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Today I killed someone in Elektro and on his body was an AS50 TWS. Since it was better than my Ak I took it.

It wasn't until after I had finished playing I found out it was a hacked in weapon.

Is it wrong to keep it and if so where should I leave it?

Edited by cooper2244

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It's only wrong if you SPAWN the weapon, so usually you can take it without concern. However, some servers might not allow "illegal" weapons on their servers, which sometimes can lead to you being kicked, losing all your things, or even killed.

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It depends, do you consider yourself a legit player, or someone who thinks they are the only important one in the game?

Admins will ban you (server ban), people who kill you will think you are a script bitch, but if you don't care about how others see you, by all means keep it.

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No it isn't illegal to use, just morally questionable, since you have an illegitimate advantage and are furthering the use of the hacked weapon after you die and someone else takes it from you.

Question has been answered and we do see a lot of these kind of threads so I'm going to close this one.


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