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About krytosss

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  1. krytosss

    DayZ Machinima: Z Zones

    Released the 2nd episode! Thanks again for your guys support. Still looking for more help though...
  2. krytosss

    DayZ Machinima: Z Zones

    Thanks! Don't worry, as time goes on it will become more and more serious as bigger characters and more storyline is revealed. How fast that all happens depends on alot of factors such as how many people are watching, how much of my personal time this is taking etc. For now though, consider it as a Dramedy (Drama / Comedy).
  3. krytosss

    DayZ Machinima: Z Zones

    It's unfortunately alot of work for me alone to do all of this. The second episode will most likely be released next week. After that, I will take a short break to hammer out the rest of the episodes, plot lines, scripts for season 1. Unless I get more help though, typically only 1-2 episodes will be released per month. Glad to hear you guys are enjoying it! :)
  4. krytosss

    DayZ Machinima: Z Zones

    Z Zones is a zombie themed machinima inspired by my time in DayZ. This is the pilot episode below, I hope you all enjoy! Let me know your thoughts! :) EDIT: 2nd episode released! SYNOPSIS: The zombie apocalypse has happened, and 3 years after the Collapse began, we won...barely. The brutal one world government, the Defensive Global Alliance Federation, nearly wiped out the zombie virus completely, but has mysteriously left a handful of Z Zones across the world untouched and quarantined. Two groups of survivors named "Guava" and "Honeydew" have been abducted by DGAF and forced into the Z Zones for “testing.” Their only instructions are to be the first group to find the helicopter inside of the Z Zone and fly out to earn their freedom back. INTERESTED IN HELPING? There is a wide variety of skills I need. If you think you can help in any of these departments, please PM me: ARMA2 EDITOR: This by far takes the longest for me. Some of the simplest scenes take alot of work due to my inexperience. If you are a great scripter or editor contact me! ARMA2 MODELING: I definitely need someone who knows how or can take the time to help me with certain animations. E.g., the female cannot move her lips. Certain animations could look much better with a little help. PHOTOSHOP: If you can come up with a better Z Zones logo or CrySix logo, let me know! BACKGROUND MUSIC: I also need background music for alot of scenes. What is free out there is fairly limited. VIDEO EDITING AND AFTER EFFECTS: Down the line I will need After Effects and possibly help with video editing.
  5. Rocket, you are my hero and thank you for replying personally! Nothing motivates me more to persevere to create my machinima than seeing the creator himself say he approves! To be more specific though, were the zombie sounds created by BI / you, therefore it'd be covered by BI's contract? I just want to make sure because if those zombie sounds came from a 3rd party, it could be a legal issue if I make money off of it. You, Rocket, did not technically make money off of it because this mod is free, but it'd could be different in my case. Also, if you have any quick tips on how to make the hatchet/crowbar swing while using it in the editor, I would also greatly appreciate that, but I understand you are an incredibly busy guy, so no worries either way <3 (i tried asking the BI forums how to use a .rtm file, but they shoved me to the DayZ forums).
  6. The DayZ mod has inspired me to do my own Machinima based off of DayZ. Bohemia Interactive has made it quite easy for people to make money on youtube off of their videos. They provided a convenient legal document for us to fill out and submit to youtube for monetization: http://forums.bistud...ership-Program) My first question is: 1) What about the DayZ mod for monetization on youtube? Is Rocket or the DayZ dev team ok with us using their zombie sounds to make a machinima? As Rocket has said, things get complicated when money is involved. What if I'm making money off of a machinima video that has his zombie sounds? I know that many people already are making money off of videos containing zombie sounds, but has Rocket ever spoke about saying it's ok to grab the zombie sounds from his .pbo file? (Note: .pbo is the packaged mod. Inside is where you can find the zombie sound files) In addition to this, I am trying to unlock the secrets of the DayZ .pbo in order to produce my machinima. I am using an old version of DayZ ( to access the editor and place zombies, tanks, cars, soldiers, civilians, etc. into a map to film. This is easy. What is not easy is below; I have two questions: 2) I want to pull some animations from DayZ. I can get the "hatchet" in the game for someone to hold. I unpacked the .pbo and found a melee_hatchet_swing.rtm file. Does anyone have any idea how to use this .rtm file to activate the animation in the editor? I only need it in the editor. Simply making a trigger to do activate it on someone would be fine. "radio alpha" makes "character1 switchmove "melee_hatchet_swing" 3) There are some skins of the "survivor" available in the game. When I choose a "survivor" in the editor, he has a random chance to spawn with one of three different types of shirts (black, dark blue, light blue). I want to lock it down so he stops changing shirts all the time. To be specific, when I spawn this unit, I go: F1 (units) BLUFOR PMC Survivor Is there code to lock down which shirt he spawns in? Is the .p3d file going to have information inside of it telling me what the name of his clothes are and how to set it? Thank you for your help! If anyone else out there is trying to make a machinima and want to collaborate to problem solve some of these issues, please let me know!
  7. krytosss

