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Tanis (DayZ)

Is it worth being a Hero?

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I just attained my hero skin and I was pretty excited but I wonder to myself, will I be a bigger target? Or will people be like "Oh he's a hero, it's cool."

Just wanted some opinions if you saw a guy in a Hero skin would you shoot him because you could or see if he's friendly?

Edited by Tanis

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Hero skin would be cool.

Unfortunately i usually play alone so attaining that high a humanity is impossible for me.

Enjoy the extra speed.

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I've had one for a while and not noticed a massive difference. it does give you a bit of protection from small-arms fire and you can run slightly quicker too.

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I am usually a bandit, but after I got bored of this gameplay, I switched to a Hero. I am enjoying it a lot, I am still trying to recover from my -112000k humanity, but I am able to still help new survivors!

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I have no idea how I got the Hero Skin. A month ago I killed 2 people with an axe (because they shot me) and haven't killed ever since. I also haven't been healing other players that much, just one day I logged in and had the skin. Do you get humanity from killing zombies or something?

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No you dont, but you gain 150humanity every five minutes or so. Up until 2500.

Edit: i still shoot heros on sight.

Edited by csharp

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I have no idea how I got the Hero Skin. A month ago I killed 2 people with an axe (because they shot me) and haven't killed ever since. I also haven't been healing other players that much, just one day I logged in and had the skin. Do you get humanity from killing zombies or something?

If you have changed clothes lately that could have put it up there seems to be a bug when you change clothes it goes up for some reason

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I like my hero, i detest the ghillie and refuse to wear an urban turban. Plus i try to keep up with fashion trends.

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I enjoy being a hero, it makes the game a challenge. That's not to say i don't kill people, but i try to make contact and always help if i can. One case there was only 4 people on and i tried to make contact with the man i met at balota airfield after i died from crawling too close to a tent. he wouldn't answer and i went up and it appears he Alt F4'd (musta seen my flashlight approaching the building), and there musta been some lag cause his body was still there so i chucked a grenade up and got an M16 out of it. other than that i only have 2 other kills to my name, when they pose as a threat.

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