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Shiting in the woods, pissing and diarrhoea.

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I am not trying to be funny, we will probably not see this being Implemented but i could see some funny gameplay of this and more player decisions.

A few Examples

A new way to give away your position as you Shit yourself with diarrhoea :huh:

Getting hypothermia because you Pissed yourself

you got to lay a brick if you have the "Entrenchment Tool" do do you take the time to barry it

Does the smell attract the Z's, Wolves...

Diarrhoea a way to Dehydrate quickly


Edited by thomas28
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I was thinking more along the lines of - Find clan camp, find their closest water source, make that the new shit pot. Then see how long it takes for anyone to notice.

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Bodily functions CANNOT and MUST NOT be implemented.

Otherwise we will have trolling retards that takes a dump wherever they can, mostly in high populated areas, Cherno, Elektro, Stary and NW AF.

Haven't we had enough of retards barb-wireing every step of the way? Just wait until they get their hands on a standalone with bodily functions, NW AF runway, or tents in Stary covered in feces doesn't sound very attractive...

Edited by narsil
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Bodily functions CANNOT and MUST NOT be implemented.

Otherwise we will have trolling retards that takes a dump wherever they can, mostly in high populated areas, Cherno, Elektro, Stary and NW AF.

Haven't we had enough of retards barb-wireing every step of the way? Just wait until they get their hands on a standalone with bodily functions, NW AF runway, or tents in Stary covered in feces doesn't sound very attractive...

Taking a dump will be in the standalone and I think players can get infected by it. Also Zeds will vomit blood, kinda like 28 days/weeks later.

Edited by 12BotG

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Otherwise we will have trolling retards that takes a dump wherever they can, mostly in high populated areas, Cherno, Elektro, Stary and NW AF.

I believe it's being introduced specifically to reduce the likelyhood of everyone crowding in one area for long.

Disease spreads more vigorously in highly populated area.

EDIT: New level of authenticity, the future of gaming. "Oh fuck, we all just drank out of sumbodys shit pit." "TO THE HOSPITAL!" - The adventure begins.

Edited by Chabowski
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Love how Mr. Teeny offers the banana to sideshow Mel at the end of that clip.

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Clearly nobody here has been in the bush for a long time. Hygene, pissing, poop is big concern. Around camp sites you have to go 50meters minium and bury it. More uses for the ET (i have one irl for that purpose!) But its not just poop and piss. Its cleanliness. You stink after a few days in the bush and the clothes you where make a huge impact on that. Washing bodies in lakes, hand sanitation...so many here is a list

-Hand hygiene, this is how most illness is picked up. Animals carry bacteria on their bodies, blood and hoofs. So do dead bodies and sick players. When dealing with poop, dead boides/animals players need to wash hands. By water bottle, lake, portable hand sanitiser. This would effect eating/drinking. If you don't wash yourself before eating/drinking you run a good risk of getting sick.

-Showers. Need to bathe every 3 days for general hygiene and cloth degredation. Done in water sources. What would this effect? Zombies picking up scent and walking in your direction, animals picking up scent and running away, maybe an indication of player proximity by a audio cue if very smelly

-Trolling an area by shitting? Ever heard of the saying don't shit where you eat?

- Night time in the outdoors is freezing, espieclly in Russia. We need more complex clothing layering, not just three sets if clothes.

-Clothes what impact can we have on players?

*Ghille Suits are hot. Make palyers run slower, drink more, get very cold in the rain, stink more

*Finding thermal layers/outdoor clothes for night time.

Ultimatly the night cycle should be decreased in time so players don't get bored but this will mean that night time becomes its own complex sub game, getting caught in the open, making fire, getting good cloth layers, if it rains you need to light a fire (in cover) to get warm ASAP or hypothermia sets in. That is on top of zombie/player combat/navigation at night. We havn't yet seen how terrfiying a night actually can be in DayZ...cold rain at night is my bush nightmare...you can't get warm...you can't light a fire....you best hope you have spare clothes and or a warm sleeping bag or you're in for misery

Edited by Trizzo
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You are well versed in shitting outside, I applaud you. *clap clap clap*

Guessing your high horse shits in the woods too.

Don't get so serious. It's called banter ffs.

Ever heard of the saying, "Party Pooper"?

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You are well versed in shitting outside, I applaud you. *clap clap clap*

Guessing your high horse shits in the woods too.

Don't get so serious. It's called banter ffs.

Ever heard of the saying, "Party Pooper"?

Okay, i'll keep it at your prefered level of banter. Don't want to try to make considerate suggestions, don't want to draw on real world experience to try to balance out a much maligned idea, I might get accused of being on a "high horse", here i go.

"Poop is sticky haha, im going to throw them around" "Yep poo is good, im going to shit places" "fo sho rocket, add that shit"

Edited by Trizzo
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Clearly nobody here has been in the bush for a long time.

-Trolling an area by shitting? Ever heard of the saying don't shit where you eat?

I am pretty sure most people are familiar with camping and toilet niceties in the bush :)

And trolling by shitting..do you seriously think this will NOT happen ? There will be great fucking turds everywhere..why ? Because they can. Welcome to Elktroturd and Churnard , the reek will be smelt for miles. You will not be able to navigate around the place because of the turds.

No thanks.

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I am pretty sure most people are familiar with camping and toilet niceties in the bush :)

And trolling by shitting..do you seriously think this will NOT happen ? There will be great fucking turds everywhere..why ? Because they can. Welcome to Elktroturd and Churnard , the reek will be smelt for miles. You will not be able to navigate around the place because of the turds.

No thanks.

The quote isn't a bush saying :P It can be used in many contexts...like when someone starts dating someones ex, "don't shit where you eat man"...

