. You can´t go through, you have to chake and press double w to get in or out.

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Nice map, realy nice.

But there are some problems with the barraks doors. You can´t go through, you have to chake and press double w to get in or out.

Yeah it's the same on Lingor Island, rather annoying. You can get in just fine if you use the bigger side doors though.

Edited by WintersWolf

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What's the launch option command?


Stoners are disgusting, degenerate parasites that should be put to death on sight.

That is all.

You should probably never come to Holland then, unless you want to see some beautiful cities :)

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Had a play earlier it was ok

Lots of glitches flickering bushes, white roads that had been added onto the map and the colour didnt work

High hills not that impressive for ground cover

Black buildings which turn white at wrong angle

No loot that i could find ( didnt find a single thing in nearly an hour ) and yet server was full ish

No zombies either

I think it will need tweaking before i try again

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Well, I started playing on it today. The map is nice. I'm really liking it.

The small bunkers are seriously screwed, though. No getting in the doorway, period. I've read about people having the same problem on Lingor, I've never come across a barrack which I couldn't enter, period, because of the doorway being too small. So don't run in one hoping to find a weapon. Because you'll run in and agro a bunch of zeds only to find out there's no guns in there and the zeds are blocking the only working exit.

I came across 2 of the smaller, single door sheds which had guns in them, but couldn't get in to grab them. I also just came across the same problem with another building. It's the multiple story warehouse which has the slide/chute on the side of it. I could walk in the front doors, but couldn't get through the smaller door leading further inside.

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Had a play earlier it was ok

Lots of glitches flickering bushes, white roads that had been added onto the map and the colour didnt work

High hills not that impressive for ground cover

Black buildings which turn white at wrong angle

No loot that i could find ( didnt find a single thing in nearly an hour ) and yet server was full ish

No zombies either

I think it will need tweaking before i try again

Yeah there's definitely some issues with lighting etc, some buildings cast underground shadows that you can see even without direct LoS. Apparently that and the black buildings turning the wrong colour when you look at them from a particular angle will be fixed on the map soon. As far as the loot and zombies, not sure what happened there - never had any issues although towns can be quite scarce on loot sometimes. Logged in and double checked, zombies and loot appear to be working fine in the few towns i've checked.

Well, I started playing on it today. The map is nice. I'm really liking it.

The small bunkers are seriously screwed, though. No getting in the doorway, period. I've read about people having the same problem on Lingor, I've never come across a barrack which I couldn't enter, period, because of the doorway being too small. So don't run in one hoping to find a weapon. Because you'll run in and agro a bunch of zeds only to find out there's no guns in there and the zeds are blocking the only working exit.

I came across 2 of the smaller, single door sheds which had guns in them, but couldn't get in to grab them. I also just came across the same problem with another building. It's the multiple story warehouse which has the slide/chute on the side of it. I could walk in the front doors, but couldn't get through the smaller door leading further inside.

Yeah it's a problem with some of the doors in the buildings being too small to cleanly get through, you can wiggle through them but it's a pain. Might have to look at replacing these buildings if I can.

Thanks for the feedback guys :)

Edited by WintersWolf

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Being in Australia i wont be able to log on - shame.

Surely the music for your video should have been "Fucking Hostile" by Pantera??

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Being in Australia i wont be able to log on - shame.

Surely the music for your video should have been "Fucking Hostile" by Pantera??

As an Aussie myself, I know your pain of every server being a million miles away :P

And that's not my video, it's Icebreakr's - the creator of the map but yeah would probably have made a different choice on the music haha.

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I did find that the only way to get in is to go up the steps, turn 90 degrees so you're staring at the doorjamb, and while pressing "A" hit "V" at the same time. And as soon as you hit "V" you have to quickly try turning just a touch towards the inside.

Something definitely off between this and Lingor.

But they look exactly the same on both maps. Does something have to be done to structures when adding them to a new map?

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Hey was on the server there now for about half an hr to an hr was fun, server is running great for me loot, zombies etc spawning fine and im really enjoying the map and restarts are announced so will be back after restart oh and my name was Redi :)

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Thx for having a look ill report back if i go in again.

Okay thanks :) I did actually come across a village with no loot - I think it's the way that the loot spawns are dispersed across the map. While loot can potentially spawn in every building on the map, it will try and spread it out across the entire map, leaving some areas empty with no loot.

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I can get in all the doors just by pushing v. you don't have to turn sideways or anything funny but you do have to hit v a lot of the time. Also, I notice no vehicles whatsoever. What's the deal with that?

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