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Poll: Do you play at night?

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I set up this poll because I am one of the people who does not play at night because it is too dark. But, since some people claim to like it that way, I pose this question: How many people actually play during the night time?

In the dedicated thread, there are many people who claim that it is realistic. My grandparents live in the country, it is only that dark on a cloudy night. If the moon is out at all, it's quite easy to see shapes; if its a full moon, everything practically glows. Even on a new moon, starlight is generally enough to see movement and contrast.

If there is a large group of people who actually enjoy it, or even a large group who have no preference, then I have no complaints, I will just continue to go to daytime servers; no reason to ruin it for the community. But, if a huge majority avoids the night like I do, then I feel the night should become more accessible. Enough light to see outlines and movement, if not detail, would go a long way.

Unless you are the kind of person who actively searches for Night Vision Goggles, preferring to play at night with them, stumbling upon NVGs and playing at night with that character only is not very relevant imo. It is still up to what you prefer, but please stop and consider the impact of NVGs before you vote.

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My preference:

Night at full moon + good sights > Day light > shitty dark

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I only play during the night, I avoid day time servers like the plague. I don't play run and gun, I prefer stealth and precision strikes, something that is hard to do during the day.

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There are plenty of items exactly to combat the night. Flares, chemlights and flashlights that are readily available for anyone. You even spawn with some flares to get you started.

The night is not too dark if you use them. However, if you choose to make the night too dark for yourself, then the problem is something different than night being too dark.

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Not if I can help it because I always record my gameplay. Only play deliberately at night if I want to sneak somewhere dangerous

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There are plenty of items exactly to combat the night. Flares' date=' chemlights and flashlights that are readily available for anyone. You even spawn with some flares to get you started.

The night is not too dark if you use them. However, if you choose to make the night too dark for yourself, then the problem is something different than night being too dark.


Bandits are a big enough issue without alerting the countryside to your presence with light. If I had to play it as is, I might use light sources, but since I can play during the day without becoming a beacon, that's what I do.

All I have said is that the nights are imo unrealistically dark, that I prefer to not play at night; and that if a large portion of the community enjoys it as is, there is no issue.

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I play at night because I have a life during the day, and the only hours I get to play is after midnight during the week. Weekends it is very rare to play during the day because I a grown man with a family doing family things.

I guess this game is meant for teens and college students with no day time lives.

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I play at night because I have a life during the day and the only hours I get to play is after midnight during the week and weekend very rare to play during the day because I a grown man witha a family doing family things.

I guess this game is meant for teens and college students with no day time lives.

U mad? Fyi, you dont have to play on a server that matches your timezone, lol.

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The work/life excuse is stupid... enough servers running different time zones it no longer matters... quit crying for christ sake.. you had time to get your ass on here and cry about it you had time to fucking play.

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Based on the first 11 results, 5 of them play have no preference or prefer/only-play during the night, so right now it seems there is no issue. I'll be back tomorrow to see more complete results.

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I play at night because I have a life during the day and the only hours I get to play is after midnight during the week and weekend very rare to play during the day because I a grown man witha a family doing family things.

I guess this game is meant for teens and college students with no day time lives.

U mad? Fyi' date=' you dont have to play on a server that matches your timezone, lol.


Hey don't get me wrong, I love the game, I raise my gamma up and I can see everything. I know of some US server have reverse time zones, but I don't remember which one they are.

I am even concidering getting my own server and setting it to the setting I want to play in.

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I prefer night only because daytime is far too common and has majorly worn itself out for me. That being said, night either way has an ambience I can appreciate, mainly fuelled by flares and chemlights.

Unfortunately I can't find any anymore. Not a good one, at least - I joined UK6 at dusk but found people complaining about flying helicopters and bombings. I left soon after.

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I very much enjoy the feel of night time with light sources and rare nv goggles. I however thing the ingame settings for brightness and gamma need to be locked and compensated for adjusted out of the settings so everyone has a dimly lit and fair playing field. I haven't gotten a chance to play with the most recent patch, which i hear has near pitch blackness for everyone, no matter their settings. While i feel that is too dark, I prefer everyone at least having to deal with the same conditions.

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I dont have an issue playing at night, actually prefer it most of the time.

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I play day or night but prefer a nice moon lit night. The zeds seem to have a lower radius of aggression. I also run into fewer shoot on sight types.

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Back before the Beta I used to like nights, but now I prefer days since without night vission I can not see anything.

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I prefer playing at night and did tweak the settings a little to help (to my shame). I'm pretty sure if there was a Z-apocolypse and people were being as cruel to each other as they are in this game (and on these forums hehe :D ), then I sure as hell wouldn't venture out during the daylight if I could help it.

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In reality, tour gamma and brightness would shift upwards because your eyes can see more, and in reality, HDR is set to at least very high.

We just need some way to make it happen in-game...

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I actually like the thrill of night and hate that is so frowned upon in most games.

I think if time were to cycle faster more players might actually stick to one server and tough it through instead of insisting only to play on a day server.

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I like to mix it up a bit, I feel pretty confortable about using road flares, chemlights and flashlight, but daylight's a bit more relaxed on my eyes.

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The night really doesn't afford any kind of protection from bandits, it actually puts you at a disadvantage. You are less likely to see an enemy coming from far away. The bandit on the other hand will probably have a group of eyes looking for you, or nvg's.

The only advantage that night offers is lower zombie aggro and fewer players.

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I play during the night af fair bit, it's quite bright on the server I'm on at the moment, moon is out, clear sky. But yeah, sometimes it is very dark, I found it really difficult at first, but you get used to it, scary when you hear the zombies moaning and you are crawling round but you can't see them, makes it interesting.

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I like playing at night provided there is a moon or its dawn/dusk. Sometimes its so pitch black I may as well switch my monitor off and that's not really practical - and no, im not going to light myself up like a xmas tree with flares/cemlights/flashlight as i'd rather not be a gigantic target for every bandit in 1km radius.

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