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Tanis (DayZ)

Things you see that make oh you say "Oh #%$%!!!"

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Basically this thread is things that like your renew your hope or just make you say "It must be my birthday" or just something that made you feel like the fates were on your side. Post stories of your tales.

Edit: 77 view, only 9 posts, think I may cry.

I was playing DayZ last night with my friend and we were on our way to NWAF when we were going over a hill and we found 6 tents, here are the contents.

3 Coyote Backpacks, Bizon SD, MP5 x2, M4A1, M4A3, M240, AS50, 5 Alice Packs, 3 Frag Grenades and alot of food/drink medical supplies.

Obviously we couldnt take all this stuff so we made use of the frag grenades and blew the tents up so the owner(s) couldn't claim their things. We have no idea if it was the works of a hacker or not, hell we didn't care, we were just excited for upgrades

Edited by Tanis

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I dropped a £50 note earlier today in a shop without realising. A nice old lady tapped me on the shoulder and handed it to me. She looked pretty poor and I was so grateful to her.

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Normally a tent, we all jump in excitement, or a vehicle.. especially if its loaded up!


Or finding a can of beans! :beans:

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  On 9/18/2012 at 9:07 PM, MitchRan91 said:

Normally a tent, we all jump in excitement, or a vehicle.. especially if its loaded up!


Or finding a can of beans! :beans:

I'll never pass up a can of beans.

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  On 9/18/2012 at 9:07 PM, Fraggle said:

I dropped a £50 note earlier today in a shop without realising. A nice old lady tapped me on the shoulder and handed it to me. She looked pretty poor and I was so grateful to her.

That's pretty cool, rare to meet nice people like that(especially in DayZ).

Also, my first reply from a DayZ team member, neat.

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Your welcome. And if you were wondering, no , I didn't give her any money. I bought a lottery ticket.

Edited by Fraggle
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  On 9/18/2012 at 9:24 PM, Fraggle said:

Your welcome. And if you were wondering, no , I didn't give her any money. I bought a lottery ticket.

Lol. What else can i say?

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When I'm looting a town like a boss and a stranger in distress appears briefly, only to run off into the distance.

I then turn around and see the massive horde of zombies coming straight towards me.

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  On 9/18/2012 at 9:24 PM, Fraggle said:

Your welcome. And if you were wondering, no , I didn't give her any money. I bought a lottery ticket.


You tight git! :D

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  On 9/18/2012 at 9:56 PM, UbiquitousBadGuy said:

Good "oh shit!": car parked in clearing.

Bad "oh shit!": car coming down road at us.

Everytime i'm with friend(s) and we see a car in a clearing we're always like "It's a trap! hurry look around!" most of the time it's not a trap.

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Worst oh shit moment. Seeing a Tent about 50 meters out from the military tents in Stary.

Best oh shit! Moment was finding my first gun in DayZ..didn't care what it was just started shooting zombies.

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Every now and then when i accidentally push F.. and throw a grenade.. Both me and my team mates say OH SHIT!

Edited by Anarchyihdi
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  On 9/18/2012 at 10:24 PM, Anarchyihdi said:

Every now and then when i accidentally push F.. and throw a grenade.. Both me and my team mates say OH SHIT!

This... Has happened a few times with teammates dying. Recently hopping out of a vehicle, my gun went full auto without me firing it and killed the driver.

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  On 9/18/2012 at 10:35 PM, terrex said:

This... Has happened a few times with teammates dying. Recently hopping out of a vehicle, my gun went full auto without me firing it and killed the driver.

haha brilliant :P my friend X actually said "OH SHIT" and even i said "OH FUCK I THROUGH A GRENADE" haha

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