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church bells attract zombies.

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i have noticed that every once and a while church bells go off and what i thought would be cool if zombies were attracted to them. so all the zombies in the area would clear out and swarm a central area leaving the city almost deserted for about say.... 10 seconds than all the zombies spread and there are more zombies walking around for about the same time. than if a person is inside the church, there screwed :D

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Atleast your first post was a suggestion and not crying about a hacker. Beans for you and your suggestion!

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i have noticed that every once and a while church bells go off and what i thought would be cool if zombies were attracted to them. so all the zombies in the area would clear out and swarm a central area leaving the city almost deserted for about say.... 10 seconds than all the zombies spread and there are more zombies walking around for about the same time. than if a person is inside the church, there screwed :D

I like it, it makes perfect sense and could be used for distraction.

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Yep, Church bells should not only attract zombies but they should be player controlled as well.

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When I first started playing this game the church bells scared the crap outta me because I thought that this would happen. It never did, which I found rather frustrating. Maybe it could include an option for players to ring the bell manually in order to create this effect artificially? That way a team of players could have one of the members ring the bell and run for the figurative (or literal) hills, thereby giving his or her friends a better chance at looting the rest of the town.

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Excellent idea, and later ones for being able to mechanically ring the bells too (although WHY you would want to call all the zombies to your exact position escapes me).

Also, make it so that you can shoot the bells to have them ring. Shoot from a distance, ring the bells, distract the zombies, sneak into town, try to get out again before the pastor is done preachin'.

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Has anyone ever wondered who rings the bells?

If anything the bells should be removed completely, as there is no one to ring them.

I do like the idea of ringing bells manually, or through shooting them, could make for some great bandit trapping.

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