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Leveling system?

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So I have been thinking of an idea and I thought I should share it.

Leveling up!

Every day you survive could be another level, so the longer you live the stronger you get. Each day would get you:

5% more blood

5% faster

5% less hunger

5% less thirst

5% less sound that you make (footsteps)

And maybe 5% less visibility to zombies because you would get dirty and smelly over a few days.

5% more stamina

This would make it easier to keep that rare loot from the fresh spawns with a makarov with nothing to lose, or last more than one shot from an as50 sniper.

Or you could gain these skills by using them more.

The more damage you take, the more max blood you have.

The more you run, the more ripped your legs get.

The more food you eat, the less you need? (not sure if that makes sense)

The more bla bla bla. The shit you do more gets you better at the shit you do.

There are a lot more things that you could improve on though, but we should keep it basic.

Reasoning for a suggestion like this is that you wouldn't die as easily, it would also be more realistic and there would be a reason to keep your character alive rather than your loot.

Another smaller idea are classes that you can pick before spawning.

A class could have more blood and need more food (faaaaatttyyy)

Or have less blood and need less food (skiiiiiinnnnyyy)

Or equal stuff (juuussst finnneee)

This is all I can think of for now. Please take this suggestion under consideration :(

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NO NO NO and NO!!!

the only leveling/experience system should be in your head and skill with keys on keyboard and mouse...in the moment dayz implement leveling system it will become same as any other role playin game..

just my opinion...

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wow this idea has been battered to death. no skills in dayz and especially the worst idea is the more you eat the less you need to eat. it dont make sense

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or last more than one shot from an as50 sniper.

Reasoning for a suggestion like this is that you wouldn't die as easily, it would also be more realistic and there would be a reason to keep your character alive rather than your loot.


Edited by Dutch Miller

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If you have play at least 12 hours a day to level up i would support this system. But to counter "afk in the woods leveler" you have to add zombie hords that appear close to a player and look for him so he/she has always to be on the move and they must have the ability to damage car windows and cause damage to the players inside so they can't hide in them either.

Otherweise it's a nono, you get skills by playing the game day by day anyway.

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wow this idea has been battered to death. no skills in dayz and especially the worst idea is the more you eat the less you need to eat. it dont make sense

I think you have no say about issue being battered to death or something about worst ideas...lol

OP, not for this game.. never. thank you.

Edited by Zeppa
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I'm just gonna say no. The true leveling already happens in your brain, when you learn to survive the games challenges.

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If you have play at least 12 hours a day to level up i would support this system. But to counter "afk in the woods leveler" you have to add zombie hords that appear close to a player and look for him so he/she has always to be on the move and they must have the ability to damage car windows and cause damage to the players inside so they can't hide in them either.

Otherweise it's a nono, you get skills by playing the game day by day anyway.

What about sitting on a ladder half-way up?

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I would a agree to pointless leveling that just shows how far your char has come, but no skills etc plz.

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I can see merit in having hidden stats like athletics to increase endurance when sprinting, if you run a lot.

Or getting quicker at reloading, or weapon switching as you get used to the weapons you use, and movements you make.

Natural progressions that take days, or weeks that slightly increase your characters strength speed and endurance,

With hidden I mean, players cannot track these stats, or ever get to see them.

However what you suggested is for lack of a better term, mildly retarded. Surviving a direct shot from any weapon with a caliber above .22 is extremely lucky. A .50 can detach hands from arms, or rip open a man's skull.

Imagine surviving that in a zombie apocalypse, or even in real life.

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No, one of the main features of dayz is no leveling. The only thing separating people is experience (play time) and weapons.

Edited by InsanelyOrange

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The more damage you take, the more max blood you have.

lol what? you take damage and gain health???

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