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My idea of a "MacGyver" crafting system in the DayZ standalone.

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The idea is to have so many different items in the game that you can uitilize and specialize these items to resolve issues. Make crafting items in the game so open that it becomes intuitive.

For example, everyone knows that to fix a broken leg right now you must have a morphine shot. (This is perfectly Okay and good by the way). What I mean is having more options via additional items, that you pick up in game, to do the same thing. You also have the option of using a splint to fix a broken bone. Now this is where it gets intuitive. By making the splint achievable several different ways. You have a pile of wood and a T-shirt. You can make a Splint with these two items. But it is not limited to this. You can take a wood plank and duct tape, this would also make a splint. This can be done with many other things in game as well.

Another idea to make this intuitive is instead of using only a fire to cook meat you can use additional items in the game. For example, a can of propane and a pan. The can of propane could also be paired with a competely different item to use for something else.

And let's not even talk about explosives...

What do you guys think? (When I say "you guys" I mean Rocket.)

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Without a doubt something like this will be added, but not now, and not for a while, and i know not in the mod, but later on in the standalone

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