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Sir Vyvor

Hey Rocket, how's it feel?

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How does it feel to know that you no longer run DayZ, but the hackers do? I mean, server admins can't do anything against them, BattleEye can't do anything against them, and you certainly can't do anything against them. This whole "cheat reporting" section of the forums is just a joke. You know as well as any of us do that this section is just a forum to create a false sense of security; to make players "feel" as though they can do something about the hackers, when you know full well that you can't track the hackers at all.

What does providing video or screenshot evidence do? Even if we give you the name if the hacker/scripter, give you the location, server time, real-time and even the description of the scenario, you can't do anything about it. All it takes is for them to lose you is to change profile name, or IP address, and you can't do jack all.

Hackers are getting bigger and more cocky in their exploits. Today, I found myself unable to get into Elektro, because a hacker had sealed off the entire city with sandbags and barbed wire fencing. Then, in another city, I kill a player who had shot at me first after I call out I'm friendly. 30 seconds later, he's scripted back in his entire gear, and teleported into the room I was in and killed me, retorting "How does that feel, ya fuckin' faggot?". And wouldn't ya know, BattleEye didn't pick up a single thing. Hackers/Scripters like "FinaleKing" get away with this stuff every day, and you can't do anything about it.

As the days go on as I play this game, WarZ is looking more and more like a better option in the future.

Get your shit together Rocket, because you're going to release a game that no one is going to buy.

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because you're going to release a game that no one is going to buy.

.....Im someone and Im planning on buying so.....umm leave..now?

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dayz stand alone will take the warz and take a big giant dump on it once warz is revealed to be vapourware

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What does providing video or screenshot evidence do? Nothing. You need to post logs. Even if we give you the name if the hacker/scripter, give you the location, server time, real-time and even the description of the scenario, you can't do anything about it. All it takes is for them to lose you is to change profile name, or IP address, and you can't do jack all. Actually, he can. The logs will show a GUID, which is bound to your Steam account and CD key. He can ban hackers from the DayZ Hive(And ONLY DayZ hive.) with it. But yes, he did allow private servers after 1.7.2, which allows server admins to ban people from their servers. That helps a bunch.

As the days go on as I play this game, WarZ is looking more and more like a better option in the future.

Good! At least we don't need to deal with you in the future. :3

Get your shit together Rocket, because you're going to release a game that no one is going to buy.

The standalone will fix so many things it's not even funny. The people who truly enjoy DayZ will buy it regardless of the hacking in the current state of the mod. It's like saying that "nobody will buy ARMA 3 because of ALL THE PROBLEMS ARMA 2 has." You do realize that the hacking problem is entirely ARMA 2's fault and not the mod's? You should go whine here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?9-ARMA-2-amp-Operation-Arrowhead

Herpyderp, I got trolled. Beans for everyone.

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I am defs buying DayZ stand alone regardless of hackers, alpha state, pricetag, not being very good at surviving, blah ,blah, blah.

Honestly, this MOD, is by far the single most immersive and captivating experience I have had in a game EVER.

I give my beans to you Rocket. Thanks for this experience.


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I'm buying the stand alone as soon as it's available, regardless of its current condition.

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still playing this and will just have to put hard work in ourselves untill we have something with a real anticheat. Battleeye is crap but they also didnt expect to compete against the same Coders that code hacks for bf3 and games with real expensive anit cheat.

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How does it feel to know that you no longer run DayZ, but the hackers do? I mean, server admins can't do anything against them, BattleEye can't do anything against them, and you certainly can't do anything against them. This whole "cheat reporting" section of the forums is just a joke. You know as well as any of us do that this section is just a forum to create a false sense of security; to make players "feel" as though they can do something about the hackers, when you know full well that you can't track the hackers at all.

What does providing video or screenshot evidence do? Even if we give you the name if the hacker/scripter, give you the location, server time, real-time and even the description of the scenario, you can't do anything about it. All it takes is for them to lose you is to change profile name, or IP address, and you can't do jack all.

Hackers are getting bigger and more cocky in their exploits. Today, I found myself unable to get into Elektro, because a hacker had sealed off the entire city with sandbags and barbed wire fencing. Then, in another city, I kill a player who had shot at me first after I call out I'm friendly. 30 seconds later, he's scripted back in his entire gear, and teleported into the room I was in and killed me, retorting "How does that feel, ya fuckin' faggot?". And wouldn't ya know, BattleEye didn't pick up a single thing. Hackers/Scripters like "FinaleKing" get away with this stuff every day, and you can't do anything about it.

