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Magnet (DayZ)

Regarding Genders, Skins & Teleportation

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OK guys, some info before you post a bug report.


If you chose Female and are now a Male or never got a choice of gender DO NOT POST a bug report. Genders are currently disabled whilst several issues are worked on. An announcement will be made when they are brought back.


Skins are SAFE TO USE as long as your are running the LATEST Operation Arrowhead Beta. If you are not running the latest files then you may end up in the Ocean. If you end up in the Ocean there is nothing you can do except to re-spawn or swim to shore if you're really keen. If you have put them on and ended up in the Ocean DO NOT POST a bug report.


In general, if you teleport anywhere it is likely due to not having the most up to date files/beta. Please ensure you have the most up to date DayZ code, the latest Operation Arrowhead Beta and are joining a suitably versioned server.

If you are teleported to the Ocean you will need to re-spawn or swim to shore.

If you are teleported to a land based area. Heading in an easterly direction will usually get you back to the playable area. If you can't move ensure your files are up to date as above, if they are and you still can't move you will have to re-spawn.

If you don't know how to get Beta working I have an installation guide below to assist you. Note; You should start your installation from the beginning to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Final Note: Character or equipment re-sets are no longer available, including due to the above issues. We are currently focused on fixing the bugs so the whole community will no longer face these problems rather than trying to fix each individual!



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skins are not safe to use; i still got tpd to debug forest and lost everything

i was completely up to date with dayz files and with the beta patch

the server i was in was on the up to date patch also

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skins are not safe to use; i still got tpd to debug forest and lost everything

i was completely up to date with dayz files and with the beta patch

the server i was in was on the up to date patch also

since when has anyone got tpd to debug forest for skins?

im calling BS on this post.

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Can't say I've had anyone genuinely come back with this problem and actually have all the files set up correctly.

I'm happy to be proven wrong but you will have to provide exact details instead of... Well... That.


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When will we have skins for female character?

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Is it okay to post bugs about gender selection with the new version of DayZ, now? Since you get a choice every time you respawn and whatnot. Or is it still known to be broken?

I just noticed that selecting female totally doesn't work--you stay male. :o

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I will be teleported in another location (I dont know where, but where I see nothing).I only install patch on DayZ.And I see 3 peoples near me , 1 will be dead.What I need to do with that.I goes on many servers and I again will be where (where nothing , with some peoples).I need hotfix with that.Or what I need to do?

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Looks like the new version of dayz (1.7.1) has caught many people out because you need the lastest Arma2 Beta Client too. This, along with not joining an up-to-date server, probably explains 99% (!?) of the occurences.

If you appear in the debug forest that's not an issue (the real map starts about 2KM to the EAST). For ocean and "debug wilderness" locations you need to find a 1.7.0 server (e.g. canada 2) which will magically transport you to the debug forest etc etc.

There's a thread (among many others) in Troubleshooting "spawned in wilderness...".

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skins are not safe to use; i still got tpd to debug forest and lost everything

i was completely up to date with dayz files and with the beta patch

the server i was in was on the up to date patch also

I just had this happen to me. I have DayZ and Beta Patch ARMA2_OA_Build_93825 . I selected Camo in inventory and I quickly teleported to water back to my location. So i was like hm let me try again. Grabbed my other camo and did it again, This time i went into a forest (not debug) and then quickly went back to original location with both failing at equiping my camo. So this is still an occurring issue unfortunately :(

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skins are not safe to use; i still got tpd to debug forest and lost everything

i was completely up to date with dayz files and with the beta patch

the server i was in was on the up to date patch also

I just had this happen to me. I have DayZ and Beta Patch ARMA2_OA_Build_93825 . I selected Camo in inventory and I quickly teleported to water back to my location. So i was like hm let me try again. Grabbed my other camo and did it again' date=' This time i went into a forest (not debug) and then quickly went back to original location with both failing at equiping my camo. So this is still an occurring issue unfortunately :(


I just had this to happen to me on a laggy FR11 server but I ended up in the ocean instead, when I had latest patches. I noticed tho that I got 3 civilian clothing in my backpack before I got teled permanently there. So maybe it has something to do with people spamming the change skin thing in inventory?

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I am still having issues with spawning a Female character and since this has been "offically" announced. My co Dayz's don't seem to having an issue.

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To Magnet (or any staff member)

Magnet has already stated that the main reason for being teleported is mismatching versions. Fair enough. It happened to me, I guess, because I joined a mis-matching versioned server (my s/w is normally up-to-date).

