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Fellow DayZ Survivors/Heroes/Nice Guys (Tips and Tricks) and I want YOUR tips and tricks too.

DayZ Survivor Survey (Statistics are FUN!)  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. How likely are you to help someone you don't know in DayZ?

    • Always
    • Somewhat Likely
    • Very Unlikely
    • No. Nope. Nope. Nope.
    • Survival of the fittest
  2. 2. If you do help someone, how often do they turn on you?

  3. 3. Do you lure people in just to kill them? (BE HONEST)

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Fellow DayZ Survivors/Medics/Heroes/Good guys in general,

Let's share tips and trick on how NOT to get your ass shot off when trying to be a DayZ medic shall we? Let's talk about how not to be taken by surprise when attempting a rescue/taxi/help mission, basics and strategy.

1. Chat

  • When a server has global side chat enabled, announce who you are and what your intentions are. I feel that making a joke or two tends to get you killed less. Don't over do it, just get a feel of who is in the server.

  • Watch for people calling out pvp or who those people involved may be. There's nothing like getting lured in by a bandit and his buddies fresh out of a fight only to become a bullet sponge.

  • Tell people the services you're offering (That's what she said...) Blood/Morphine/Antibiotics/Ect.

  • Don't tell people your location, YOU GO TO THEM! This gives you the upper hand in the case of hostiles.

2.1 Supplies

  • Only take as many requests as your backpack can hold. For every one person you go to help:

1 Food/Water

1 Blood Bag

1 EpiPen

1 Morphine

1 or more bandages

You don't want to arrive to a rescue only to find someone blacked out and unable to communicate - Carry an EpiPen.

Nor do you want to show up and find out that a blood bag will only go so far when they're hemorrhaging due to dehydration or they're starving. A few extra supplies can go a long way.

  • You may want to help but remember you can't help unless you're alive. YOUR SURVIVAL IS THEIR SURVIVAL! Get together what you need first, patients second.

  • The minimum backpack necessary for medical missions is at the very least a Czech backpack.

  • FIND A MAP! Or try to be as familiar with the map as you can. (If all else fails, find one online) Minutes can be the difference between a rescue and zed chow or bandit bait. Try to get your patient to tell you their coordinates close enough to be in "Direct Communication" range. If it's a highly populated server and they aren't sure where they are or can't give you a general location it might be a lost cause. Try to help but if someone else need you then move on.

2.2 Finding Supplies

  • Hospitals/Military Medical Tents/Helicopter Crash Sites.

  • If you're going to play on an unfamiliar map, try to find one online and look it over a few times to know where your hospitals are at least. You wouldn't just go on a road trip without looking at some kind of map would you? The same should go for any DayZ map.

3. Approaching The Patient/Passenger

**This is where your best judgement comes in to play. One of the top rules you should live by in DayZ is "Be wary of other survivors and don't trust anyone". This will keep you alive and living to give transfusions another day.**

  • If it's not an absolute emergency, approach on "high ground". Get a visual on them before they get one on you. Weapon? Bandit Skin? Hear any flies or see bodies of other players around?

  • DRIVE PAST THEM! Drive past and swing back around. Why? Have your patient/passenger stand beside the road. Look for a few things-Weapons, Bandit skin, other players. This is why I suggest you drive by: If the pick up was intended to be an ambush, they usually fire once you pass them. If you had slowed down on the approach to pick them up that would put them at the upper hand. THEN swing back around and pick them up

  • Watch for the ones that are very geared up. Example: Gillie Suit, Camo Clothing, High tier weapons. Although they may need help, approach with extreme caution. Once again, use your better judgement. They've obviously been around a while and done well, always expect everyone to be hostile. Even the fresh spawns with a hatchet can be a threat.

  • Always know your way out! Know your egress, know what you're going to do if there' an ambush. If things go "tits up" know you won't go "belly up".

All that being said, I want to hear your guys tips and tricks for being a hero amongst the zombie dead and living dangerous. I have a few more and will edit it here in a bit. Until then, lets see what you have to offer.

Edited by KatieKillz
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Oops... I shot you and took you Supplies :)

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Great survival tips

1 - Don't be a medic

2 - Don't give lifts to strangers in your vehicle

3 - Scan as far ahead as possible 99% of the sniperkiddie shit lickers can't even hit with an AS50 past 500 meters, if you spot them 1st from 900 meters you can perform long range brain surgery.