As the days go on as I play this game, WarZ is looking more and more like a better option in the future.

Get your shit together Rocket, because you're going to release a game that no one is going to buy.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry you are so uninformed/clueless as to why the hacking is so bad in the DayZ mod...and yet you still feel justified in posting something like this.

'It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt'

A few points:

1. Rocket has stated many times that the reason hacking is so rampant is because of the ARMA II engine, it is too trusting when it comes to players being able to script things in to the game. This will be fixed in the Standalone which will be locked down so that scripting things in to the game is disallowed.

2. I don't know how many DayZ servers are out there but typically when I do a server refresh in DayZ Commander I get anywhere from 4.8k to 5k servers. Now i'm sure Rocket is a resourceful guy but:

a ) I don't think he could police that many servers without never being able to sleep again and

b ) He doesn't own those servers, it's not his job to police them, it's the server owners job to police their own server.

3. The hacking reporting forum is for server admins to come and see evidence of hacking on their servers, a nice feature if you ask me and one they certianly didn't have to add to the forums

4. If the server admins on the servers you frequent aren't actively trying to stop hackers then...find some new server(s)

5. Players are banned by GUID - they can change whatever other details they dam please (Name, IP address) they will still be banned on that GUID

This FREE mod is what it is, if you don't like it in it's current state then don't play it...no one's forcing you. Also try to do a little more research before you decide to start another thread, it might make you look less the fool.

Edited by DeathJester76
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dayz stand alone will take the warz and take a big giant dump on it once warz is revealed to be vapourware

RHINOCRUNCH fanboy detected!

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To the OP:

I feel your pain, bro. These hackers are relentless and they've fucked you, fucked me, fucked Rocket, fucked BI, and all of us players. I was gonna say I wish these hackers could see the pain on our faces cuz we paid 30+ bucks to play this thing that they've completely destroyed, but of course these jerks are so dystopian, so misanthropic that that is exactly what gives them pleasure. As it is right now, this whole DayZ thing is probably the saddest video game saga ever.

It started as this beautiful thing and the hackers took advantage of our innocence.

I wouldn't blame Rocket so much, though. He's just some guy. I'm sure he feels like shit for what's happened to his project. I feel bad for him. I'll probably buy the standalone just to give him his deserved money, but I doubt I'll ever play it, cuz I don't wanna go through that heartbreak again of getting so excited about something and then getting my hopes dashed. I bought the game about four days before the hacking became rampant. I think it was at about 350,000-400,000 unique users. I had no idea what was coming. It's hard to sympathize sometimes with all the late comers cuz they at least had some warning. And of course the early adopter had those first two months of fun. I'm jealous of them.

I wish he'd sold the IP to a big firm so some of us more fair-weathered friends might have some confidence that this would end in the standalone, but that's a whole other universe now. I feel like, for the hackers, ruining this game has become a sort of epic quest. I don't think anyone can foresee how they're gonna work around whatever new anti cheat systems will be in place in the standalone, but I just know these devious bastards will figure it out and ruin that too.

I'm sorta interested in the WarZ, but my long-term hope is that Rockstar games will jump on and do a game like this. I know it would be epic. Maybe they'd make Rocket an executive producer. That's my dream.

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I'm sorry I got upset before. You see, my mother hasn't hugged me in a very long time and my dog got ran over by a car lastnight. All this at home stress really has me upset. Then I try and play DayZ to escape from my problems, and all I do is find more. I really should do myself a favor and try and find a job. Maybe even find a girlfriend. Someone who would be willing to hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. I'm so sorry for getting upset with you Rocket. I promise to buy a copy of your game when it's released.


Edited by symptom
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As the days go on as I play this game, WarZ is looking more and more like a better option in the future.


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How does it feel to know that you no longer run DayZ, but the hackers do? I mean, server admins can't do anything against them, BattleEye can't do anything against them, and you certainly can't do anything against them. This whole "cheat reporting" section of the forums is just a joke. You know as well as any of us do that this section is just a forum to create a false sense of security; to make players "feel" as though they can do something about the hackers, when you know full well that you can't track the hackers at all.

What does providing video or screenshot evidence do? Even if we give you the name if the hacker/scripter, give you the location, server time, real-time and even the description of the scenario, you can't do anything about it. All it takes is for them to lose you is to change profile name, or IP address, and you can't do jack all.

