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Extension to one of Rocket's idea: Gear damage by gunfire

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I actually like it, but i'd prefer if i shot someone with my M107 into someones leg(arm/head/hand) it'd get severed and they'd still be alive before bleeding out.

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All I know is that one day we took a few 12.7mm rounds to the MREs and .50 SLAP ammo that was on our Stryker. Protip: don't eat those MREs, and certainly don't load those rounds.

I actually think that if the equipment damage were restricted to shots that hit the backpack specifically that this could work. Shots to the body would not effect the contents, regardless of calibur (not realistic, I know- another game-ism for the sake of maintaining playability).

I am dead-set against any suggestion that "forces" players to do anything because of a manner of play that is perceived to be superior than another; close quarters as opposed to sniping, robbing as opposed to straight up murder, teamwork as opposed to going it alone.

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I actually think that if the equipment damage were restricted to shots that hit the backpack specifically that this could work. Shots to the body would not effect the contents' date=' regardless of calibur (not realistic, I know- another game-ism for the sake of maintaining playability).


The mechanic needs to be tangible enough to really make you have to think about what you want to do. It's supposed to be a consequence for an action but if it's watered down to much then it wont work.

Basides, I think hitting the body should definitely damage backpack items. Most of the weapons we use in DayZ would go clean through you in right into your bean bank :)

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by the way, you could make it SO IF WE STAY ALIVE after a firefight, maybe our agressor broke some of our stuffs.

remplace a bean can by a thin empty can, remove one mag of stanag... remove binocs


Fight ? yes.... but now you have more to loose engaged.

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Fair enough, Psycho. I'm saying that shooting the body should not result in the same outcome as shooting the pack itself. I didn't propose watering it down, merely making it more conducive to gameplay by simplifying it. It would have distinct consequences, but not every shot to the body would necessarily travel straight through into the pack. Maybe large calibur fired straight on. But smaller caliburs like 5.56 tend to change paths wildly upon entering the body, and they lose significant amounts of energy when they do so. Even AK rounds do that to an extent. Pistol rounds wouldn't go all the way through. That's why I suggested what I did. It's a streamlined version of what you suggested that retains both playability and the spirit of your idea.

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by the way' date=' you could make it SO IF WE STAY ALIVE after a firefight, maybe our agressor broke some of our stuffs.

remplace a bean can by a thin empty can, remove one mag of stanag... remove binocs


Fight ? yes.... but now you have more to loose engaged.


Yeah exactly, firefights have consequences for both sides. Even the defender. You might start hearing "hey! no one needs to get shot today" being said in the game :)

Even if you win the firefight, you might have still lost something important. Consequences are lovely things in games, just a shame not many have them.

Fair enough' date=' Psycho. I'm saying that shooting the body should not result in the same outcome as shooting the pack itself. I didn't propose watering it down, merely making it more conducive to gameplay by simplifying it. It would have distinct consequences, but not every shot to the body would necessarily travel straight through into the pack. Maybe large calibur fired straight on. But smaller caliburs like 5.56 tend to change paths wildly upon entering the body, and they lose significant amounts of energy when they do so. Even AK rounds do that to an extent. Pistol rounds wouldn't go all the way through. That's why I suggested what I did. It's a streamlined version of what you suggested that retains both playability and the spirit of your idea.


Yeah I hear ya. I just have a feeling backpacks would be too small a target to provide a danger and people would have too easy a time just shooting the body. That might kinda negate the whole mechanic.

It's probably best to leave the details of implementation to Rocket though :)

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I don't know if this should be part of this discussion but, instead of stuff just disappearing from killing you, just introduce durability to items so all damage contributes to possible damage of goods, not just dying? If you're getting pummeled by zombies, something is bound to break or get damaged. If you're shot in a grenade, it'll probably go off destroying most things on your person in the process. I don't think things just straight up disappearing is the solution. I think they should turn into repairable junk(except food and soda cans).

I also think that Zombies should be attracted to freshly killed corpses and bleeding players unless part of the lore of DayZ is that they're sense of smell is diminished as well. Feasting zombies on corpses should also increase the chance to destroy/junk items on that corpse so murderers that are hunting people for supplies and not sport either have to get in and get out before attracting the locals or have to kill the crowd they attract with the noise, blood and body/ies that pile up.

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Yeah durability is a good mechanic in sandbox games. Definitely deserves it's own discussion.

