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DayZ DIAF - A custom DayZ Mod I'm working on. Input appreciated!

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by tomorrow evening: did you mean TODAY?

it was 05:21 when u posted.. :)

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With adding a few snipers back into the game, players kind of need to be able to bag a gun or the snipers will be totally useless. At least in the way I've put snipers back.

Do you mean, the sniper as a person or the sniper rifle, would be useless? On a side note, I seen that other video where the guy modded DayZ so as the street lights around town are on at night. Is that something you could do or would even be interested in doing?

Also, sent a pm. I'd really like to try out your server.


Here's the lighting vid for those who haven't seen it.

Edited by OFC_Bill

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If you're going to put in working lights, check out this addon:


Obv it depends on power being generated somehow (maybe players can have option to restart the power stations), but would be a better option than electricity inexplicably being available to light up towns after a zombie apocalypse.

Also, can you look at tweaking the UI so it's easier to open doors and get up and down ladders? ( you may need to make some config adjustments to the building models for this)

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Maybe chuck back in the M14 AIM and possibly the DMR, M24 and SVD Camo? They're fun to use and the M14 is incredibly useful with its diversity. Just make them both rare barracks/military spawns so players have to risk a lot to get them, unlike deerstands. The SVD on the other hand, is a very useful gun and gives the user the ability to remain almost completely unseen when coupled with a ghillie suit. If your also going on removing all the snipers, why not remove the L85? It's overpowered to say the least, but fun to use. I also understand the actual gun is pretty average so maybe you could swap it out for the L85A2 SUSAT or ACOG? Just a suggestion :D

Also send me a PM with the server info if you please, we should try and get rockets attention on this one, it could bring a lot of fixes to the game.

Edited by CombatWombat

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All the goddamned beans. All of them.

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Ok so you fixed pretty much every problem I have with this mod, but....

CZ? That was a problem?

Take out a useless at day FN FAL but leave in the amazing L85? I don't get it your logic

Take out tons of gucci weapons, but not add in variety at the lower end?

Added range finders spawns? You took out all the respectable guns that make use of it. Binocs are fine.

Why the hasn't Rocket fixed these bugs and facepalm obvious gameplay choices or at least brought you in to fix them for him?

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Ok so you fixed pretty much every problem I have with this mod, but....

CZ? That was a problem?

Take out a useless at day FN FAL but leave in the amazing L85? I don't get it your logic

Take out tons of gucci weapons, but not add in variety at the lower end?

Added range finders spawns? You took out all the respectable guns that make use of it. Binocs are fine.

Why the hasn't Rocket fixed these bugs and facepalm obvious gameplay choices or at least brought you in to fix them for him?

I haven't yet posted the updated changelog. But the CZ was initially removed simply because it was a sniper at all. If I left the only sniper in game as a Farm Spawn then people would camp coastal areas with big farms to wait for their CZ. Now that the CZ and M24 are back in, I just moved the CZ to deer stands to prevent that.

I've also removed the L85 from game. The M24 took its place at helicrash loot.

Range finders are reasonable with the CZ550/M24 in game now. Plus, even without a sniper they're free nightvision (granted it's zoomed in and you can't run with it on). They'd make an excellent scouting tool to someone who doesn't have NVG.

I'd add in more variety of guns at the low end, but checking the A2 and A2:OA databases there simply isn't much at all available. Rocket has already put virtually all of them in.

The full changelog will be avail later today when hopefully I have the server up and purring.

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Sounds mostly great. I'd try it if the server's connection is halfway decent.

Maybe you remove all sniper rifles at first just to see how it affects gameplay. Then add in CZ and M24 back in as you described.

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Just wondering if you are going to put in some more weapons to replace the ones taken out.

For example the sa-58 fits the settings of dayz well and is on the same damage table as the ak's.

Also switch the bizon SD for the non-SD version?

Edited by Goldeen

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Hows this for an idea to use hatchets vs the undead:

instead of it taking up your primary, is there a way to use your script magic to make your pistol go into that "secondary" invisible slot (like your video shows for primary)?

