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flower (DayZ)


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I present to you my latest proposal for the DayZ game - Phobias. Phobias develop as the character "progresses" and different encounters presents different types of phobias depending on how they are dealt with. Phobias can't be cured but can be avoided. I can start with a few and perhaps you can add your wish list into the idea pool.

1. Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning = Caused when too close to thunder or lightning.

2. Hemophobia - Fear of blood = Bleeding or see unconscious bleeding person

3. Necrophobia - Fear of dead things = Dead people

4. Ombrophobia - Fear of rain = Body temperature gets too cold from the rain and you develop this phobia

5. Zoophobia - Fear of animals = Too much consumption of animals with no vegetables.

6. Hoplophobia - Fear of weapons = High chance of developing a phobia if traveling with a high caliber rifle (e.g. sniper weapons)


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How about Leguminophobia?

Edited by smasht_AU
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ONE of the worstest ideas ever... omg..

I have phobia for bad ideas.

Edited by Zeppa

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very good idea have a can of beans................now im down to ice cream and sausages

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