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BR4INZ Chopper Bob

European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

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Bob, did we also shoot you out of that jeep that came along after we shot you with the chopper a couple of days ago?

We shot at it with an AS50 and saw 'Chopper Bob has been killed', but we couldnt confirm :P

Yeah... you shot me through the back window in the head hehe.

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Haha, I think he is our top-killed-player by us xD

Being the Server Admin makes you a target people like to kill hehe.

The kill from the chopper was a silly one tho. I was hiding under a tree and arno was driving nearby. You were hovering to find him and i though you were landing so came out my hidingspot and you guys came straight at me. After that there was no goin back but emptying my magazine and shouting "Chopper Booooob" hahaha

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Haha I heard that! :P

My teammates couldn't see you, until I turned the searchlight on hehe

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But with 8 survival attempts I aint doing that bad.... hehe

Survival attempts


Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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Hehe yeah we always go in guns blazing and clear stuff rather than try and avoid it :P

Nice overviews!

Do you also have some PvP stats? Like most killed player (you :P) or the one with the most kills/murders (so we have some hunting to do)

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Actually I respawned it this morning before I went to work. Sorry about the short stop off the server Lucid ;)

So you do respawn choppers due a bug,

but don't care about the gameplay of someone else :(


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Great server , playing for 2 days on it and i have not seen anythign weird happen! so thumbs up for that.

There was only one guy called Geest in-game who Alt-F4'ed when i shot him , pretty sad :(

Anyway , i'll stick with this server as long as possible!

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So you do respawn choppers due a bug,

but don't care about the gameplay of someone else :(


Every morning I check if there are vehicles broken beyond repair and respawn them somewhere (the standard spawnpoints) in a state players can fix it again. In official servers the hive does this, I have to do it manually ;) I cant really see how vehicles got broken.

Edited by BR4INZ Chopper Bob

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so no grp wants to adopt me? found a military offroad today, hope it remains at my parking place till tomorrow. i am willing to share it with ppl i trust :D

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Nice, cause i havent found a single vehicle yet

i did just find a pair of NVG and a Bizon at a heli crash :)

Edited by The manhunter

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I think some are at bugged locations or something because me and santa did an almost 48 hour marathon i went to every town and the entire outskirts of the map we didn't find anything :P

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@Chopper bob.

I know you won't give me back the items I have lost due a bug in YOUR server,

it's ok. But then atleast give me back my stuff based on I was not able to get back to my body

due the server got resetted and made my body dissapear. *I died like 15 minutes before server resetted.*

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@Chopper bob.

I know you won't give me back the items I have lost due a bug in YOUR server,

it's ok. But then atleast give me back my stuff based on I was not able to get back to my body

due the server got resetted and made my body dissapear. *I died like 15 minutes before server resetted.*

Dude, within an our you'll have your gear back, or at least part of it. It's alpha, it's bugged, but at least this server is hacker free and fun. Be thankful! Get over it!

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Just faced a combat logger who wouldn't face me, He logged off around 7,35 ingame time can we start remove these players from the server :)

Edited by LuCiDiTy

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I know you won't give me back the items I have lost due a bug in YOUR server,

it's ok. But then atleast give me back my stuff based on I was not able to get back to my body

due the server got resetted and made my body dissapear. *I died like 15 minutes before server resetted.*

Get over it. People die because of bugs all the time.

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To the 3 players outside the nw airfield... why were you throwing so many flares around In a dangerous area... anyway thanks for the AS50 / m16 acog :P see you next time :D

p.s to the one VK player who combat logged while his 2 buddies got popped :P next time i shall get you :P

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@Chopper bob.

I know you won't give me back the items I have lost due a bug in YOUR server,

it's ok. But then atleast give me back my stuff based on I was not able to get back to my body

due the server got resetted and made my body dissapear. *I died like 15 minutes before server resetted.*

I think the others already answered for me....

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