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Hello moto

Saving aggro'd zombies to character

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Would it be possible to save all aggro'd zombies to a character the moment they log out? That way if they server hop then they still have to face the 40+ zombies their enfield attracted. I know it could be abused but I'm sure someone could figure a way for it to not be.

Edited by Hello moto

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bad idea. just make a radius around the zombies and if the player is being chased in that radius he cant log out untill he loses zombies

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I am sure it is possible, i wonder why it isn't done yet.

Apache, that's a good idea but as long as you can just alt-f4 or dc that's not going to work. Of course they could try to disable the function, like "respawn" as long as you have aggroed Zeds ---> whining in the forum.

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bad idea. just make a radius around the zombies and if the player is being chased in that radius he cant log out untill he loses zombies

Still doesn't implement a punishment for ALT+F4'ing or process stopping. You need something that will happen to them once they get back in. Aswell, many people camp/log off ontop of the hospitals and high areas, you can't just put in this change in populated areas and say that it's just.

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