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Could you reconsider having global chat? My argument inside.

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I understand there are many good reasons for global chat to not be implemented; kills realism, immersion and also adds a lot of uneeded chat spam. Those are very good reasons and I definitely don't want people to be forced when they don't want to.

So my suggestion would be to compromise by having the admins decide if they want their server to have it enabled or not (e.g. disabled on hardcore servers). This way those who don't want it will known which servers to avoid. Which I have no doubts you will find plenty of servers simply because of how outspoken people are against the chat. Or, alternatively, maybe even make it so players can actually disable/hide it if they want.

Personally, I want global chat so I can communicate with players while I'm not in combat. I don't always want to sit in silence.. it gets very lonely when you're by yourself. It starts to feel like a singleplayer game with sentient NPC's. And, also, sometimes I want to ask questions (server/game related) but can't because.. well.. yeah.

[edit]: Since I know I'm going to get flack for 'this thread again' and 'search next time' - well, I actually want my suggestion to be heard and not sit on page 13 or forgotten when new replies come.

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I agree 100%, we need some sort of global channel or the game gets a bit boring IMO. At least it should be up to the server admins to choose, and thus players to choose which server they go on.

I'm all for realism in a survival sim, but some small concessions need to be made for gamplay purposes and I think this is one.

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If radios are implemented I imagine it will go the same way as Fonline (Put radio on frequency 0000 for spam.)

Otherwise no global chat is a great idea, if you want to ask questions you can alt+tab and google them instead of spamming 49 other people something that's been asked twenty times already.

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If radios are implemented I imagine it will go the same way as Fonline (Put radio on frequency 0000 for spam.)

Otherwise no global chat is a great idea' date=' if you want to ask questions you can alt+tab and google them instead of spamming 49 other people something that's been asked twenty times already.


Let's be honest here. Not many people are going to have radios. People die oftenly. They'd probably be hard to find. People might not want to carry it. Most don't see the point because they don't care to use it. Etc.

Yes, no global chat is a great idea. I'm not arguing that. However, sometimes my questions can't be answered by minimizing the game. Besides, that's not the greatest idea given the circumstances of this game. I only do so when I have to - no way do I want to spend time searching for it out of game when it can be answered in 3 seconds. Lastly, I addressed the point about spam.. if they don't want to see it then turn it off/play on servers that don't use it.

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With nights as dark as they are you can't wander without NV or a homing beacon (I mean flashlight), so talking the night away gives you something to do. It's not like you can sleep through it.

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I ferociously support this thread!

We aren't reinstating global chat just so we can ask questions. If you don't like people asking questions that much, then don't read the chat, no one is forcing you too. Plus, VGTG's idea is very simple and effective. You can simply toggle global the same way you toggle VOIP.

The fact that global and side chat were removed also removed a considerable chunk of my appeal towards the game. Whenever I was bored or playing solo I could engage in a conversation with my fellow server mates. Now most servers feel dead. Your only interaction with other players is shooting them the moment you see them, or trying to engage them with VOIP at a VERY dumb and risky proximity with the direct channel. (That is under the premise that everybody HAS and is WILLING to use a microphone to talk to a complete stranger).

I completely understand the intentions to remove global, but realism has to stop somewhere or next thing you know you have to take in-game showers and dumps. Video games can only get so real until they aren't games anymore.

Since global chat has been removed, I have been playing much much less than I previously did, despite the current easiness of finding and logging into a server. You will and did lose players over removing global chat, but you won't lose any having it.

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The radio thing is a good idea but like you said before people die A LOT. So enable global chat when you're near a radio tower ~10-30m around it and global will pop up, kind like how they did it with FO3 and the random radio stations. Seeing how there are a ton of radio towers in the game this would be awesome AND it would give players more reason to explore and not just sit in cherno/elektro.

Or you can make it so towns or small shacks have a radio in them and you can use them to chat in global, don't let them spawn in cherno or elektro, but the smaller towns or near deer stands. also, make them random like heli spawns so you can't have people camping the boxes.

