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need somebody to show me the ropes in game, cant figure this out...

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hi guys, so basically ive read some tuts, etc, but my biggest problem is finding gear, just finding anything with out zombies, i cant, i get raped, ive went into 0 player servers, and i just dont understand what to do and how to find stuff, i see iother players withn 2 mins finding a gun and well off on their journey, ive went 3 HOURS and found nothing and died....

so i would like somebody who knows what they are doing or somewhat, to invite me along and show me what i should be doing or how to start off atleast so taht i quickly find some guns and gear easilly and safely with out getting raped by zombies, Thanks! if you have steam, you can add me, jasonthekiller1 and xfire jasonthekiller1 also, thanks

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i got this error There was a problem, the registration mail was not sent, please contact the website administrator. when attempting to register

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^ to that i meant to add for your webstie there that you linked me to basically through that other post

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Search everywhere and google a spawn map it will help you get your bearings of where you are .

Fire stations for guns

Supermarkets for food and backpacks

And houses and barns for random loot

Take a look at this http://dayzdb.com/map

If you don't get how to play after that I'd say your to young to play !

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to young, HAH, im 19 tyvm, and i have been using the map, i just dont get the mechanics of this mod, i cant find stuff, zombies pwn me when i attempt to get anything, etc, so either its a VERY long lengthy time consuming process to attain 1 item, or its just me, cuz why would people pvp if they have a chance to loose all their efforts if it takes them for ever to attain what they got

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^ to that i meant to add for your webstie there that you linked me to basically through that other post

I've manually activated all pending accounts. Let me know if it's still not working.

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hi guys, so basically ive read some tuts, etc, but my biggest problem is finding gear, just finding anything with out zombies, i cant, i get raped, ive went into 0 player servers, and i just dont understand what to do and how to find stuff, i see iother players withn 2 mins finding a gun and well off on their journey, ive went 3 HOURS and found nothing and died....

so i would like somebody who knows what they are doing or somewhat, to invite me along and show me what i should be doing or how to start off atleast so taht i quickly find some guns and gear easilly and safely with out getting raped by zombies, Thanks! if you have steam, you can add me, jasonthekiller1 and xfire jasonthekiller1 also, thanks

Hey Octanee, please check and see if your account over at the TMW website is working, as we have a forum subsection for training requests set up. Also add me at my Steam profile, linked here. http://steamcommunity.com/id/absolut_zero/

If the forum doesn't work we can talk about what you need to do over Steam chat or Teamspeak. Hope to hear from you soon!

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Look in houses for pistols, barns for rifles and industrial areas for hatchets as initial weapons, then move to firestations/airports/military tents for machine guns. KEEP RUNNING in town, doesn't matter how many zombies follow you just lead them to a place with two exits as once they get indoors they can only walk so you can lose them. If you can't find a building then confuse them by running in circles around objects to break line of sight etc. They're pretty dumb.

I usualy crouch run in town and then double tap to sprint if seen by zombies. Supermarkets are most important first for canned food/ drink /weapon/bigger backpacks, not to mention survival tools. Check the map linked above for their locations if you have trouble and if you don't know where you are when you spawn use landmarks to figure it out.

Its very hard at first so don't worry but after a few deaths you'll be sprinting around Cherno/Electro with the rest of us!

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thanks for the KIND replies those, and wasteland it worked, thanks and thanks jammz for them tips

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No probs, remember the zombies cannot harm you unless you stop moving and they cannot go onto the tarmacked areas on the docks so if in trouble just run to one of the big cranes and try and figure out your next move!

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If you still in assistance in game, add me on Steam: Freedomf63 or Email me at Kalebkeough@yahoo.com. I'll see if can help you out.

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A thing I did when I first started out was to play night maps only by turning up gamma and brightness you could somewhat see where you were going. You could literally walk/crawl slowly passed Zombies mear inches away and get into buildings very easily. It got boring pretty quick but at least I got some good gear for day time runs.

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Have you tried a recruit server? and maybey you shoul dhave a go at Arma 2 just to get the basic controls in order. Other than that I could only recommend you master crawl and sneaking when around the Living Infected.

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to young, HAH, im 19 tyvm, and i have been using the map, i just dont get the mechanics of this mod, i cant find stuff, zombies pwn me when i attempt to get anything, etc, so either its a VERY long lengthy time consuming process to attain 1 item, or its just me, cuz why would people pvp if they have a chance to loose all their efforts if it takes them for ever to attain what they got

Be patient and observe zed behavior. They always move away from the building they spawn from. Stealth is your best weapon against zeds. Crawl if you have to. Main thing is to be patient. Be the hunter not the hunted.

