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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

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I found that chopper this morning :P while going around the sides of the map :)

Actually I respawned it this morning before I went to work. Sorry about the short stop off the server Lucid ;)

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Since I am running a private hive I can mod the server a bit too. How do you guys feel about custom (basic) outfits for clans. It should be possible (altho I need to research it) to give players a custom starting outfit based on the clantag on their name. Atleast I heared P4N75 say that could be done.

Giving players the option to change the outfit would be awesome, however, if they want to keep the current one, of use a fake one, that would be awesome aswell.

So my advice would me to make it optional, but not a requirement.

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Not really sure if I can make it an option actually. All I have been told is that I can predeterming an outfit based on somebodies nickname. Dont think I can make it like a option you can select. I will investigate what options there are soon and make a little summary here so people can give feedback.

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Not really sure if I can make it an option actually. All I have been told is that I can predeterming an outfit based on somebodies nickname. Dont think I can make it like a option you can select. I will investigate what options there are soon and make a little summary here so people can give feedback.

Did you ask P4N75 about the custom face? Since i tried it again but it didnt work. Something like that could also be used to determine teams

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Not really sure if I can make it an option actually. All I have been told is that I can predeterming an outfit based on somebodies nickname. Dont think I can make it like a option you can select. I will investigate what options there are soon and make a little summary here so people can give feedback.

It can be an option.

It is possible to make a script to change models for certain usernames, so if one username is not included in the script, cause that player likes to keep the original outfit, the model won't be changed.

The changing of outfit should be done by an admin, outside of the game tho. (by editing the script that will be ran on every server restart)

Seems cool to me if clans would pick a certain faction in Arma, where all their members pick their outfits.

But shouldnt be a requirement, as it would also be much fun if someone else would pick an outfit of that faction to try and infiltrate :)

I think I know how to do all this.. just need to try on a server where it can't do any harm sometime.

In case you've never seen the quite extensive model library of Arma2; http://www.armatechs...5165f/index.php

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Did you ask P4N75 about the custom face? Since i tried it again but it didnt work. Something like that could also be used to determine teams

You can choose a face here:


Then go to C:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles

There should be a file there with your player name.

Edit the file and replace your face there with the one you have chosen.

I dont think they are all working, but most of them do.

Some might prevent the game from starting.

Also; when u open the ingame player options menu in dayZ after changing the file, the values will be reset to previous.

Edited by P4N75

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You can choose a face here:


Then go to C:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles

There should be a file there with your player name.

Edit the file and replace your face there with the one you have chosen.

I dont think they are all working, but most of them do.

Some might prevent the game from starting.

Also; when u open the ingame player options menu in dayZ after changing the file, the values will be reset to previous.

I tried using a custom face, more in the thoughts of http://imgur.com/a/FAWIn#6 , however, my face isnt changed. still have try to some other stuff

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I tried using a custom face, more in the thoughts of http://imgur.com/a/FAWIn#6 , however, my face isnt changed. still have try to some other stuff

Ah, would be cool also indeed, not sure if that can work without putting the textures on the server tho.

Never tried actually.

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Ah, would be cool also indeed, not sure if that can work without putting the textures on the server tho.

Never tried actually.

There are some servers where it works, but it does require a certain server setting to allow it.

I think its not on ;)

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I found what needs to be done on the server:

In file 'cfgdayz/arma2.cfg' there is this line -> 'MaxCustomFileSize=0'

Zero should be changed to a higher value (in kb) to allow skins of that value.

If the size is too high, the server will get laggy when players login with skins of that size, so there is some experimentation needed to see what is possible or not.

Personally im all for allowing this, as long as it doesn't cause huge lag spikes.

(edit: just read 96kb is most commonly used)

Edited by P4N75

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I found what needs to be done on the server:

In file 'cfgdayz/arma2.cfg' there is this line -> 'MaxCustomFileSize=0'

Zero should be changed to a higher value (in kb) to allow skins of that value.

If the size is too high, the server will get laggy when players login with skins of that size, so there is some experimentation needed to see what is possible or not.

Personally im all for allowing this, as long as it doesn't cause huge lag spikes.