Not sure how hard it would be to code as the Hive would all of a sudden need to keep track of a billion pieces of gear.

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Backpacks are a sizeable target when compared to center mass of a torso. In fact, the Coyote and Czech packs are about the same size. Spraying Ak rounds at someone's profile would definitely result in damaged goods. Either way, well aimed shots would always be desired over hipfire or undelicate hosing.

Durability could work. But shooting a grenade will ball ammo (the only currently available ammo type) won't make it blow up. And from personal experience, thank God almighty it doesn't make them blow up.

Also, the idea of stuff turning into other stuff is a nice touch. Damaged beans becoming tin cans, weapons turning into scrap metal, etc. Stuff that a resourceful survivor may actually use.

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"I actually think that if the equipment damage were restricted to shots that hit the backpack specifically that this could work. Shots to the body would not effect the contents, regardless of calibur (not realistic, I know- another game-ism for the sake of maintaining playability)."

Well as not all of your gear is in your backpack.....

For instance, everything in your inventory is in easy to reach pouches, belt , holster, vest pouches.

Binocs and NVG have their own slot presumably around your neck or some such ?

And you usually have something in your hand.

Hell a high calibur round could even go through you and into the backpack.

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No' date=' whats the point of looking for better gear if it destroys after one use. Totally unrealistic


and everything in this game is totally realistic yeah?

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"No, whats the point of looking for better gear if it destroys after one use. Totally unrealistic"

And gear that you can use forever without it wearing out ? Even under zombie apocalypse conditions? Is that realistic? Equipment that survives a grenade blast undamaged? Realistic ?

I mean seriously what sort of argument is that.

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Weapons have to be cleaned as far as i know to work properly. I pointed that out in another thread, where silenced weapons make ppl boring to play dayZ. So my suggestion was, to make weapons like in STALKER. Weapons get jammed somtimes or will break after a while.

That would be a good way to use youre weapon with a bit more care and will sort of the IMBA effect of some players, who have the best stuff, that could be found in DayZ.

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Weapons have to be cleaned as far as i know to work properly. I pointed that out in another thread' date=' where silenced weapons make ppl boring to play dayZ. So my suggestion was, to make weapons like in STALKER. Weapons get jammed somtimes or will break after a while.

That would be a good way to use youre weapon with a bit more care and will sort of the IMBA effect of some players, who have the best stuff, that could be found in DayZ.


That's definitely cool but this isn't about durability.

It's about your shots having a chance to damage the gear on your target.

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You can rob then murder.... Boom.

Sure can! Or they can shoot you first.

Choices' date=' choices, what to do, what to do...


Respawn -> Try again.

Asshole 101 my friend.

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I actually like this idea. Makes sense. If you drop a grenade down a ladder and kill someone, all of their stuff may not still be usable.

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Why should there be consequences for successfully killing someone? You're the one who went and got himself shot.

Does a diceroll too see if your beans disintegrate when you die make you feel that much better?

Does it make someone less likely to kill you? Especially when' date=' chances are, with the roles reversed you'd do the same?

Do you think that people will suddenly play nice with one another because there's a chance their bullet will metaphorically ruin a bandage or a water bottle?

This is a bad idea.

It tried to encourage and favor certain playstyles in a very vague and arbitrary manner.



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I will reiterate what I said before, if this idea is looked at solely as a 'punishment' for looters then yes, of course it is shit. Items should not be lost on death, they should be lost the moment they are shot or blown up.

I know change is hard for some people to accept even in an alpha test but this idea should be discussed and not dismissed with that overused 'don't punish a play-style' argument especially when, if the idea is implemented properly, it does not even apply.

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Stratego, I was pointing toward the idea that in order to implement this without it merely being annoying is to make the damage based on hit location. The easiest way to do that is to make the backpack and the body into separate hitboxes. I know that not everything is in the backpack, but any hit cannot and should not result in random damage to equipment. I thought that shooting someone's gun should break the gun, but is that possible or even desirable? Shooting someone in the face destroys NVGs...likely, but do we really want that? And the high calibur thing was merely to support the simplification.

Once again, I don't think that this should be implemented at all. If it is, I want it done with the proper restraint as to not make it a nuisance.

What we should think about first when making a suggestion is whether or not it will support the game, not whether or not it is actually realistic. Get realism out of your vocabulary and focus on what makes a survival sandbox game an experience.

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