This still seems to be happening to people and I guess I'm trying to help them. It'd be useful to know please :-

1. if you end in one of these areas if you log-out, check versions, should you be able to recover? (ocean seems to be non-recoverable and you have to re-spawn).

2. for non-recoverable environs (ocean), apart from mis-matched version, is there any other reason for this?

3. for recoverable environs (land-based), apart from mis-matched version, is there any other reason for this?

4. for "wilderness" a fix was to join a "1.7.0" server IE "canada 2" which caused teleport to teh debug forest; why does this work and should it work for all 1.7.0 servers?

(we found after the above if we ran EAST for 2KM our character would be saved with valid co-ords).

Thanks for info that can be provided.

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May have to do the old wilderness fix if it works. I just spawned 28km away from the map apparently. This happened to roughly 50% of the population on a server I joined. If its a mismatched version the host is trolling and changing it to fake correct version which the game reads as so. My friend spawned in the correct spot though. Will follow up if it gets fixed.

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Well, regarding "connecting to a suitable server for your updates" is kind of hard, you know? There are lots of servers that say "" on the Title, they have that on the "Version Required: 93965", but when you get in you just find out that the freaking idiot server is actually, or different beta update... The guys who owns servers should have only the right information on their topics!!! :/

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Ok, I'm getting teleported to previous positions. I posted a bug report about it with all the details almost a week ago but no mods have approved it. I'm guessing the mods just assumed that I hadn't updated all the files properly so ignored my thread. I most definitely have all the most up to update mod files and beta and I still get this issue. I even deleted all my mod files and redownloaded them.

I submitted the report on and continually stayed up to date with all files and betas since and I'm still getting this issue.

Anyone else having the same issue and/or have any idea on how to resolve this? It's super frustrating >_<

EDIT: I think my thread was approved after all, my bad.

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I know it's a lot to ask, but I Friday night I lost a camo skin and was teleported to the far Northwest wilderness. After a long run I (that I only barely survived) I managed to save and play for a while longer until I disconnected to answer phones, take care of kids, etc.. Afterwards I managed to log in successfully.

Then it happened again, and I think it was the result of logging in using an old Icon not tied to the beta (something I installed for the first time earlier that evening), something the original poster mentioned.

It's not a big deal, but is there any way to get back the camo skin?

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I was playing on my clan's server and then it crashed, resulting in me spawning in a barren wasteland with all of my gear gone...

I had a ghillie, NVG, bizon, rangefinder, coyote, everything you need and I was pretty much surviving like one would expect in a zombie apocalypse.

Since in my case it wasn't a version mismatch but some corruption on the database end due to a server crash, I'm hoping it's possible to resolve the corruption and put my char back to where it was... I had been alive for 11 days and was determined not to take any risks in order to make this my longest living char :(

PlayerID: 208449

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I got teleported to this debug wasteland last night, I have been trying to get out but due to not having a compass it is near impossible. Is there a chance I can get teleported out. I was right by a rock north of Berzino when this happened. I would give my account ID but I don't know it since I just started playing last friday.

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This has to do with teleportation that I somehow caused. So I was in berezino up on a hill looking down at some apartment buildings through the scope of my DMR and somehow I was teleported to the place where I was looking (Into a room of one of the apartments). I have not been able to replicate the event but it was a good 600m+ teleportation and I was not harmed doing it. A little disturbed, as were my friends, but maybe something to look into. Hopefully no one will be able to replicate it.

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This has to do with teleportation that I somehow caused. So I was in berezino up on a hill looking down at some apartment buildings through the scope of my DMR and somehow I was teleported to the place where I was looking (Into a room of one of the apartments). I have not been able to replicate the event but it was a good 600m+ teleportation and I was not harmed doing it. A little disturbed' date=' as were my friends, but maybe something to look into. Hopefully no one will be able to replicate it.


Were you in that room earlier? May have been this:


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skins are not safe to use; i still got tpd to debug forest and lost everything

i was completely up to date with dayz files and with the beta patch

the server i was in was on the up to date patch also

Yeah, I'm going to have to go with ^^ That.

I still think people should use skins, because it tests the alpha, but they don't appear in any way to be SAFE.

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I was teleported earlier today. I had just been through the NE Air Strip and ran up the hill into a forrest. I stopped and pressed G to see the new gear I picked up and I was teleported back into the Air Control Tower. Didn't lose anything and wasn't hurt. Bit weird though.

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