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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

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New address is working for me.

And *wave* to the guys at NWA a couple of hours back. A 2v2 running spraying chaotic encounter; you won with one man standing. Speaking of which, it would be cool if all groups add tags to their names - even 2-man teams.

you can do this by editing your player profile

Edited by Cau Casian

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Looks like somebody finally found my chopper I have been hiding for the past 3 dayz of begin offline hehe

Speaking of which, it would be cool if all groups add tags to their names - even 2-man teams.

you can do this by editing your player profile

I actually mentioned that 2 days ago ;)

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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i am having problems with that website still.. now i can open the site,registered to it and when im trying to log in it wont let me even i type everything right -.- ....

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Hey guys, my friend and I are quite new to this server and at the moment we are both together near the coast. I was wondering if any one could give us a pick-up? Just a friendly pickup, after that we never speak again... We just really wanna go to stary or something!

Hope you guys will help us fellow players ^^

P.S. Is map marking disabled?

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You're seriously asking that? xD

No I'm not coming, besides the fact that I am working right now I was kinda making clear that I would shoot you instead :P

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I am looking to get white listed for this server. There is me and a friend who enjoy PvP gameplay without altF4 coming in to play. Please let me know how we can gain access to the server.

We are both 25 and English, we will be playin tonight.


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I am looking to get white listed for this server. There is me and a friend who enjoy PvP gameplay without altF4 coming in to play. Please let me know how we can gain access to the server.

We are both 25 and English, we will be playin tonight.



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Please note that currently the inviting for our server is CLOSED. We have invited a lot of players and want to wait a short time to see how our player activity pans out before we are opening invites again. We will keep you posted.

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[cMc] would like to trade 2x Night vision goggles, 1 DMR and 1 GPS for a vehicle that can drive atleast 2 people. Would like a jerry can aswell. We are doing this trade as we are new to the server, and therefore a vehicle would be fantastic.

Private message me if you're interested!

Kind regards,


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Wooop Wooop, I found a tent-camp ^^

3 tents, with FN-Fal, m14 AIM and some mags in 1 tent, and the other 2 I cannot acces T_T

Please tell me the owners can't acces them too ^^

I left your stuff btw, dont have the ammo for it :P

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Here is proof of the tent I could acces



and those I couldn't, there kinda IN that tree xD

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