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Last Resistance - Join the humanity's last

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NewYork, US



Steam username:

I dont use steam

Where did you hear about us?


How often do you play video games?

4-5 hours (depends)

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing?

First Person Shooter and MMORPG

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?

Tactical plays, Mature Players

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?

Bored playing by myself

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave?

Yes, Code Killers, I couldnt play the other mods they we're playing for Arma 2 QQ

What other kinds of hobbies do you have?


Anything else you'd like us to know?


Any questions?

Since I dont use stream, can you contact me a different way like Skype or Msn etc?

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Got a website up. I think I've missed the early people who went in apps. We have a website up and running. Just doing some tweaks to it.

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Dallas, Central time.



Steam username:


Where did you hear about us?

This post

How often do you play video games?


What kind of games do you most enjoy playing?

Just about anything

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?

A group of people who actually want to work together. I only have one friend I play with and when hes not online its quite boring.

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?

Didn't have silly clan name which is always a plus and from the first post the clan

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave?

I've never been apart of anything big so I leave due to whatever group I am in dying off.

What other kinds of hobbies do you have?

Programming and playing drums

Anything else you'd like us to know?

Any questions?

How often is your group online together as in most of its members playing together?

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Central US



Steam username:

rofflewofflez (currently going by Sandwich)

Where did you hear about us?

Right here

How often do you play video games?

Everyday for several hours (I'm currently unemployed)

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing?

Anything, to be honest. From Minecraft to ArmA to Pokemon to Starcraft.

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?

A fun group of men and women who enjoy playing the game for the purpose of playing and not for winning.

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?

Your well-worded description sounded more appealing to me than any of the other clans or groups.

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave?

Nothing involving DayZ or ArmA.

What other kinds of hobbies do you have?

I like gaming in general. I'm into biology and zoology. I'm also aspiring to join to US military. Fun is also a plus. Oh and food. I really, really like food. Not just making it, though. Eating it. I love eating food.

Anything else you'd like us to know?

I like ponies.

Any questions?

When can I start?

Edited by Sandwichx

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Messaging all the people now, asking if there still interested now that things are up and running again.

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So, ran into some money issues so we could not get our own website for ourselves so where taking an alternative.


As you can see in the title the route we took, but the future is quite bright. This was just finished tonight from this post. Still stuff to add and to extend the payment of the site. It's simple to join, posting an app in the forums is the best option but of course you can still post here. I still though highly recommend that you post your application there.

~Thanks. Our family community grow's every day the more we find amazing, fun and social gamer's like you all.

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If you're a huge planetside player, we have about 10 guy's who play together now in PlanetSide 2 and we can get you some Beta keys!

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Location:New York City


Steam username: darklord175

Where did you hear about us? Forums

How often do you play video games? Pretty often, If I'm not playing then its probably because of military purpose

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? RTS,MMorpg,Fps

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? knowledge of the maps and obtain better gaming skills

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?This community seems very organized

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? no

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? I'm in the Army infantry so I would i have to say Shooting

Anything else you'd like us to know? I'll always help out the community

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Location: Currently stationed in Germany.


Steam username:armando.cardenas98

Where did you hear about us?Dayz Clan forums

How often do you play video games? This is my pass time.

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? I mainly play RPGs, but shooters are pretty close to me depending on good they are.

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?Just some good times and a great group of people to call friends.

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?It seems to me you guys have a tight knit group.

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? I have been with NCR, but those guys just didn't have that unity that we all seek in gaming; especially this one.

What other kinds of hobbies do you have?I'm in the Army, so sports is something I do on the side. I do tons of crossfit, which is a must for the military.

Anything else you'd like us to know?I'm a well rounded person in this game. Personally, I'm easy to get along with on top of cracking good jokes when it comes around to it. I'm not a hard ass by any means, but I am direct.

Any questions? None for now (:

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Location: Calgary, AB

Age: 22

Steam username: drunken_master72@hotmail.com (i know this is old and lame)

Where did you hear about us? DayZ forums

How often do you play video games? I go to school currently so usually in the evenings when I get a chance.

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? DayZ :) and also I am a competetive CS player.

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance Pc Gaming Community? Just a fun community that enjoys playing games!

What made you choose this community over any other organized community? Well I creeped Valk's page and your in Vancouver... So at least the admin is Canadian.

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? No it's my first time... tehee for dayz anyways.

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Play almost every sport there is, and I'm picking up the guitar.

Anything else you'd like us to know? I'm cute?

Edited by johnlee72

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US Central



Steam username:


Where did you hear about us?

DayZ forums

How often do you play video games?

Four times a week

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing?

Rpg's and shooters occasionally

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?

Friends to play with and trust

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?

You seem mature enough not to shoot each other

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave?

Not a current member of other communities

Anything else you'd like us to know?

I have played a while with my friend and was looking for a larger group

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Location: Manchester, UK


Steam username: Garnett08

Where did you hear about us? DayZ Forums

How often do you play video games? Daily

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? I enjoy action games and survival horrors

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? An enjoyable gaming experience and to meet some new people

What made you choose this community over any other organized community? This along with a couple of other clans looked to be the stand out choices due to looking well organised

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? No

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? I enjoy playing the guitar and watching football

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United States Of America (State - Pennsylvania)



Steam username:


Where did you hear about us?

