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spawn (DayZ)

many players are quitting

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myself and about 10 others have now quit the game. its turned in to a death match and there are far too many hackers. People not dying after being shot 30 rounds and then killing you in 2 shots.

The game has lost the whole survival idea. I mean you can survice for weeks without dying easy. just collect heaps of food and water and go where no one else goes.

now if its a simulation you need others to survive. you need someone to watch you while you sleep. you need someone to heal you when sick. you need someone to repaid your weapons and this can take a large group of people. there is nothing about the game or mod that is a simulation. its a death match. in real life bandits wuld not be killing anyone just for the kill. if the bandit shot they would need to defend themselves from the zombies they attract. if bandits shot all the survivors and bandits making the human race non existant then how do they survive on their own. they will last 2 weeks before death. on the other hand peoiple who stick together can all look out for eachother against a group of bandits.

Bandits should get a penalty or something for killing other bandits and get a reward for killing a survivor. and survivors should get a penalty for killing others but rewards for killing bandits. this stops the whole kill anyone for any reason at all. now this is not a simulator because bandits are usually badly geared because they die often. this means they dont care if they die. in real life they care about dying there is no respawn button. also when you die your right where you started months ago when you first logged in. since they had taken bandit skins away its a deathmatch killing new spawns for no reason. in real life this does not happen. that new spawn might be a person who fixes things usefull for survivors but useless to bandits. or the other way around.

if each faction had a goal, for example bandits were suposto take over a town or something and survivours were to defend the town and power plants or something. and bandits needed the town to get ammo or supplies or a currency this would be more of a goal for players. The game needs a purpose because people were quitting after 2 weeks of play. people are sick of people killing people for no reason and when the killer dies he is respawned and lost nothing mut a kll count where as someone who is trying to survive which is the goal of the game is shot after not shooting anyone. and the bandit doesn't care because he didn;t try to play the game and survive

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Well, id bet people would try to kill you, not everyone get the "Surviving as a group is stronger" mentality in real life.

Others just get "Better you then me" feeling, rather gun one down instead of being gunned himself.

Why should he take the risk of being shot, so you can have your friendly way of playing the game?

Isnt it better if you manage a way to force trust people? try to adapt to the changes in the world, instead of letting the changes adapt to you.

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its alpha testing you are here to test and experiment not to have a game that is expected to funcion as you expect it imediatly

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I also noticed, you want to try to survive in a harsh evil world, full of undead and "untrusties".

Yet when your met with a challenge, you dont want it anymore?

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ok think in real life. do you watch the walking dead. do you see people in that TV show hunting people instead of trying to stay alive? in a real life situation would you go run off in to the bush alone and kill anyone you see? in real life there is not weapons in every building or guns, in fact there would be next to no guns due to them breaking or getting lost.

sure bandits kill other players but they also kill bandits. survivors try not to kill anyone. but now since all the survivors are being killed they now just kill anyone. for 1 example I saw a video of two guys going around together. one asks the other if he has a map or a compas. he sais no i got a tent. the other guy shoots him and walks off. in real life it would not happen like this.

sure bandits add to the fun but they dont play to survive which is the aim. they play to kill anyone and hunt anyone. they dont care fi they die because they will just respawn. if your a real life bandit there is no respawn button. in real life bandits would try and rob people over shoot them. because if they shoot them then later on when they need help there are no humans left to help

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ok think in real life. do you watch the walking dead. do you see people in that TV show hunting people instead of trying to stay alive? in a real life situation would you go run off in to the bush alone and kill anyone you see? in real life there is not weapons in every building or guns' date=' in fact there would be next to no guns due to them breaking or getting lost.

sure bandits kill other players but they also kill bandits. survivors try not to kill anyone. but now since all the survivors are being killed they now just kill anyone. for 1 example I saw a video of two guys going around together. one asks the other if he has a map or a compas. he sais no i got a tent. the other guy shoots him and walks off. in real life it would not happen like this.

sure bandits add to the fun but they dont play to survive which is the aim. they play to kill anyone and hunt anyone. they dont care fi they die because they will just respawn. if your a real life bandit there is no respawn button. in real life bandits would try and rob people over shoot them. because if they shoot them then later on when they need help there are no humans left to help


have you read the comic books the TV show is even based on ?

they torture a mother fucker and nail his penis to floor boards , i wont drop any more spoilers but seriously dont base your shit off a tv show that is not even anywhere near as brutal as the real thing it is based off of

it has to be low on gore for TV

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What if there was a bandit application in the forums to become a bandit. And you spawn at a bandit HQ. And survivors had an HQ. The HQ's would serve as a trading hub and place to find team mates if desired. Then you leave the town (HQ) then continue with dayz Normally, So baisicly Bandits vrs survivors vrs zombies vrs survival.