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The radio thing is a good idea but like you said before people die A LOT. So enable global chat when you're near a radio tower ~10-30m around it and global will pop up' date=' kind like how they did it with FO3 and the random radio stations. Seeing how there are a ton of radio towers in the game this would be awesome AND it would give players more reason to explore and not just sit in cherno/elektro.

Or you can make it so towns or small shacks have a radio in them and you can use them to chat in global, don't let them spawn in cherno or elektro, but the smaller towns or near deer stands. also, make them random like heli spawns so you can't have people camping the boxes.


That is an epic idea! +1

Also, that way more ppl would be inside buildings in cities too.

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Considering that the game is in alpha stage, I don't see why it was removed. Testers learning the mechanisms of the game and not knowing the basics without the ability to exchange impressions... I thought this was the idea of an alpha.

Late alpha or Beta, having no chat is ok. Now is just too early.

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Sorry, I'll stay on topic now.

SPEAKING OF ON TOPIC, I wish there was a VGS in DayZ :V

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Another server option? No thanks, it's already hard enough for me to find a server with expert settings, this would only give me less options.

Also, global changes the way players play this game, and I think the benefits of not having it outweigh the positives of having it.

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Add radio with different switchable channel(so you can be only on one or can turn it off).

Anybody can start with radio but it need batteries. So you need to have batteries for keep it working. Or just make it findable utility tool.

Also you can turn it off. So you don't need to hear or read somebody.

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just an example of why i would like this to be kept in the game:

i was on a motorbike with a friend when we seen a survivor running along the beach, he hid in a bush so i slowed down and honked my horn to show we were friendly, i jumped off the bike (i think he shit himself tho..) but i dropped my g17 for him on the road and jumped on my bike again and we went on our way.. but if chat was enabled i could of told him we were friendly and there was no need to hide in the bush, also i could of asked him if he needed a gun rather than risking my life to get off my beloved moterbike, risking not just my life but my friends too just to drop a gun for him so he was not fucked if he agro'd zombies on his way to wherever.. (not all people shoot on sight)

anyway, long story short. the chat is an key factor for promoting teamwork... which is what rocket is so despiratly trying to achieve, but removing one of the key eliments for teamwork in the mod is not the way to go about it.

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just an example of why i would like this to be kept in the game:

i was on a motorbike with a friend when we seen a survivor running along the beach' date=' he hid in a bush so i slowed down and honked my horn to show we were friendly, i jumped off the bike (i think he shit himself tho..) but i dropped my g17 for him on the road and jumped on my bike again and we went on our way.. but if chat was enabled i could of told him we were friendly and there was no need to hide in the bush, also i could of asked him if he needed a gun rather than risking my life to get off my beloved moterbike, risking not just my life but my friends too just to drop a gun for him so he was not fucked if he agro'd zombies on his way to wherever.. (not all people shoot on sight)

anyway, long story short. the chat is an key factor for promoting teamwork... which is what rocket is so despiratly trying to achieve, but removing one of the key eliments for teamwork in the mod is not the way to go about it.


You know Voip works up to 60m and if he didn't have a gun, you could have just walked up to him and had your friend watch your back.

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If radios were implemented in the future you could drop a radio tuned to a frequency you're monitoring along with the g17.

For now I think direct chat range is being increased in the next arma update.

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I proposed the idea of walkie talkies or a radio of some sort even before global chat was removed, and now that it is removed its even more clear that we need such a thing.

That global chat is removed makes sense on some levels, the reasons why have been mentioned already.

But by adding walkie talkies (etc) you are still able to communicate with others in a more realistic manner.

The fact that people dont always have radios because they die should also prevent some spam and people raging.


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agree. Make it up to the server. Problem solved.

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I agree with the posts above, Chatting with other survivors is enjoyable and without it the game atmosphere does feel rather dull. Bring back side chat PLEASE

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I ferociously support this thread!

We aren't reinstating global chat just so we can ask questions. If you don't like people asking questions that much' date=' then don't read the chat, no one is forcing you too. Plus, VGTG's idea is very simple and effective. You can simply toggle global the same way you toggle VOIP.