On the dayzmod.com forums

How often do you play video games?

I play video games during most of my free time I work and I have school plus a social life. But I play for about 2-3 hours on weekends and 1-2 hours on weekdays.

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing?

I enjoy playing almost every single genre of video gaming besides educational since I don't need any extra education

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?

A good fun time. Just some extra happiness for doing things with similar people :D

What made you choose this community over any other organized community?

To be honest I liked your forum post as I thought it was well organized. You also mentioned you guys like joking and having a good time but you are all mature which attracts my attention. And you guys just generally sound cool.

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave?

For this game I never was in a clan or any other type of community.

What other kinds of hobbies do you have?

I LOVE to long-board with my friends. Watch movies from time to time. I program and mod games like Minecraft. I also create games. I play paintball and I like to go to the range and shoot some targets. And I like to chat with people :)

Anything else you'd like us to know?

I just wanted to say that the best way to know me better like you mentioned is to talk to me over teamspeak :D

Any questions?

I don't have any questions as your thread explained all I needed to know.

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Location: United States (Midwest)

Age: 18

Steam username: racecar427

Where did you hear about us? From a friend.

How often do you play video games? Constantly (everyday)

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? Strategy, figting, war

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? A good teamworking clan.

What made you choose this community over any other organized community? Mature, organized

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? No

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Programming

Anything else you'd like us to know? Good team player and good work.

Any questions? Nope :)

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Location: UK

Age: 31

Steam username: Andre_616

Where did you hear about us? DayZ Forum

How often do you play video games? Far too often

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? Combat sims, football management, flight sims, shoot em ups, RTS

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? Plenty of shared experiences, some buddies

What made you choose this community over any other organized community? You look like you have your shit together

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? I was a member of TMW. left mainly because of trolling in the teamspeak channel and a falling out with a fellow member after he set me and my team up for a bandit buddy of his - my position after that became untenable.

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Archery, football

Anything else you'd like us to know? I work as a chef so my hours of play can be changable, I do get on most days though and occasionally put rl on the back burner and settle in for all dayers - here are some testimonials from my time at TMW - http://trusted-medic...wtopic.php?1369 http://trusted-medic...wtopic.php?1218 and as guetapens (my previous game name) http://trusted-medic...ewtopic.php?912 http://trusted-medic...ewtopic.php?820 http://trusted-medic...ic.php?820.last - also have well over a year of Arma2 experience and was a chopper pilot for a BAF clan, mainly because I play a lot of flight sims, I have never committed a murder in DayZ.

Any questions? what is the meaning of life? are we alone in the universe? if the universe began as a singularity and a singularity is infinitely small is the higgs boson going to turn out to be made from universes? does god exist? and do you know next weeks winning lotto numbers?

Edited by Rastamaus

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What made you choose this community over any other organized community? Well I creeped Valk's page and your in Vancouver... So at least the admin is Canadian.

Haha, yes. I'm Valkyrie. You would be the first guy I've played with that's Albertan. So you should feel special in some way.

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Any questions? what is the meaning of life? are we alone in the universe? if the universe began as a singularity and a singularity is infinitely small is the higgs boson going to turn out to be made from universes? does god exist? and do you know next weeks winning lotto numbers?

Um, you will have to ask a more educated person then me. Can't wait to meet you.

Everyone from this post up has been accepted, I'll be adding you all from this post up on steam. Watch for Valkyrie and DayZ messages.

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I still haven't received any messages or anything from the last time you said that. Does that mean you didn't like my application?

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Location: PA


Steam username: Immortalx443

Where did you hear about us? fourms

How often do you play video games? usually everyday after school or whatevver i do for the day

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? DayZ LEAUGE OF LEGENDS and CSS

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? Some fun people to play with and PVP

What made you choose this community over any other organized community? This one caught my eye looks pretty organized which is what im looking for

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? yes i was in SiCo gaming i was a 1 of the 6 squad leaders, it was a pretty big guild about 35 40 people with their own server. the only reason i left was because there was too many people and i couldnt hear over everyone in teampseak it got pretty annoying but im a pretty experienced squad leader/ fire squad leader

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? football, games, music

Anything else you'd like us to know? hoping too join asap bc im trying to find a server

Any questions?nope

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Age: 19

Steam username: permanganate_marker

Where did you hear about us? Forums

How often do you play video games? For several hours between Thursday and Sunday

What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? FPS games and the mount and blade series

What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? An awesome group of dudes to play with, as well as improve my knowledge of this mod

What made you choose this community over any other organized community? Organization

Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? Not in this mod, no

What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Fishing, trying to make stupid youtube videos

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I still haven't received any messages or anything from the last time you said that. Does that mean you didn't like my application?

Sorry, we have apps coming in from many different games everywhere. I've now come to the point of getting more to help with my job. It's only because I've been over-whelmed and forgot. Sorry, I will message you.

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Time to test the creative waters with our new server

Welcome to the Last Resistance gentlemen.

Edited by King Scuba

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I think I realized why you haven't contacted me. I spelled my Steam name wrong. Sorry. It's actually rofflewofflez.

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I think I realized why you haven't contacted me. I spelled my Steam name wrong. Sorry. It's actually rofflewofflez.

Well, I hope you where able to contact Valkyrie. I've been a little out of the word for some time.

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