Hackers are getting bigger and more cocky in their exploits. Today, I found myself unable to get into Elektro, because a hacker had sealed off the entire city with sandbags and barbed wire fencing. Then, in another city, I kill a player who had shot at me first after I call out I'm friendly. 30 seconds later, he's scripted back in his entire gear, and teleported into the room I was in and killed me, retorting "How does that feel, ya fuckin' faggot?". And wouldn't ya know, BattleEye didn't pick up a single thing. Hackers/Scripters like "FinaleKing" get away with this stuff every day, and you can't do anything about it.

As the days go on as I play this game, WarZ is looking more and more like a better option in the future.

Get your shit together Rocket, because you're going to release a game that no one is going to buy.

I'm an admin of multiple servers and I deal with these skiddies every day. They take a lot of my time and energy away from playing the game that I enjoy very much. However, I'm here to tell you that you're completely wrong about the majority of your complaint(s). Other people have already pointed out your mistakes, so I won't rehash all of that, but the most important thing is that this is not Rocket's fault. He created a Mod for a game that already had the ability to script items enabled. To blame Rocket is about the stupidest thing I've ever read.

There's this giant single-shard server game called "life." I suggest you push your ass away from your desk, take a deep breath, and go out and get one of those.


(P.S. Do not want whiny players like you on my servers. Please stay away from US 1550 and US 2522.)

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How does it feel to know that you no longer run DayZ, but the hackers do? I mean, server admins can't do anything against them, BattleEye can't do anything against them, and you certainly can't do anything against them. This whole "cheat reporting" section of the forums is just a joke. You know as well as any of us do that this section is just a forum to create a false sense of security; to make players "feel" as though they can do something about the hackers, when you know full well that you can't track the hackers at all.

What does providing video or screenshot evidence do? Even if we give you the name if the hacker/scripter, give you the location, server time, real-time and even the description of the scenario, you can't do anything about it. All it takes is for them to lose you is to change profile name, or IP address, and you can't do jack all.

Hackers are getting bigger and more cocky in their exploits. Today, I found myself unable to get into Elektro, because a hacker had sealed off the entire city with sandbags and barbed wire fencing. Then, in another city, I kill a player who had shot at me first after I call out I'm friendly. 30 seconds later, he's scripted back in his entire gear, and teleported into the room I was in and killed me, retorting "How does that feel, ya fuckin' faggot?". And wouldn't ya know, BattleEye didn't pick up a single thing. Hackers/Scripters like "FinaleKing" get away with this stuff every day, and you can't do anything about it.

As the days go on as I play this game, WarZ is looking more and more like a better option in the future.

Get your shit together Rocket, because you're going to release a game that no one is going to buy.

I'm an admin of multiple servers and I deal with these skiddies every day. They take a lot of my time and energy away from playing the game that I enjoy very much. However, I'm here to tell you that you're completely wrong about the majority of your complaint(s). Other people have already pointed out your mistakes, so I won't rehash all of that, but the most important thing is that this is not Rocket's fault. He created a Mod for a game that already had the ability to script items enabled. To blame Rocket is about the stupidest thing I've ever read.

There's this giant single-shard server game called "life." I suggest you push your ass away from your desk, take a deep breath, and go out and get one of those.


(P.S. Do not want whiny players like you on my servers. Please stay away from US 1550 and US 2522.)

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well it dose not matter anymore cause the games pretty much dead and ppl play private servers or lingor island more than dayz now LOL, so dead cause of hackers. Thought of actually playing again since a couple hack sites i know of u can join their IRC channel and their BE bypass has been down for quite some time and i filtered my server list for "dayz" and literally saw like 10 servers with 8 or 15 ppl LOL before there were hundreds of servers or even thousands. its pretty much dead IMO, if u don't agree u are so f-in blind and are a fan boy or something. i cant wait for the fanboys to insult me with grammar police jokes too since those ppl are SO original out of them all!

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Hey OP: How does it feel to be so ill informed you feel the need to create a thread regarding topics discussed at length by Rocket himself as recently as last night? Also, why's this in cheat reporting?

*Thread locked.

@ KeyboardcatSS. Rocket has fully supported the private servers and recommends that as the way forward for the mod. Go and do some reading, you'll feel better for it.

Edited by Fraggle
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