There will poetic justice when a turd troll runs in to take a dump and gets sick but a balanced hyigene mechanic would fix this. You can't have poop without a way to clean hands. That would be unbalanced....i just have no idea how it would be implemented...i don't think it will be added right away but i support a hyigene mechanic.

Edited by Trizzo

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I am pretty sure most people are familiar with camping and toilet niceties in the bush :)

And trolling by shitting..do you seriously think this will NOT happen ? There will be great fucking turds everywhere..why ? Because they can. Welcome to Elktroturd and Churnard , the reek will be smelt for miles. You will not be able to navigate around the place because of the turds.

No thanks.

I can just see it now... Hacker scripts in shitloads of poo, players wade through a sea of faeces waist deep.

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Okay, i'll keep it at your prefered level of banter. Don't want to try to make considerate suggestions

An, as of now, unimplemented "possible" feature, is the least of my worries when it comes to real world inaccuracies. For example, I could get power on in any one of those abandoned houses in the map if there was a car nearby. But that's not the point

Drawing form personal knowledge is great. But if you had read the opening post, you would realise this is NOT the thread for the serious discussion of woodland etiquette or the logistics of dropping a log.

td:dr - ha ha, turds

EDIT: There's a LOT of chatter Rocketside about disease and medical care, I would be VERY surprised if that didn't include a set of in depth mechanics regarding cleanliness.

Edited by Chabowski

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I think it would be great to add a system for cleanliness but I agree with everyone else. Turds, turds everywhere.

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The quote isn't a bush saying :P It can be used in many contexts...like when someone starts dating someones ex, "don't shit where you eat man"...

There will poetic justice when a turd troll runs in to take a dump and gets sick but a balanced hyigene mechanic would fix this. You can't have poop without a way to clean hands. That would be unbalanced....i just have no idea how it would be implemented...i don't think it will be added right away but i support a hyigene mechanic.

Thats ok..i know the saying lol :) Like i said, i am fairly wary of any in game poop/wee action. Maybe if you can only take a dump in the wooden shitters or only after you have dug a hole..and the log will only plop in said hole. Otherwise the whole map will be a shitfest in a manner of hours.

How do you stop people from dropping turds all over the place in a video game ? You cant unless you reestrict the mechanic or dsimply do not introduce it..actually speaking of..have you seen this ..


Thats as close to taking a dump as i want to get in this game..notice i hiked up into the scrub ;)

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Thats ok..i know the saying lol :) Like i said, i am fairly wary of any in game poop/wee action. Maybe if you can only take a dump in the wooden shitters or only after you have dug a hole..and the log will only plop in said hole. Otherwise the whole map will be a shitfest in a manner of hours.

How do you stop people from dropping turds all over the place in a video game ? You cant unless you reestrict the mechanic or dsimply do not introduce it..actually speaking of..have you seen this ..


Thats as close to taking a dump as i want to get in this game..notice i hiked up into the scrub ;)

I agree that people will misuse this when implemented (since Rocket said that we gonna have a system close to this on the stand alone). But not implementing things that brings realism and authenticity to the game because of trollers/kiddies/f..tards is really not a good excuse. If you take everything that people improperly use, why don't you start with the AS50 or, even better, take all weapons from the game and prevent any kind of interaction. That way you can have your game clean, safe... and boring.

If toilet feature is implemented, I think it would be more of a burden than pure entertainment. If you are making a #2, probably you will be disarmed with your pants down, literally for some time (3 minutes?). I would love shoot bandits shitting on Cherno or Electro!

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I agree that people will misuse this when implemented (since Rocket said that we gonna have a system close to this on the stand alone). But not implementing things that brings realism and authenticity to the game because of trollers/kiddies/f..tards is really not a good excuse. If you take everything that people improperly use, why don't you start with the AS50 or, even better, take all weapons from the game and prevent any kind of interaction. That way you can have your game clean, safe... and boring.

If toilet feature is implemented, I think it would be more of a burden than pure entertainment. If you are making a #2, probably you will be disarmed with your pants down, literally for some time (3 minutes?). I would love shoot bandits shitting on Cherno or Electro!

Anything implemented into a game is open to tardness. Anything involved with shit is open to levels of tardness never yet seen in games. You cannot compare shit and the as50..it is a whole different thing clearly. Where did anyone mention a clean safe boring game ? Are you even following this thread Shigz or did you just engage fingers and not your brain ?

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I don't think actually excretion is necessary. All he has to do is have the hive log where people usually disconnect for the night at the end of their gaming session. Then if many people use a similar area to disconnect it will become more prone to disease.

Having to leave your gear on a bank to clean off in a lake would be an interesting risk though.

tldr: disconnect = poop.

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Surely all the dead players would get shit on.

Exactly what I think when someone suggests this xD

"Get shit on" literally.

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Bodily functions CANNOT and MUST NOT be implemented.

Otherwise we will have trolling retards that takes a dump wherever they can, mostly in high populated areas, Cherno, Elektro, Stary and NW AF.

Haven't we had enough of retards barb-wireing every step of the way? Just wait until they get their hands on a standalone with bodily functions, NW AF runway, or tents in Stary covered in feces doesn't sound very attractive...


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I don't think actually excretion is necessary. All he has to do is have the hive log where people usually disconnect for the night at the end of their gaming session. Then if many people use a similar area to disconnect it will become more prone to disease.

Having to leave your gear on a bank to clean off in a lake would be an interesting risk though.

tldr: disconnect = poop.

So now you want the hive pushing out logs as well...jayzuz :D

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If we're pooping we're gonna need something to wipe with, last bandage anyone?

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