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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

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ohh haha, yea that was silly xD I wasn't really bothered I haven't seen anyone who can even shoot an immobile target so far so haven't had to worry :D

I actually came looking for that M107 :P

We havent had an encounter before, thats why :P I can easily shoot running people from quite a distance ;)

We devided the targets, so the other guy missed the driver :(

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We havent had an encounter before, thats why :P I can easily shoot running people from quite a distance ;)

We devided the targets, so the other guy missed the driver :(

Haha next time ;) I'l make sure to find you first :P

Also I'd suggest we get a website up and running for this server as the community is pretty awesome already but It's growing pretty steadily so a dedicated site which we could donate to the cost of the server to keep the lifespan up would be great. Also you could upload those sheets of stats up which would be awesome :)

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Btw guys. It would be nice if all groups wear a clantag so we know who belongs to who. Its not a must but would be cool ;)

Hmz, maybe they return after server-restart..

When tents are trashed you still should be able to see 'em flat on the ground.

Not if the server reset already. Flat tents will vanish after a server reset....

Also I'd suggest we get a website up and running for this server as the community is pretty awesome already but It's growing pretty steadily so a dedicated site which we could donate to the cost of the server to keep the lifespan up would be great. Also you could upload those sheets of stats up which would be awesome :)

I can ask Rioolpoon to set me up with a php forum. We have a server where we always run our php forums for other games.

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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Scarecrow, do you have the chopper? Who destroyed the bus? Did i do any damage as i was shooting at the heli?

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Scarecrow, do you have the chopper? Who destroyed the bus? Did i do any damage as i was shooting at the heli?

Yeah, i have the chopper and yes I destroyed the bus :) you destroyed one windscreen.

Chopper Bob i have some propositions:

1. two restarts everyday at 8am and 8pm

2. off nameplates

Edited by Falstaff

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Every time i log back in on DayZ i instantly get knocked to the ground ( 12k blood , nothing wrong on my char) and have to wait 5 minutes , then i can stand up again and everything goes perfect. anyone is having the same issue ?

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I have that most of the time when I get shot by someone and respawn.

Probably DayZ wants to initiate a 'knockdown' cause Im below a certain amount of health but also instantly die, leaving the KO status on when I spawn.

Pretty annoying, but Ive never had it without dying first.

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Hmm weird , anyway thanks for the info!

And still looking for a clan/team who wants to pick me up :)

Getting bored of playing alone all the time , still have 2.5k + humanity so im not a bandit..

In game name is Brian

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Nice to see the forum!

And to the guys from Stary Sobor that killed me yesterday, the backpack is jinxed!!!

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I founded an alice pack on sniper hill at Stary , there was an M107 in it and some medical supplies , thanks to the guy who dropped his Backpack ;)

And the forum look's great!

Edited by BrianIsPDM

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Hmm weird , anyway thanks for the info!

And still looking for a clan/team who wants to pick me up :)

Getting bored of playing alone all the time , still have 2.5k + humanity so im not a bandit..

In game name is Brian

Hmm weird , anyway thanks for the info!

And still looking for a clan/team who wants to pick me up :)

Getting bored of playing alone all the time , still have 2.5k + humanity so im not a bandit..

In game name is Brian

If you ever see me online on the server just let me know and I'll slay some zombies with you :). I'm not in a clan/group though, just by myself. And not a bandit either ;P.

My ingame name is Geest.

Edited by Geest

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Watched through the scope as the two (fearnot and his buddy) were killed by two unidentified. Unfortunately I missed beginning of the shooting and was not able to attend.

Edited by run4way

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Had to laugh or were you scared? :P

ROFL! I had the time of my life.

I heard stuff, but saw nothing ;)

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Hello people. First time ever posting to forum even I have been reading threads for months.

Me and couple of my friends have been looking for private hive passworded server for a while now,and this seems to have pretty lots of population and good server. Is it only me who cant go to those BR4INZ websites? Well dont know,but we would like to come try this private hive server if its just possible.

Contact me please! :)

Regards,jemmis (jmsk ingame)

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Hello people. First time ever posting to forum even I have been reading threads for months.

Me and couple of my friends have been looking for private hive passworded server for a while now,and this seems to have pretty lots of population and good server. Is it only me who cant go to those BR4INZ websites? Well dont know,but we would like to come try this private hive server if its just possible.

Contact me please! :)

Regards,jemmis (jmsk ingame)

Hmm strange.

It's reachable from here and i see other people logging in also.

Anyone else has these troubles?

[ Please note the evriea.hangplek.net address doesn't work anymore, the new address is br4inz.nl ]

Edited by P4N75

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