The fact that global and side chat were removed also removed a considerable chunk of my appeal towards the game. Whenever I was bored or playing solo I could engage in a conversation with my fellow server mates. Now most servers feel dead. Your only interaction with other players is shooting them the moment you see them, or trying to engage them with VOIP at a VERY dumb and risky proximity with the direct channel. (That is under the premise that everybody HAS and is WILLING to use a microphone to talk to a complete stranger).

I completely understand the intentions to remove global, but realism has to stop somewhere or next thing you know you have to take in-game showers and dumps. Video games can only get so real until they aren't games anymore.

Since global chat has been removed, I have been playing much much less than I previously did, despite the current easiness of finding and logging into a server. You will and did lose players over removing global chat, but you won't lose any having it.


I actually tested the direct chat with someone on skype to see if he could hear me. I was adjacent to him and he couldn't see my typed message. I don't own a mic, so the limit of my interaction with ppl is the happy dance of friendship. I like global chat, but the least you could do is fix the direct chat so you can actually type.

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I understand there are many good reasons for global chat to not be implemented; kills realism' date=' immersion and also adds a lot of uneeded chat spam. Those are very good reasons and I definitely don't want people to be forced when they don't want to.

So my suggestion would be to compromise by having the admins decide if they want their server to have it enabled or not (e.g. disabled on hardcore servers). This way those who don't want it will known which servers to avoid. Which I have no doubts you will find plenty of servers simply because of how outspoken people are against the chat. Or, alternatively, maybe even make it so players can actually disable/hide it if they want.

Personally, I want global chat so I can communicate with players while I'm not in combat. I don't always want to sit in silence.. it gets very lonely when you're by yourself. It starts to feel like a singleplayer game with sentient NPC's. And, also, sometimes I want to ask questions (server/game related) but can't because.. well.. yeah.

[edit']: Since I know I'm going to get flack for 'this thread again' and 'search next time' - well, I actually want my suggestion to be heard and not sit on page 13 or forgotten when new replies come.

Not having it is stupid and there's no legitimate excuse for not having it. I don't even need to say why. It's too obvious.

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Not having it is stupid and there's no legitimate excuse for not having it. I don't even need to say why. It's too obvious.

I beg to differ. It makes no sense for players to communicate with each other from across the map. That being said, the fact that no means of communication has been implemented to fill the void created by the removal of global chat is lamentable. Here are some methods players could use to communicate with each other in-game:

1. Walkie-talkies

This has already been suggested a number of times, so I won't go into much detail, but suffice it to say that the range should be limited and there should be different frequencies from which to choose. Walkie-talkies would need batteries to work.

2. Radio transmitters

Transmitters would be found in radio stations, military camps, police stations, etc. The signals could be picked up by portable radio receivers, vehicles equipped with radios and communications equipment in buildings such as those mentioned above. Transmitters would need a working generator to function.

3. Letters

Players could write letters and give them to someone willing to act as a courier. Of course, this would require players to have a permanent user name and/or address within the game, but some day it may become possible to use vacant houses as homes.

4. Telephones

If players were able to restore phone service within the game, we would have another important form of communication, if you can find working generators to keep the cell phone towers and landline services running.

5. Pole-mounted speakers

These could be found scattered around cities and towns, some in need of repair, with players able to broadcast live or pre-recorded messages to anyone within earshot.

6. Megaphones

This would give you the ability to call out to other players over large distances and reduce the risk of giving away your exact position.

7. Yelling

Similar to megaphones, but less effective, this would make your voice carry over greater distances and make it harder for players to pinpoint your location.

8. Car-mounted megaphones

Players could drive around Chernarus broadcasting live or pre-recorded messages to players who have no means to receive communications.

9. News board

Here would go news and statistics (as reported by players), such as reports of murders, deaths, raids and other important developments.

10. Bulletin board

For everything else, there would be the bulletin board. Wanted notices, requests for help, missed connections, announcements, etc.

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