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Using DayZ For a Machinima -- Legal and Editor Issues

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The DayZ mod has inspired me to do my own Machinima based off of DayZ. Bohemia Interactive has made it quite easy for people to make money on youtube off of their videos. They provided a convenient legal document for us to fill out and submit to youtube for monetization:


My first question is:

1) What about the DayZ mod for monetization on youtube? Is Rocket or the DayZ dev team ok with us using their zombie sounds to make a machinima? As Rocket has said, things get complicated when money is involved. What if I'm making money off of a machinima video that has his zombie sounds? I know that many people already are making money off of videos containing zombie sounds, but has Rocket ever spoke about saying it's ok to grab the zombie sounds from his .pbo file? (Note: .pbo is the packaged mod. Inside is where you can find the zombie sound files)

In addition to this, I am trying to unlock the secrets of the DayZ .pbo in order to produce my machinima. I am using an old version of DayZ ( to access the editor and place zombies, tanks, cars, soldiers, civilians, etc. into a map to film. This is easy. What is not easy is below; I have two questions:

2) I want to pull some animations from DayZ. I can get the "hatchet" in the game for someone to hold. I unpacked the .pbo and found a melee_hatchet_swing.rtm file. Does anyone have any idea how to use this .rtm file to activate the animation in the editor? I only need it in the editor. Simply making a trigger to do activate it on someone would be fine. "radio alpha" makes "character1 switchmove "melee_hatchet_swing"

3) There are some skins of the "survivor" available in the game. When I choose a "survivor" in the editor, he has a random chance to spawn with one of three different types of shirts (black, dark blue, light blue). I want to lock it down so he stops changing shirts all the time.

To be specific, when I spawn this unit, I go:

F1 (units)




Is there code to lock down which shirt he spawns in? Is the .p3d file going to have information inside of it telling me what the name of his clothes are and how to set it?

Thank you for your help! If anyone else out there is trying to make a machinima and want to collaborate to problem solve some of these issues, please let me know!

Edited by krytos
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As long as you abide by the Bohemia Interactive rules, then you are totally fine. You don't need to pay or get any permission to use DayZ mod assets.

But be sure to let us all know! I love seeing the user created content, some of it really outstanding.

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That's great news. I'm working on a (slightly stupid) DayZ tutorial animation and it uses some of the pbo. sound files. I was wondering about this earlier today.

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As long as you abide by the Bohemia Interactive rules, then you are totally fine. You don't need to pay or get any permission to use DayZ mod assets.

But be sure to let us all know! I love seeing the user created content, some of it really outstanding.

Rocket, you are my hero and thank you for replying personally! Nothing motivates me more to persevere to create my machinima than seeing the creator himself say he approves!

To be more specific though, were the zombie sounds created by BI / you, therefore it'd be covered by BI's contract? I just want to make sure because if those zombie sounds came from a 3rd party, it could be a legal issue if I make money off of it. You, Rocket, did not technically make money off of it because this mod is free, but it'd could be different in my case.

Also, if you have any quick tips on how to make the hatchet/crowbar swing while using it in the editor, I would also greatly appreciate that, but I understand you are an incredibly busy guy, so no worries either way <3 (i tried asking the BI forums how to use a .rtm file, but they shoved me to the DayZ forums).

Edited by krytos

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