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to young, HAH, im 19 tyvm, and i have been using the map, i just dont get the mechanics of this mod, i cant find stuff, zombies pwn me when i attempt to get anything, etc, so either its a VERY long lengthy time consuming process to attain 1 item, or its just me, cuz why would people pvp if they have a chance to loose all their efforts if it takes them for ever to attain what they got

Hey, don't worry about it, that actually reminds alot of my first hours. I hadn't played ARMA before and jumped into DayZ without knowing much and the first time I just kept running from zombies until I died, the second time I went on for 2-3 hours and found empty tincans and a sodacan and camped looking out of a warehouse... I heard gunshots and I remember thinking "Wow, another survivor!! I wonder, how could I signal him to my location so he could help a n00b out"

lol, little did I know about player encounters in DayZ :D

I also found alot of ammo but no gun and when I finally did find a gun, I didn't find bullets for it. aaand when searching through the building with the gun, I got shot from behind.

The third time I tried to loot stuff in the night but again, only finding crappy things and some food and ending up freezing in a hangar of some sort, leaving a chemlight outside so people would know I'm inside.. I was so trustworthy back then ;')

But then someone showed me the ropes and the most important thing is to learn to navigate the map. And hey, even if you mindlessly wander around chernarus being a n00b, you will eventually start to learn out the landscapes etc. so hang in there, it's all "XP" for you, even if it'd seem to be for nothing sometimes.

When you get the handle on navigating (running along the shoreline and learning to recognize some cities like cherno, elektro, solnichniy and berezino is really useful to get you "back on the map" if you're lost) you realize you need to do looting on a much bigger scale. Not just scavenge every single building in one city/town, but rather check the best lootspots of multiple cities and locations. The small stuff scattered everywhere is just good to pick up while on the way somewhere else, but not really worth browsing through in it's entirety.

My favourite place is Berezino, easily. "She has been very kind to me" like a Chernarussian could say.. The supermarket and hospital in there usually give you everything you need food and medical supply wise and the apartment complex buildings often have some of the main survival items to go up north (hatchet, hunting knife, matches...)

But ofcourse luck has alot to do with it too... and I also suggest that you use a few of your n00b lives to getting comfortable killing the zombies and getting rid of them. It's a bit tricky before you get used to doing it calmly and effectively, instead of panicing and missing alot of shots :D At least that's how it was for me.

And as zombies don't run in buildings, it's a very good way to get rid of a zombie horde chasing you by running through a building (for example; One of the big barns.) Run in from the other side and crouch run out from the other and they lose the line of sight and most often lose track of you.

Oh and don't practice killing zombies with a Lee Enfield. ;D I learned that the hard way. (On the roof of the berezino apartments, shooting zombies for fun ... until they start swarming on the roof from the only ladder and I start running out of the 7 clips I had :D

I agro'd the whole damn eastside of the map, it seemed.

edit: oh and sarcasm83 on steam aswell if you wanna add me... and any survival-spirited "good guy" players looking for company, feel free to add me aswell. I'm not into banditry, but it'd be nice to group up every now and then. Just surviving on my own up north and spying on people has become a little too easy and boring and it'd be cool to try and fix some vehicles, find rare loot together etc.

lol, 60+ hours played, 0 murders. I only kill people of chernarus in the arma OA editor ;)

Edited by sarcasm83
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My primary advise to beginners is: Toggle crouch(X) as the first thing you do, then toggle walk(2xshift).

On the right side of your screen the ear and eye icon indicates, how easy zombies detect you. the taller you walk, the faster you move, the easier it is for them to spot you. Walking on roads/streets makes more sound and you're easier to see. Stay off roads if you can.

When you leave the beach, head for build up areas. Press shift to run, if you have to run very far, toggle running. The loot is always near open buildings and zombies are always near. So in order to get loot, you must always go towards where the zombies are. :)


When I spawn, I have three choices: Axes from industrial areas. handguns/backpacks from civllian buildings or rifles from barnes, stables and military camps.

