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Im a monster!

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I was playing one day and found a guy outside cherno, he eventually talked on proximity chat, i only had a flashlight, him and M4A3 CCO, we went together, him shooting zeds and me with a flashlight, then, i found a hatchet, he accidentally shot me, causing me to lose a lot of blood, but as he went to bandage himself from the Zeds i hatcheted him, then and there, i dont know why, i guess i was nervous, but he shot me, so no humanity lost right? but why would i do that? i wanted to be a hero.

Im sorry Karl henrik, im sorry.

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It was too scary for me, i couldnt trust him, he could have killed me so easily, but, he was helping me, he gave me food, and bandages. oh god why QQ

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Lol, If I didnt trust someone I had teamed up with I would have not said anything, but left at the first chance I got.

I would have no intention of harming someone without cause, but if they seemed dodgy I would slip away when they are distracted with picking something up and just get out of there rather than wait around for them to decide they have had enough of my company

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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i know but it was one of my first games.. does he know i killed him? As far as he knows it could have been a zombie? im sorry D:

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lol yeah right. he knows you killed him, most likely. unless there were several zombies hitting him at that moment, but i'm guessing not since he stopped to bandage.

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Its funny I don't trust anyone in this game. But I have made several trades and most of those guys I would roll with. Some I would not. Some people are just shady.

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It was too scary for me, i couldnt trust him, he could have killed me so easily, but, he was helping me, he gave me food, and bandages. oh god why QQ

I team up with someone if they have the will to, and they have the respect and decency not to get in my way. That way, everyone can play it safe. If they happen to kill me, I just leave his name on my "Delivery List", and possibly get Derpy to handle them for me. And, if I feel real good, I will look for them myself.

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hatchet/1 ass hat with CCO/0 you buried him for his inability to perform his duties properly shooting on accident is not acceptable.

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If this makes you a monster, I must be Satan.

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I tried being friendly the first time I logged in a private hive, thinking I'd start fresh and maybe even go for the hero skin ...I didn't last a day. People would say they're friendly and then shoot you in the back when they know there's almost no chance to get shot back at - back to being a bandit and dying a lot less! :)

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You must be new here.

Edited by Kimberlah

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I tried being friendly the first time I logged in a private hive, thinking I'd start fresh and maybe even go for the hero skin ...I didn't last a day. People would say they're friendly and then shoot you in the back when they know there's almost no chance to get shot back at - back to being a bandit and dying a lot less! :)

I may kill people, but if I say "I won't shoot you", I wont. People seem to think that being a murderer means they can be deceiving assholes as well.

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Who says it was an accidental shot. You got him before he finished you off.

Kill or be killed that's the only way to play.

Edited by WildWackyActionBike

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