This could still show the primary on your back and for rp'ing purpose this invisible slot would be the thigh holster your pistol is stored in. I know theres a lot involved because the hatchet is modeled after a primary weapon but I have no idea how much customization you have allowed at your fingertips. Maybe calling the config file for the hatchet to be used in secondary (pistol) slot but still retain its damage numbers and animations?

You could then still limit no primaries in backpacks and still retain stealth axe kills...what do you think?

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Do you mean, the sniper as a person or the sniper rifle, would be useless? On a side note, I seen that other video where the guy modded DayZ so as the street lights around town are on at night. Is that something you could do or would even be interested in doing?

Also, sent a pm. I'd really like to try out your server.


Here's the lighting vid for those who haven't seen it.

I like the idea of some street lights being on but I think this represents too many lights on. This would remind me that the outbreak happened in the last couple of days maybe weeks when I really get the impression the game's era would be more like a year or two aftermath. I think less light and if there is a possibility of changing the lighting so its not pitch black dark (candles dimly lighting houses, (if flickering light is possible) put one or two in grocery stores/apartments that kinda thing.

I like the idea that rocket wanted to reproduce fear with total pitch black but the lighting in the video alleviates alot of that. So maybe a median between the video and pitch blackness we have now :)

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I'm not much of a fan of the whole lights thing, just because Chernarus looks so damned run down and broken anyway (perfect for DayZ survival) that I find it hard to believe any power would still be flowing through those cables this deep into the post-apocalyptic situation. I do see Rocket has a "generator" item in the code that might be possible to somehow link up to a lighting mechanic down the road if I get ambitious. But, I'm with Dimedius on *loving* DayZ's night time without NVG. The nervousness of running around with flares/chemlights is perfect. I honestly wish I could lock peoples gamma to prevent abuse of that during the night :( But in short, unless I spend the time to make a mechanic that requires constantly feeding gas into something to keep the lights on, I wouldn't add that in.

I know I kind of pseudo-promised a possible release today (Saturday). But, I keep falling into stints where I start a new feature and demand I get that working before I release. There's still more I was wanting to work on before the mod's first release, but I've forced myself to tidy up a few things and stop at a playable state. I have droves more things planned for the mod, so expect frequent releases and updates. It is my plan to focus purely on getting the server up and running tomorrow (Sunday, the 30th) and get people testing on it.

I will be replying to PMs/emails accordingly as soon as that happens and post a fresh "DayZ DIAF official release" thread when that time comes. I thank everyone for the interest they've had so far, and I really do hope that I can make this server a full population server. If enough people like it, I may have to expand into new servers -- but we'll discuss that if we ever cross that bridge. The next post down includes the official change log for what will be released on Sunday along with a teaser video.

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DayZ DIAF v0.1.1

Before you read through the change log, I want to explain what DayZ DIAF intends to be. It's goals are:

[1] Fix bugs/exploits

[2] Introduce and change mechanics/features to appeal to DayZ "purists". By this, I mean people looking to play in the spirit

of "post-apocalyptic survival". You'll never see changes introduce things like "100 vehicles!", "golden weapons!", "tanks!" and other bullshit. I am to keep DayZ difficult and frustrating, if not more so! I love Rocket's design philosophy for DayZ and am attempting to stay reasonably close to it.

All in all, this project *will* fork from vanilla DayZ and take its own direction (it won't just be a "bug fix" release for stock DayZ). But it will try and keep in the spirit of Rocket's design. If I ever start adding ridiculous things, please smack me!

I apologize for the delay, as I know I hoped to have the server online by now already. I just keep getting enticed into adding "one more thing" or fixing "one more bug". I've forced myself to halt for release and get the public server running since things are playable as it is. I will then immediately start working on v0.1.2 with more features. I've got a lot planned for this mod, and I'm sure I'll implement a lot of stuff based on feedback as well! I've put a freeze on development until such time that I get the public server up and running. This should be tomorrow (Sunday the 30th).

To play on the server, I will need people to message me again with their GUID this time (going to use this instead of Player ID). GUID is more consistent and a better way to lock down the server. So if you've already sent me your Player ID, please re-send the GUID. If you're not sure how to find out your GUID, just wait until I turn the server up and I'll have instructions then so you can try to login to the server, PM me, and I can then grab your GUID from the logs.