    DayZ Arma2 Editor Videos

    hi there! I am wanting to make some dayz custom videos as well. How do you guys get zombies to behave like the zombies in dayz so they actually attack or wander around? How about getting the other survivor skins? I've only found 3-5 survivor skins. Also, how do you turn off the dayz overlay with the hunger, thirst, blood symbols etc.?
  8. krytosss

    DayZ Memes and Posters

    ah thank you
  9. krytosss

    DayZ Memes and Posters

    I saw one of these threads earlier, but it disappeared. Too much gold in DayZ to not make memes about it. Post away! EDIT: Can someone tell me how to post so that the pic shows instead of the link?
  10. krytosss

    DayZ Memes

  11. This is a game, not real life. We can theory craft all day about how realistic or unrealistic it is to kill someone. In a post-apocalyptic world, it is hard to say exactly how we will behave. We can postulate, but in the end, no one really knows because it's never happened before. That being said, this is a video game. People are arguing back and forth about what to do about bandits and the senseless killing. Let's stop trying to use "realism" for arguing this point because in a video game you will never have 100% realism. In the end, we as the community need to decide what kind of game we want. Do you want a game where it is a frag fest and you KoS any player you see? Or do you want a game where every encounter with a player is unique and you have to consider if you should kill them or not. I submit to you that most of us would prefer the latter as it is much more unique and interesting that sets DayZ apart. I enjoy PK'ing. I think it is essential and should stay, however it needs to be changed so it is more meaningful. How do we do that? (Take a deep breath because here comes the flame train) Bring back bandit skins. Bandit skins ultimately help reduce the KoS problem because we will visually know who is 100% sure a KoS target. A survivor skin? May or may not be a threat, but I sure as shit know that the bandit is a KoS threat. Yes. Bandit skins are bugged. Fix the bandit skin system so it takes into account who shoots first. Fix it so you can defend your friends and not get flagged for being a bandit. Fix it so that if you kill a bandit, it will shift you away from being a bandit. Rocket is a genius and can overcome some simple hurdles of how to fix the programming for the bandit skin system. Give an anti-bandit skin too: Sheriff skins. Want to kill people and enjoy the thrill of hunting the world's most cunning prey, a human? Give an incentive for killing bandits and adding them to your collection. Reach a sheriff skin and it'll also help communicate the survivors that you are friendly and can help protect. On top of that, it'll give bandits a little more sport to know they killed someone else who is a successful PK. In the end, this is a game and we need to decide on what type of gameplay we want. If it turns into a CoD frag fest, I think alot of us will leave to go play a game that does frag festing better.
  12. krytosss

    DayZ Memes

  13. krytosss

    DayZ Memes

    my contribution
  14. tl;dw -I shoot a guy (mischy), the server says I killed him, but he just stands there for a few mins -I'm hiding out inside the hospital, with dozen+ zombies at the glass, then the guy I killed is alive and walking right past the zombies shooting at me -A zombie makes it inside the building -My ammo suddenly disappeared. Server: JP1 Potential hacker/exploiter -- mischy? 6/21/2012 11pm-12pm PST~ -- I don't have the exact time. I can try to figure it out if it's needed.