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[VIDEO] This is why people shoot first

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Not sure I could have handled it any other way other than shooting right when I saw people. Perhaps Direct Comms wasn't working for them? Not sure. But we all spawned at the same spot and two did the 'friendly dance' so I thought I would join in and be friendly.

One reason I thought we would all be friendly is because there was a sniper that was taking everyone out in Elektro. I wanted to team up and take him out, these guys had other plans.

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Pretty sure direct stopped working again. It def. doesn't work for my friend and I.

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Trust no one.

But, what sucks is the lack of impatience of people to actually team up. That is one aspect that people lack; patience. Then comes in frustration of dying. etc etc. That is why most people people play with others who they can trust. bleh my two cents.

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@RedSeal, I feel your pain bro

Some guy spotted me in elektro and asked if I was friendly. I replied positive and we both went our seperate ways.

5 mins later I heard shots at the docks of elektro and I thought that was the same guy who needed help. I decided to go to the docks and help him out.

When I arrived, I saw that he was being chased by 2 zombies. Took them both down, and asked if he was okay. I turn around to not point my gun at him (people get a strange feeling when there are guns pointed at them) only to getting killed by him.

Since that day (and believe me, I have had tons of those days), I told myself to kill every not-on-our-teamspeak-survivor I see.

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Let me get this straight. You saw another guy, you spoke to him directly, he didn't respond, and you proceeded to approach him anyway. You clearly just respawned and didn't care much about dying, but you still should have left immediately.

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He didn't get killed by the 2 survivors in front of him, he was clearly ambushed by a bandit and I bet anything the bandit killed the other two also. I don't see anything where the 2 he seen shot at him at all.

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Why did you speak so low? (check your mic input volume)

Why didn't you try direct text chat at least once?

Why did you approach after not getting any response?

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Why did you speak so low? (check your mic input volume)

Why didn't you try direct text chat at least once?

Why did you approach after not getting any response?

All excellent questions.

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In all fairness, you was stalking...

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US 104 Chicago is my favorite server too, but on topic. Yeah you had a good amount of time to run when you got no response.

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Why did you speak so low? (check your mic input volume)

Why didn't you try direct text chat at least once?

Why did you approach after not getting any response?

It was 4am, wife sleeping. My mic input level is matched to me speaking low. In game it sounds fine. Direct chat was working minutes before this.

Maybe I should have tried direct text, was too busy stalking the guy.

Because I figure he didnt see me, so I was going to gently introduce myself into the situation, much like that other dude did and they both do the "im friendly" dance. That's when I figured I would join in and let them know I am not hostile.

Yes, I don't think the other two guys shot me, however, I don't think the 'bandit' killed the others either. I think we had all died from the same sniper, yet I wasn't one of the 'vent/ts/mumble survivors' so that one guy lit me up.

Note: Yes, I had just respawned, so I had nothing to lose. Just testing out humanity. Results: Still sucks.

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Let me get this straight. You saw another guy' date=' you spoke to him directly, he didn't respond, and you proceeded to approach him anyway. You clearly just respawned and didn't care much about dying, but you still should have left immediately.


because direct channel doesn't works

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because direct channel doesn't works

It does work, I was using it before this happened. However, it depends on if you have the Arma2 Beta patch installed. Which my friend and I do. So these guys might not have had it installed. From now on, I will only join servers that require it. It seems people with the Beta installed use it more anyways.

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You know that direct voice chat is volume-based, and only works up to a distance of 60 meters, right? And direct text chat only works up to a distance of 40 meters.

There's virtually no way anyone who wasn't right next to you would have heard you.

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I guess I do speak really low. I will work on that, but I have my mic boosted up pretty well to compensate for it. I don't think my voice in the video reflects what it sounds like in game. However, I will look into it.

Thanks for the feedback.

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lol I'm famous! I was on the list after you died. :D w00t!

Suggestion. Leave the coast ASAP.

Also I'm the Server Admin for US 104, you can contact me at WolvesofWar.org. I barely check these forums.

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