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so like 2 months ago i was able to play this game, i was and still am the most fairest player to play with, saying that battleye has screwed me over by global banning me for no reason. ive sent them MANY and i stress MANY emails and still no replies...i was just wondering is anyone else having this problem because it sucks not being able to play this game...?and i know Rocket and all them people don't take responsibility for this but im asking the people of the forums and not the devs.

Edited by Talentz

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Hello there

Firstly, once Battleye have made their decision repeat emails will not achieve anything.

They will not reinstate you if you fail their checks and will NOT contact you, so if you have heard nothing after some time then you may be out of luck.

BE never ban without a reason. It *may* be a false positive, but there will still be a reason.

What are the codes you receive when you try to log in? It my guide us to where you went wrong.



Edited by orlok

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so like 2 months ago i was able to play this game, i was and still am the most fairest player to play with, saying that battleye has screwed me over by global banning me for no reason. ive sent them MANY and i stress MANY emails and still no replies...i was just wondering is anyone is having this problem because it sucks not being able to play this game...?and i know Rocket and all them people don't take responsibility for this but im asking the people of the forums and not the devs.

Either you got your CD key stolen or you hacked and got caught.

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Hello there

Post to follow..

I have never cheated or hacked in anyway so if you don't have anything to say regarding my question dont post just to get your number or posts up.

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Contact Battleye, that's all you can do no point in having another one of these threads, this is explained in the global ban section.

There seems to be a mistake they made and some users who don't hack are being banned.



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