And at the HQ, players could safely keep tents, bringing back items for their HQ. ?

Just a general ideal.

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I used it as an example. in real life yes that and muchy more would go on. your post has no relation to this thread

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WD is quite grim as it stands, and by no means are they happy and hippy like.

Me, personally - if this actually happened, I would most probably not group up with other people. Mostly because I wouldnt trust them not to fuck up. So I would live solo, and probably die alone - but when food got scarce and I see a human being sitting, alone, eating a tin of beans.... Hell I'd put him down for the Heinz.

1) just because you wouldnt murder for the bare minimum doesnt mean others wouldnt

2) this game started off ask questions first, shoot if no answer/if gun wasnt lowered. Now its kill them or be killed. This is probably what would happen in real life.

3) if this actually happened, it would probably break some people, meaning they would go crazy and what do crazy people do? Murder motherfuckers.

I said earlier, if this happened in real life I wouldnt group up? Well I play with a community of players from Eve and play in a group of around 10.

Why am I doing that in game you ask? Because its more fun.

And thats just it, a) its a game, b) its more fun with other players and to add c) on the end here, if youre a sociopath in eve, the chances are youre a sociopath in other games.

Stay away from Berezino. I gots my DMR.

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Wade_Parker yes that would make a purpose to the game play. and who knows maybe there is another faction lets say called traitors. they are bandits that hide as a survivor and steal from them and take it to the bandits. now bandits would have to be carefull not to shoot this guy otherwise they lose a recourse that is needed. that means that bandits who are known bandits will see him and tell him to stop and ask his buisness. if they think he is really a traitor and a bandit they let him through. but one thing for these traitors is they cant kill bandits. and if they kill a survivor they will have to to it where no1 can see them. but they have to be carefull they dont kill a fellow traitor

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What if there was a bandit application in the forums to become a bandit. And you spawn at a bandit HQ. And survivors had an HQ. The HQ's would serve as a trading hub and place to find team mates if desired. Then you leave the town (HQ) then continue with dayz Normally' date=' So baisicly Bandits vrs survivors vrs zombies vrs survival.

And at the HQ, players could safely keep tents, bringing back items for their HQ. ?

Just a general ideal.


Bandits dont hang around as a clan, either they know eachother, as friends, or they are soloplayers.

Bandits dont greet other bandits or work with strangers, then they wouldnt be bandits to begin with.

They are their own little cells working on their own.

They dont have a community and they certainly dont ask if the other people are bandits before shooting. (Well dont get me wrong, there is prob some bandit community out there thou, outside of the game)

EDIT: they just have the same label, bandits.

Its people that kill others before asking, either out of hate or fear. : D

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What if there was a bandit application in the forums to become a bandit. And you spawn at a bandit HQ. And survivors had an HQ. The HQ's would serve as a trading hub and place to find team mates if desired. Then you leave the town (HQ) then continue with dayz Normally' date=' So baisicly Bandits vrs survivors vrs zombies vrs survival.

And at the HQ, players could safely keep tents, bringing back items for their HQ. ?

Just a general ideal.


It's a dumb idea.

Because that means you're adding two distinct factions and this isn't fucking WoW

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Jesus Christ you guys are in hater mode. Lol. If I was completely serious about it I would have post it as a separate thread. Not Sub thread it here. Lolz?

@Syrassa I have never played WoW in my life.

Assumptions make an ass out of you and me.

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I wonder when you people will realise you're participating in an Alpha test.

Please, god, stop with this total sense of self entitlement just because you (probably) paid for Arma II just to play this mod.

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I wonder when you people will realise you're participating in an Alpha test.

Please' date=' god, stop with this total sense of self entitlement just because you (probably) paid for Arma II just to play this mod.


Exactly lol. So much crying over an alpha mod. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!! If you have a group and you die? Your just bad, reevaluate your tactics. There would be PLENTY of guns ANYWHERE in the world, ESPECIALLY a post-soviet state with several military posts. Just, because zombies appear doesn't mean everything just "brakes" or "lost", its the same world just WITH zombies. I know if there was a zombie apocalypse I would damn well shoot someone I didn't know if it meant I felt safer, and thats for 2 reasons. 1. Who knows if they are infected? Nobody knows the details of the virus, and 2. Who knows that they won't kill you if given the chance? Not only that, THIS IS A GAME!!!!!! Can't defend yourself go play something else...