But as mentioned, tomorrow is a "no development" day for me. ONLY working on the server getting turned up! Stay tuned for the post and fresh new thread started then with server details!

* RELEASE v0.1.1 *

[FIX] No longer possible to drink/eat without consuming the food item

[FIX] No longer possible to pitch a tent without consuming the tent

[FIX] No longer possible to put on clothes without consuming the clothing

[FIX] No longer possible to build sand bags/cat wire/hedgehogs without consuming the itme

[FIX] No longer possible to consume medical supplies (bandages/etc) without consuming them

[FIX] No longer possible to generate free filled water bottles with an unfilled water bottle

[FIX] No longer possible to create axes out of thin air if you already have one

[FIX] Switching skins no longer repairs pain shakes/broken legs

[FIX] Switching skins no longer resets/dupes/screws with your backpack

[FIX] Switching skins no longer resets ammo

[NEW] Switching skins now properly remembers your chosen weapon vs. switching to the first 'weapon' item you ever obtained

[NEW] Picking up a "weapon" form of a crowbar/axe no longer switches you to the first 'weapon' item you ever obtained

[FIX] Duping no longer possible through zombie corpses/backpacks/etc

[FIX] Vehicles save fuel properly

[NEW] Getting in or out of a vehicle auto-saves everything about it

[NEW] Adjusting gear contents of a vehicle or tent auto-saves it (Prevents duping)

[NEW] Vehicles now save upon taking damage and take proper damage (no insta-repair on getting out/in)

[FIX] uicontrol UI error fixed

[NEW] Debug Menu removed entirely from game. Not even a toggle.

[NEW] Weapons now spawn with 1-3 mags vs. previous 0-3 mags

[NEW] The crowbar can be placed on your toolbelt just like your axe.

[NEW] Disabled automatic player body cleanup (will leave this to scheduled restarts to give players a chance to get their stuff)

[NEW] You no longer start with any backpack

[NEW] MH-6J Helicopter added to vehicle spawn table. Non-combat vehicle with flares removed. Seats 6. Very vulnerable!

[NEW] "Map" will no longer spawn by its lonesome, but with other residential goodies (just like other tools already do)

[NEW] Ability to flip vehicles right side up (MORE DETAILS BELOW)

[NEW] Combat system introduced as Anti ALT-F4 mechanic (MORE DETAILS BELOW)

[NEW] Many loot/item spawn changes modified (MORE DETAILS BELOW)

[NEW] Added new item/mechanic "Chloroform" (MORE DETAILS BELOW)

[NEW] It should now be impossible for a new spawn to spawn unconscious (wasn't too uncommon when dying/respawning in stock DayZ).


* Ability to flip vehicles right side up *

When any ground vehicle has been flipped over, it can now be flipped right side up by getting up next to you and using the new action menu "Flip <Vehicle Name>".

-Vehicles can only be flipped when nobody is on the vehicle.

-It takes 6 seconds to flip the vehicle.

-If anyone is touching the vehicle other than the person flipping, they may take severe damage. Stand clear!

* Combat system *

As a means of eliminating ALT-F4 and force combat, this new mechanic has been introduced. If you are subject to ANY of the below criteria, you will be put in combat for 30 seconds.

-If you fire a weapon/throw an object

-If anyone else within 70m of you fires a weapon or throws an object

-If any bullet or object impacts within 50m of you

An indicator in the upper-right shows your combat status. The "Abort" button is disabled while in combat to prevent accidental logging. Any disconnect for any reason while in combat ensures the player is instantly killed and a body produced. This will be highly subjective to distance/duration tweaking. Eventually a DB will be setup to track combat logging for purposes of considering item reimbursal when a legit connectivity problem is implicated.

* New Item: Chloroform *

Rare item spawn. Find for yourself where it spawns (won't take you long to find out!). One use per item. Activates like giving someone a blood transfusion. Knocks the player unconscious for 3.5 minutes (subject to change). Useful for bandits looking to screw with people or survivors/heroes looking for non-violent ways to escape a situation.