4 - Dont rescue somebody you don't personally know from at least your teamspeak and even then don't bother unless they have very good kit thats worth saving.

5 - If it does go Tits up win the fire fight before attempting to extract. If you attempt extraction while the enemy is not at the least supressed your likely going to get chased down and shot in the back (Grenades are good for this).

6 - If you know you're doomed eat all your meat and inject all your morphines so they get less loot from you.

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I'm very unlikely to help another person if he has a hacked in weapon and a ghillie suit (I know he would shoot me just for laughs, so I'm gonna take the advantage and kill him instead). If he has the survivor outfit and a winchester, then we can talk though.

And I would never turn back on someone after they have been friendly enough not to shoot me, I'm not lame like that.

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Become well practiced with "common" weapons: AK's, 1911, etc. The less rare "goodies" you're carrying, the less likely your "patient" is to shoot you in the back.

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I'm very unlikely to help another person if he has a hacked in weapon and a ghillie suit (I know he would shoot me just for laughs, so I'm gonna take the advantage and kill him instead). If he has the survivor outfit and a winchester, then we can talk though.

And I would never turn back on someone after they have been friendly enough not to shoot me, I'm not lame like that.

Thanks. I didn't think about that. Took what you said and added upon it. Thank you.

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Great survival tips

1 - Don't be a medic

2 - Don't give lifts to strangers in your vehicle

3 - Scan as far ahead as possible 99% of the sniperkiddie shit lickers can't even hit with an AS50 past 500 meters, if you spot them 1st from 900 meters you can perform long range brain surgery.

4 - Dont rescue somebody you don't personally know from at least your teamspeak and even then don't bother unless they have very good kit thats worth saving.

5 - If it does go Tits up win the fire fight before attempting to extract. If you attempt extraction while the enemy is not at the least supressed your likely going to get chased down and shot in the back (Grenades are good for this).

6 - If you know you're doomed eat all your meat and inject all your morphines so they get less loot from you.

I've gone so far as to hide behind a building with broken legs, throw everything onto a zed body and hide it. A pretty big dick move, but I didn't want them to have anything. I feel like I'm playing a different game than everyone else, so I do what I can to keep it interesting. Why stay attached to my gear when I know a hacker is very likely to come in and kill me or everyone else in the server. So I just enjoy going rouge medic. I got tired of the monotony of: Spawn,gear,better gear, vehicle,die. So as of right now this fits pretty well. I've only killed 2 people ever in day z and it was self defense in a church. They killed my friend who ran in in front of me and I killed them with a hatchet. Hatchet vs AK47/kobra...that was really just their fault. But yeah, run around, help people, get mha face shot off.

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If I'm going to make contact with someone I always try to make sure that I'm at an advantage. Usually by being hidden or at least behind them. I'm a medic and have never been killed by a patient yet.

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I like the throw it on a zeds body :)

Medic yeah ok I can see it could be fun but taxi driving I think is just not ever a good idea people will shoot you for beans let alone a fully working car.

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I travel primarily at night, odd you say?

It makes it harder for snipers and undead to see you. Also, with camps. If someone has a campfire and they're just chilling, I tend to stick to the shadows while speaking to them, saying I will only come out when they place their weapon in the tent/drop it, bit of a stretch I know. But it works all the time for me :P

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I travel primarily at night, odd you say?

It makes it harder for snipers and undead to see you. Also, with camps. If someone has a campfire and they're just chilling, I tend to stick to the shadows while speaking to them, saying I will only come out when they place their weapon in the tent/drop it, bit of a stretch I know. But it works all the time for me :P

I don't think traveling at night is weird at all. I prefer dawn/dusk, however more and more servers are changing to daylight only servers. Which is pretty distressing.

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Always have an exit strategy. I do this anyway, no matter where I am going, I make a note of cover around me and exit routes should shit go down. Half of the time when I am attacked it's easier to just evade, most people suck at shooting. If they pursue lead them somewhere you have an advantage and ambush them.

Coyote Backpacks are, in my experience, going to get you killed more then anything else. Stick to an ALICE pack when helping people. You don't need to use shitty guns, in fact that's just going to get you killed. I roll FN FAL - since it doesn't have a fancy sight sitting on top of it people underestimate it. It's a two hit kill, very accurate, good range and stable for a fast rate of fire.