As soon as you get close to buildings/zombies, switch to walking. Only run if you're sure no zombies are looking straight at you or if they spot you. If they chase you, stand up straight( c) and use regular standing running, sprinting(2xW) will only help you a short time and then it slows you down. Run away from buildings, so you alarm as few zombies as possible. When one zombie sees you, you have to run, which usually alarms other zombies. Keep running, through trees and bushes to make the zombe lose sight of you. While you run you can either freelook(alt or 2xalt) to look behind you or press numpad 1 or 3, to see if the zombie is still chasing you. Keep runnning through trees or up /down hills till the zombie gives up.

As a new player the most important is to learn how move, to avoid being seen and if you get seen, how to lose any zombies chasing you. When you master this, going in to areas with zombies, where the loot is, becomes a little less scary.

Shooting/aiming/using inventory is an advanced lesson better kept for another day. :)

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Once more for emphasis. Stealth.

Figure out how to crouch and go prone (usually X or Z keys), these dramatically reduce your chance of being seen by zeds or other players (you make less noise also). Do not sprint if you are near zeds unless you want to attract attention. If you have a zombie chain, find buildings you can run through, their AI doesn't like indoors, they stop running and simply walk towards you.

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Yeah so in short; If chased by zombies, try to break line of sight and get distance between em.

And also good to know; as they run a pretty straight line towards you, in a forest it might be a good idea to run behind things like bushes and trees as you pass em. The zombies change their course pretty much the same time you do and you have already passed the tree/bush/rock so as you change your course, putting the obstacle between you and the Z, it often slows em down and makes them lose you quicker... Just swerve around the forest like a madman and the zombie might need to circle around stuff and get "stuck" so you get distance :)

If a zombie persistantly chases me for a long time, I just run around a few bushes and as they're not the cleverest or most agile things in the world, they often hit the bushes while turning and when they kinda stumble, it's your queue to sprint away and get a little headstart again.

The longest I've had a zombie chase me was a little over 2km though :D Annoying little bugger.

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OP: You're not actually doing anything wrong. The game is exactly what you have found it to be.

My first day / first few lives were HELL. I am eternally grateful for that experience. The fact is that you are COMPLETELY defenseless against Zs without a weapon, and then if you have a firearm, you are in most cases far worse off if you decide to use it, so use it wisely.

On to the particulars of your frustration. Definitely heed the information posted in this thread regarding stealth and breaking contact with Zs.

Definitely play through the Arma2 infantry tutorial. Yes the engine and mechanics really are that bad.

If you choose to use an external map site, be sure you take note of the "city" location on the lower right corner of the screen as soon as you spawn. You will not get this again.

As far as not finding anything useful - you are probably the runt of the litter that made it last to the spawns. It sucks.Keep going, the apocalypse is seriously messed up.

One more hint: you are probably not using your backpack correctly. You are probably not actually using it at all. :)

Good luck!

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Oh and as I'm not into killing players without a reason and therefor seriously lacked combat experience, I made some likely DayZ scenarios in ARMA2: Operation arrowheads editor. It really helped me get confident in spotting players in the woods and from a distance (Which I found to be a bit tricky.. the editor was a good way of getting used to what a player moving in the woods looks like and how small they look at what distances etc.)

So I set up a few hostiles walking around all over the place up north on the chernarus map and just did what I normally do in DayZ and survived multiple encounters of seeing em and even being fired upon by them. Sure, it's not a perfect analog as a human player often makes sure that the first shot they take is the killshot, but anyway... it's at least something to prepare for the worst. Also good thing to play the ARMA 2 helicopter tutorial and/or spawn a UH1H chopper in the arma OA editor and fly around, incase you ever do find a chopper :)

You can enter the editor and play around with it by normally starting up arma combined operations/operation arrowhead from either steam or it's folder, then going to single player -> editor.

It's rather straight forward... select the chernarus map etc. And after you've spawned a player unit (Blufor rifleman, marked "player" for example) you can then select "EMPTY" from the blufor, opfor...." selections and spawn empty vehicles.

If you spawn a blufor chopper for instance, it has a crew in it aand UH1H (the huey in DayZ) isn't even in the list for Blufor, I think, it's in the empty aand probably somewhere in the chernarus civilian/local section.. if it wasn't in the list to begin with when you just select empty. Don't remember, but it's still pretty straight forward and easy to figure out. I didn't need any tutorials to mess around at least :)

And not only is it good training, you can also have alot of fun with it....

(Give yourself an apache and take down a pile of enemies using it's hydra rockets and watch them FLY >;D ..... *cough* ... I'm not a violent person :I)

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