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disable marker placement, enable it when player has GPS.

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I think the sheer amount of servers that allow for map markers to be placed on a standard map is getting silly now, I have no problem with the markers exitsing when you have a GPS in your inventory, but to be able to know the exact distance and direction something is in without having tech to make it feasible doesn't make sense.

This will make the GPS have an actual use since atm it's a case of "oh. GPS, that doesn't do much"

Just feel this would be the most realisitc way.

edit : To clarify, I am referring to the shift click marker.

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I do like this idea, I think Rocket mentioned the waypoint system was going to be removed entirely though so I don't know if we will see them at all, even with the use of a GPS.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Makes sense to have them with GPS IMO, isn't that one of the things a GPS does? I know my SATNAV can tell me what roads to take to get somewhere...

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I agree with this. I didn't even know about the whole shift + click thing until recently, and all of my navigation had to be done by studying the terrain and comparing it to what the map shows in order to figure out where I was.

I think that actually makes travelling a little more interesting than following some marker anyway.

Edited by Tabris07

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Personally, why does it matter? Some people forget this is still a GAME. It has still has some gaming properties. I've been playing DayZ long enough that I don't need a map, but what about new players? It all goes back to basics to game playing to make some things easier than others. Shift+Click on the map or gps, is one of the things to help players get around on the map. Before i knew about Shift+Click, I used a split screen with http://dayzdb.com/ I would run a few hundred meters then stop and check the map and run some more. OLD SCHOOL!!

Edited by symptom

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