One other thing I do is give away spare Ghillie and Camo that I find. Lots of people covet that shit but in my experience it only makes you a target. I do use a Ghillie when up North though. This seems to have a profound effect on the rate that people turn on you. I can only speculate as to why that is - but it seems to work.

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Nearly every time I help someone they betray me. This happened to me once and my friend who was hiding managed to kill them back.

So I advise having a friend as overwatch in the shadows so if you get killed they can extract revenge.

I was playing with my friend in Cherno the other day. We were in the military tents and we saw a survivor. As we had lots of high value loot on us we were definitly not prepared to be killed and my friend pulled out his mk48 and yelled over the mic "We're friendly but stay the f#@$ where you are or we will light you up like a f****** Christmas tree." They freaked and stood still as we promptly left the camp. My friend spotted them as I was inspecting a loot drop and they could of snuck up and killed me if I had been on my own. Moral of the story: Travel with someone (the more the better)(generally)

Edited by Shrimpy223
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You know what I do when helping a patient that I think is a bit suspicious?

I drive up near them in my car, eject out of the car [to leave the engine on, just in case I need to make a quick getaway], and then shout at them on direct com saying "GET ON THE GROUND AND DROP YOUR GODDAMN GUN RIGHT NOW OR I'LL TEAR YOU UP BIG BOI" and then I carefully spray M249 SAW rounds around them.

It has worked every time. If they don't end up shooting me I then say "Sorry about that, it was indeed quite silly. Necessary, but silly."

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Nearly every time I help someone they betray me. This happened to me once and my friend who was hiding managed to kill them back.

So I advise having a friend as overwatch in the shadows so if you get killed they can extract revenge.

I was playing with my friend in Cherno the other day. We were in the military tents and we saw a survivor. As we had lots of high value loot on us we were definitly not prepared to be killed and my friend pulled out his mk48 and yelled over the mic "We're friendly but stay the f#@$ where you are or we will light you up like a f****** Christmas tree." They freaked and stood still as we promptly left the camp. My friend spotted them as I was inspecting a loot drop and they could of snuck up and killed me if I had been on my own. Moral of the story: Travel with someone (the more the better)(generally)

I never seem to get killed..... Must be that hero skin charm :)

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I agree with Fraggle in that you need to be at the advantage. I will go one further and say that the more bold you are in chat, the more authority you will have of the situation (granted, some people will not be able to pull this off due to thier lack of social skills). It really does come down to how you can handle yourself in the situation. I would recommend to people who can pull it off, to take absolute control of the situation when possible.

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to be honest i go into a server and hire two bandits as henchmen after i rescue them, they are the meat. if the patient goes south they know what needs to be done and putem down like ol yellar i survive and continue healing patients in need not people who go haha its a trap because they have already been killed by the henchmen..... try it, it works

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if i see a hero skin the guy is perfectly fine if i see a turban i keep a good distance and watch if i see a ghillie and miltech weapon i generaly asume hostile until proven wrong ESPECIALLY if they have a sniper but im a hero so i avoid kills as much as i can =P

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the best tip for dayZ

shoot anything on 2 legs

COD style! Yeah, that's the game we all want to play.

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to be honest i go into a server and hire two bandits as henchmen after i rescue them, they are the meat. if the patient goes south they know what needs to be done and putem down like ol yellar i survive and continue healing patients in need not people who go haha its a trap because they have already been killed by the henchmen..... try it, it works

That's an awesome idea. I've still only shot a few people, and still haven't killed any survivors, bandits, or heroes. I've been playing for a couple months now. I always get cover if I can before being seen and don't say "friendly" I say "identify yourself".

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When some unarmed survivor you have hooked up with is not looking throw bottles and act surprised then run for cover when it smashes. Not really a tip.

Always aim for the eye socket.

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Most of the time when I talk to someone on side chat and they said their friendly, they actually are. Countless amount of times I have been saved or saved by people who would take the ultimate risk in trusting me.

The hard part is when you don't have communication if someone gets the jump on me then Im going to shoot them, if he walks into my building Im going to shoot them, if I smell something fishy in the air I will shoot them. Most of the times my intentions are right.

It all comes up to your gut feeling, and how much you are attached to your gear.

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