* Many loot changes *



-L85A2 AWS

-M9 SD



-Bizon SD


-M14 AIM

-SVD Camo



-Cat wire (was only really used for building griefing)

-Hedgehogs (was only really used for building griefing)

-Satchel Charges (so rare that they were only used by hackers/dupers for griefing)

-Flashlight (removed from spawn tables, but everyone still starts with one!)

Most of the snipers/all of the silenced weapons were removed to foster more squad interaction and less one-sided instant kills. Just because an item was left in or was taken out does NOT mean that's how it will stay. Community feedback/testing will help direct what goes on here.


-M24 -> HeliCrash ONLY (Ammo only comes with the gun itself, doesn't spawn on its own anywhere!)

-CZ550 -> Deer Stand ONLY (Ammo only comes with the gun itself, doesn't spawn on its own anywhere!)


-The two ammo boxes were removed and replaced with a single ammo box carrying (10x Stanag / 10x AK / 10x AKM)


-With the weapon removals, you can now find Rangefinders, GPS, M4A1 Holo, M16A4 ACOG, and the M24 here.


-As mentioned, you no longer start with a backpack. Backpack loot, in my opinion, was also jacked up. Bags have been relocated.

+ Residential bag spawns changed from Pouch(4), Czech(16), ALICE(20) TO Pouch(4), Patrol(8), Assault(12)

+ Military bag spawns changed from Assault(12), Patrol(8), Coyote(24) TO Czech(16), ALICE(20), Coyote(24)

(The "best" pack from a supermarket is now the 12 slot Assault. You can only find an ALICE or better at military spawns!)


-Coupled with the item removals/changes, some loot was adjusted to spawn a bit more frequently/less frequently to try and keep high-end guns quite rare. Exact changes would be too numerous to enumerate, though.

Edited by Venthos
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I like the idea of some street lights being on but I think this represents too many lights on. This would remind me that the outbreak happened in the last couple of days maybe weeks when I really get the impression the game's era would be more like a year or two aftermath. I think less light and if there is a possibility of changing the lighting so its not pitch black dark (candles dimly lighting houses, (if flickering light is possible) put one or two in grocery stores/apartments that kinda thing.

I like the idea that rocket wanted to reproduce fear with total pitch black but the lighting in the video alleviates alot of that. So maybe a median between the video and pitch blackness we have now :)

I'm not much of a fan of the whole lights thing, just because Chernarus looks so damned run down and broken anyway (perfect for DayZ survival) that I find it hard to believe any power would still be flowing through those cables this deep into the post-apocalyptic situation.

I do agree about the "well where is the power coming from" concept, but, and I should have explained this before, adding lighting at night actually makes it harder for the players. Right now, in the dark, it's too easy to skirt around the zeds. Adding lights means the zeds and other players can see you.

So maybe not so much the street-lights-on idea, but something to add a bit of lighting. I like the candles in the windows idea. And what about, considering how there's so many trash piles, having some of them on fire? Or the wrecked cars. Or maybe some of the piles of bodies on fire?

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Well, DayZ night time is only easy on moon lit nights when you can turn your gamma up hehe. I'd make it moonless nights permanently but I think the server would just be a ghost town then. This makes me sad because I'd love to play with other people where we're forced to use chem lights and flares. I wouldn't write off the whole lighting thing, but I'm trying not to be too quick with drastic changes. It seems very popular to load the map with vehicles, C130s, more crash sites, more zombie models, and just otherwise try and cram everything Rocket didn't put into the mod... into the mod. I dislike that very much and hope I'm able to attract the crowd that is more of a DayZ "purist" by not following some of those other custom mods. I'm trying to keep changes subtle, tasteful, and true to the spirit of DayZ. But, yes, big changes will be made eventually. I just want to get a bit of a player base going, some of the minor stuff patched up and some cool little things in place before I set dev time aside for some big mechanic changes.

The 'more things on fire' has promise. I know Chernarus seems to be the only city with pre-lit oil barrels that provide light sources at night. I've always liked panicking "... did someone light that or was that just always on?" and being unsure on my approach.

The public server should be up within the hour.

Edited by Venthos

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