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About RonnieG

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  1. RonnieG

    Solution for Excessive Murder

    And again another useless post. Nothing insightful, useful, or significant about it. Please don't post in a thread if you're not going to contribute anything to it.
  2. There will always be KoS's until there's an incentive not to do it. I don't feel remorse for killing other players anymore than I feel remorse for killing the bunnies for food. I don't actively kill others but, do when I feel threatened. I think that all of these numbers should still be there but, it shouldn't be shown to the player. The icons at the bottom right of the screen are representative enough of your basic needs that the upper right box isn't necessary at all. I hardly look at it. I don't need to know how many players or bandits I've murdered. The only time I've ever used that is to check if the person I was shooting at stopped shooting at me because he died or ran away. The humanity system can stay, just hide the numbers and only show them upon your death. If you never die then you'll never know.
  3. RonnieG

    Solution for Excessive Murder

    Well, no. That's the Sociopath side of things. But, there's nothing realistic about murdering someone and then standing in place for 5 minutes unable to move. I'd rather they introduced a behind the scenes sanity meter based on your murders that made you start seeing and hearing things that aren't there and make noise even when you were trying not to. The meter slowly drains over time but, only when logged on. So you can kill in self-defense without having to worry too much or you can go on a murderous spree and slowly lose yourself. Edit: I would also like to add that the sanity meter does reset upon death. make a full post of this idea, that is just brilliant. This kind of stuff have been proposed countless times. It's just a way to tell you how to play, don't get me wrong I hate excessive murder and general KoS, just I don't want that kind of 'fix'. _____________ My proposal about selective FF. The only method that allows everybody to play like they want, including cooperation, trading, betrayal and PvP of course. A PVP toggle in a PvP-focus mod is kind of missing the point. I don't know for sure and haven't done my research at all but, if the creator/s of DayZ wanted something like a toggle, they would have built it into the game by now. It also goes against the spirit of living in a dangerous post-apocalyptic world of zombies. Where the people are always the biggest threat. If you turn it into a toggle, then you lose that. You lose the thrill of running into a big town that you know there are at least half a dozen guys and your only goal is to get painkillers because you can't take much more of that goddamn screen shaking. You're willing to take that risk, not because of the zombies but, because of the assholes that shoot on sight with their little makarovs despite being chased by a dozen or so zombies. They felt they needed to stop and take the hits from the horde behind him because you just happen to run close to him. You can't take that away from me. You can't. What I'm trying to say is, a toggle is a lame idea. It was lame when it was introduced in UO and it's lame now. That's not very positive or constructive. I'm just sayin'.
  4. RonnieG

    5mins of gameplay Disconnects my Internet

    I had that problem for a little while. I fixed it by running the game as an Administrator and making sure everything related to the game is allowed by my firewall.
  5. RonnieG

    Night Is Absurdly, Unrealistically Dark

    I agree with your post but, I just don't think the engine can do that. Maybe with Arma 3 we'll see something like that.
  6. RonnieG

    Solution for Excessive Murder

    Well, no. That's the Sociopath side of things. But, there's nothing realistic about murdering someone and then standing in place for 5 minutes unable to move. I'd rather they introduced a behind the scenes sanity meter based on your murders that made you start seeing and hearing things that aren't there and make noise even when you were trying not to. The meter slowly drains over time but, only when logged on. So you can kill in self-defense without having to worry too much or you can go on a murderous spree and slowly lose yourself. Edit: I would also like to add that the sanity meter does reset upon death.
  7. RonnieG

    Infected Water

    You still need to boil the water and/or maybe add some Steramine tablets. Are the survivor's(us) supposed to be immuned to the virus which is why there's no players turning into the zombies? Then you just have to worry about the diseases that are associated with rotting corpses.
  8. RonnieG

    Infected Water

    Oh so you're saying that they should remove the need to eat and make fires. I get it now. I politely disagree with your suggestion.
  9. RonnieG

    lag when people join and leave server

    Are you using the SixLauncher when you try and play the game? Try this and see if it works. Restart your computer and then boot DayZ up without using the Launcher and find a server through the multiplayer option in-game.
  10. RonnieG

    Infected Water

    I like every suggestion that was given in this thread so far. 1. Water Bottles have multiple uses. 2. Stagnant Water needs to be boiled first. I like having more reasons to make a fire. 3. More illnesses and medicine uses besides the coughing illness, pain shakes(shock), and damaged limbs. 4. Canned Food should require needing to be cooked passed a certain expiration date(the game will say whether it's passed due) giving another reason to use campfires. 5. Trees that are cut down should disappear and have a respawn timer(still not realistic but, that's okay.) I, personally, like all of these suggestions. More options, more stuff that needs to be found, more uses for things, more variety, more fun. It's true matches are kind of hard to find but, that just makes them more valuable especially when fire actually becomes more useful.
  11. I don't know if this should be part of this discussion but, instead of stuff just disappearing from killing you, just introduce durability to items so all damage contributes to possible damage of goods, not just dying? If you're getting pummeled by zombies, something is bound to break or get damaged. If you're shot in a grenade, it'll probably go off destroying most things on your person in the process. I don't think things just straight up disappearing is the solution. I think they should turn into repairable junk(except food and soda cans). I also think that Zombies should be attracted to freshly killed corpses and bleeding players unless part of the lore of DayZ is that they're sense of smell is diminished as well. Feasting zombies on corpses should also increase the chance to destroy/junk items on that corpse so murderers that are hunting people for supplies and not sport either have to get in and get out before attracting the locals or have to kill the crowd they attract with the noise, blood and body/ies that pile up.
  12. RonnieG

    Weird hitching/freezing

    Are you guys using the SixLauncher? I found a game by just launching it from the Multiplayer menu in game and I didn't have any issues. It seems the problem only occurs when trying to find a game with the Launcher.