(edit: just read 96kb is most commonly used)

Then i hereby request Chopper bobs changes it to 100kb and we start custom skins for clans from there ;)

http://www.reddit.com/r/dayzskins you can check alot of skins, for the people interested

There are alot of youtubes guides aswell, explaining where to put the file and use it.

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Then i hereby request Chopper bobs changes it to 100kb and we start custom skins for clans from there ;)

I will look into it

About that repairing, it seems a bit 'glitched'.

Probably not something you can fix I suppose, but when our chopper was broken, I could repair it by just simply scrolling to the repair xxxx option with a rotor assembly in my bag, then a short spinup sound was heard and suddenly the chopper was in mint condition.

This happened both when we found it in the first place and when I 'landed' it too hard and 3/4 was red.

I promised to ask the hosting company, this is their answer:

I am not sure if this is a defined bug. However we'll be updating bliss during the wednesday morning downtime.

The newer version will have improved sync systems, which includes saving vehicles as a player leaves them.

Hopefully that will nail the issue.

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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The colored outfits would be awesome!

Perhaps it is possible to add it in the form of a drop? E.g. much like a ghillie or civilian cloting, you can loot a 'clan suit'.

Which in turn has a random color (your clan will need to collect the same color), a color at your choosing (using the scrollmenu), or automatically the color of your clan, whatever might be possible.

That way you can put it on and off to your liking, allowing for 'infiltration', or even recruitment thingies: a new player can earn your 'colors' :P

I've already experimented with the different build-in heads, and that's already working out pretty well. You could use those as well for clan unity, like an entire group of asian or black people.

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hey guys!

joining this server today (or tomorrow, waiting to be whiteliste =) ) i wanted to ask if any group of players need another companion. i can play lonewolf, but playing in a group is much more fun imho. my spoken english is pretty good, although im german, and i am familiar with several playstyles (survivor, light bandit, heavy bandit, kos (although i dont like kos and wont do it)), playin dayz few months now. im familiar with the game, i can drive vehicles including helis, im a pretty good sniper and - most important - im a social person with a not-too-wierd sense of humor =).

still im beginning form scratch, so dont expect a well equipped teammate. on the other hand, i dont wanna leech anything, i wanna deserve it.

so long, keep the zombies away from you. they should stay hungry as they are!

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Too bad, I'm afraid you won't fit in our group ;)

Yeah, fortunately we are complete-retarded-sense of humor.

Like reynolds did yesterday, first wreck our first chopper in game ever, and then he kills a friendly by sliding his motorcycle, pff

Edited by BarryDeRodeAppel

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Yeah yesterday was a great day for us


Nice chopper shot trough the car window also hmm? ;)

Got it returned by a sniper later on tho.

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The colored outfits would be awesome!

Perhaps it is possible to add it in the form of a drop? E.g. much like a ghillie or civilian cloting, you can loot a 'clan suit'.

Which in turn has a random color (your clan will need to collect the same color), a color at your choosing (using the scrollmenu), or automatically the color of your clan, whatever might be possible.

That way you can put it on and off to your liking, allowing for 'infiltration', or even recruitment thingies: a new player can earn your 'colors' :P

That would be the ideal situation indeed.

But it is kind of hard to create lootable packages like the ghillie.

Opening up the model for use is something i know how to do, but creating a package out of it and editing the loottables for it to be in there is something i dont read much about.

If it is possible and someone knows how, I certainly would like to know.

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Nice chopper shot trough the car window also hmm? ;)

Got it returned by a sniper later on tho.

Yeah, you got Leejjon pretty good, good thing aswell tho, its a bastard, now i had to oppertunity to get his stuff :)

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Bob, did we also shoot you out of that jeep that came along after we shot you with the chopper a couple of days ago?

We shot at it with an AS50 and saw 'Chopper Bob has been killed', but we couldnt confirm :P

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Bob, did we also shoot you out of that jeep that came along after we shot you with the chopper a couple of days ago?

We shot at it with an AS50 and saw 'Chopper Bob has been killed', but we couldnt confirm :P

I can confirm this, I was driving that jeep.

My game was lagging so our jeep stopped driving and Bob got shot.. sorry Bob :P

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