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I'm still wondering how i'm running this game so badly

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Intel i5-2310 Quad Core 2.90 GHz

Sapphire HD 5750 1GB

6 GB ram

Windows 7 64-bit

I get around 50-60 FPS with the lowest settings possible.

I've seen some people with inferior builds and they're getting better FPS with higher settings

Those are my additional launcher parameters

-cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause

I also tried to run this game on higher settings and it doesn't lag less, it lags even more, especially when i'm looking at those damn forests.

Edited by PixelBlast

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god knows, arma is a beast, i have a crappy laptop and can run it in 30fps, my friend has a £2000 laptop and can run it at 40 :L

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50-60 is great FPS. Nothing to be ashamed of. Most wish they could run that well. Your 2.9 MIGHT be the culprit. Not 100% on that though. Still check around for some video card adjustments that might help.

Edited by SyndicateFaction

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Wait, what? You're complaining about 50-60 FPS? I'm stoked when I get 25!

Of course i am.

Dude, with this PC, supposedly i can run the game at max settings without a problem but no, the optimization is so bad that i'm stuck with lowest settings.

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Of course i am.

Dude, with this PC, supposedly i can run the game at max settings without a problem but no, the optimization is so bad that i'm stuck with lowest settings.

Sorry to say but your pc is average mate. I shelled out £2000 on my desktop. I still drop to 35fps in cherno and elektro on max settings. The guy a few posts above is partially right btw. Your CPU and GPU are your problem. Arma 2, although 3 years old now, is one of the most demanding games ever made. Especially on the CPU. Those command lines you use will not give you any boost at all. Arma 2 already uses the maximum it can from your pc on all fronts. I recommend disabling shadows, bumping a few things up to medium setting (low settings puts more strain on your CPU) and going into your ati settings and disabling ambient occlusion.

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Sorry to say but your pc is average mate. I shelled out £2000 on my desktop. I still drop to 35fps in cherno and elektro on max settings. The guy a few posts above is partially right btw. Your CPU and GPU are your problem. Arma 2, although 3 years old now, is one of the most demanding games ever made. Especially on the CPU. Those command lines you use will not give you any boost at all. Arma 2 already uses the maximum it can from your pc on all fronts. I recommend disabling shadows, bumping a few things up to medium setting (low settings puts more strain on your CPU) and going into your ati settings and disabling ambient occlusion.

That's according to "system requirements"

But how do i disable ambient occlusion? I don't see it anywhere.

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im running a Duel Core AM2 2400 and HD5450 512MB and 4GB OCZ RAM, struggles a little in the bigger towns but generally runs ok... enough for me to continue playing it till i can afford an upgrade

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Of course i am.

Dude, with this PC, supposedly i can run the game at max settings without a problem but no, the optimization is so bad that i'm stuck with lowest settings.

lol try getting an i7 and a good nvidia card if you want better, you dont need to run this game with post process and anti aliasing on or on maxed settings, it still looks good.

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if you have 6 gigs of memory why do you tell arma to use 2?

Most games can only use that much since for some reason developers don't make 64bit games.

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That's according to "system requirements"

But how do i disable ambient occlusion? I don't see it anywhere.

Not sure for ati users mate. Im an nvidia user. It boosts +10 fps if you can find it though.

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I have a very similar setup OP (5750, Intel Quad @3.2GHz) and get the same results (50-60fps, 30-45fps in cities). I've spent a lot of time and tried varying every setting to maximize my framerate and minimize stutter by using the ArmA2: OA benchmark along with the FRAPS benchmarking routine. The config I came up with was this which sounds very similar to yours.


Long story short: there is nothing more you can do to boost performance beyond a hardware upgrade. I'll be punting for a 7770 in time for the standalone release probably as I've identified that the CPU is not the limiting factor.

Edited by puppetworx

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Your i5 is not the good one its the bottom draw version

Your 5750 is a bottom end gaming card too

6GB RAM indicates your not running dual channel which may not be a total killer but it shows whoever built your machine didnt really know what they were doing (unless you have some weird bastardisation of 2 + 2 + 1 + 1)

Your getting the kind of performance you should you may garner a few FPS moving some things higher than low therefore taking load away from the CPU to the GPU though as your GPU is pretty far from beast the increase would be limited (if at all)

Edited by wr6133

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i have a phenom IIX4 995


and a nvidia 460 GTX.

Which is pretty even with what your setup is except u got more ram than i do, but no games are using that much ram anyway.

I'm getting about 40-60 FPS. My only problem with my games performance of my machine is just the occasional stutter when i go to zoom in on something and itll stutter slightly for a bit, mostly this happens thru scopes and bionuclars, it clears up after a few seconds, just immersion breaking.

Also bro it may be bad luck, and actually can be dependant on servers, some servers my FPS will be alot more choppy than other servers, so I hope you have atleast hopped around a good 5/10 servers.

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Erm.... How do I display my FPS ingame? ^_^

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I have a 3.4GHz and a 570GTX and I can't max everything out without taking some FPS drops. I think you are overestimating the power of your rig.

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Intel i5-2310 Quad Core 2.90 GHz

Sapphire HD 5750 1GB

6 GB ram

Windows 7 64-bit

I get around 50-60 FPS with the lowest settings possible.

I've seen some people with inferior builds and they're getting better FPS with higher settings

Those are my additional launcher parameters

-cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause

I also tried to run this game on higher settings and it doesn't lag less, it lags even more, especially when i'm looking at those @#!*% forests.

Please don't ever let me see that .GIF again. Ever.

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