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myself and about 10 others have now quit the game. its turned in to a death match and there are far too many hackers. People not dying after being shot 30 rounds and then killing you in 2 shots.

The game has lost the whole survival idea. I mean you can survice for weeks without dying easy. just collect heaps of food and water and go where no one else goes.

now if its a simulation you need others to survive. you need someone to watch you while you sleep. you need someone to heal you when sick. you need someone to repaid your weapons and this can take a large group of people. there is nothing about the game or mod that is a simulation. its a death match. in real life bandits wuld not be killing anyone just for the kill. if the bandit shot they would need to defend themselves from the zombies they attract. if bandits shot all the survivors and bandits making the human race non existant then how do they survive on their own. they will last 2 weeks before death. on the other hand peoiple who stick together can all look out for eachother against a group of bandits.

Bandits should get a penalty or something for killing other bandits and get a reward for killing a survivor. and survivors should get a penalty for killing others but rewards for killing bandits. this stops the whole kill anyone for any reason at all. now this is not a simulator because bandits are usually badly geared because they die often. this means they dont care if they die. in real life they care about dying there is no respawn button. also when you die your right where you started months ago when you first logged in. since they had taken bandit skins away its a deathmatch killing new spawns for no reason. in real life this does not happen. that new spawn might be a person who fixes things usefull for survivors but useless to bandits. or the other way around.

if each faction had a goal' date=' for example bandits were suposto take over a town or something and survivours were to defend the town and power plants or something. and bandits needed the town to get ammo or supplies or a currency this would be more of a goal for players. The game needs a purpose because people were quitting after 2 weeks of play. people are sick of people killing people for no reason and when the killer dies he is respawned and lost nothing mut a kll count where as someone who is trying to survive which is the goal of the game is shot after not shooting anyone. and the bandit doesn't care because he didn;t try to play the game and survive


Sorry to hear that, chance is, this is not the kind of game for you.

To me what you said basically amount to thin veiled blackmail to the developpers and i've seen it in many other games.

"You must change this or you will lose every players!"

It's a good thing rocket doesn't really care if dayZ is popular or not.

Fortunately for him, it remains VERY popular, so he must be doing something right.

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So you dont want deathmatch yet you want a system where there are twp groups with one attacking and one defending......eh?

Wow sucking some rocketcock are we kyah? So unattractive.

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Oh... This guy didnt shut the whole mod down? Should I put the lawn chairs back out?

Amusing how people cannot get the sandbox concept and want game mechanics built in. Classes, factions, goals, quests...

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Well he is pretty new, it takes time to get used to DayZ , after few death's you just don't care..And you start killing everyone you see..

Also It is Aplha ,but I don't see it changing much..Since rocket is doing the mod , pretty much solo , its gonna take time..I have feeling that the mod is gonna get abandond after Arma 3 gets out, abandond in a way that rocket is gonna focuse more on Dayz for Arma 3...But that's just my opinion...

If you're pissed or raging at people killing you , you should do the same. Its fun seeing them drop to the floor bleeding.

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So you dont want deathmatch yet you want a system where there are twp groups with one attacking and one defending......eh?

Wow sucking some rocketcock are we kyah? So unattractive.

Oh i'm not, i do believe he's quite incompetent in managing the hydra that DayZ became in a few weeks. DayZ is one of those "happy mistakes" in the same vein minecraft was.

I am for more gameplay mechanics, but not more "directed play"

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I'm not going to join the "this game is not for you" crowd, but this game is not a game yet. It's just starting to evolve from an old ArmA map with added primitive zombies and loot points. If it gets boring, just wait for some new stuff to be added or buy it when it's released.

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There are 210,947 players on DayZ... 15 players quitting. Lawl.

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I think a lot of people think this is the only zombie mod in Arma 2 still :D its amazing how so many of you are oblivious to Armaholic.

You do realise that Arma 2 has a host of mods (more than most games can think of)

For those of you bored with DayZ try looking through Armaholic and find other mods (even zombie mods) its not a new concept The Undead Mod

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Jesus Christ you guys are in hater mode. Lol. If I was completely serious about it I would have post it as a separate thread. Not Sub thread it here. Lolz?

@Syrassa I have never played WoW in my life.

Assumptions make an ass out of you and me.

backpedalling like a motherfucker.

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Yep, I've stopped playing too. I've had it, the main reasons are cheaters and over all friendly attitude towards them in game and on the forums.

I dont have problems with PvP, bandits or whatever.

Maybe I comeback later (after the summer or something) but I doubt it.

edit - @wade_parker - oh and you're doing it wrong, its assumption makes an ass out of you and a guy named umption, dammit ;)

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