IAME 9 Posted September 17, 2012 (edited) I must say overall it's been fun. An incredibly unique gaming experience which brought me way back to the days I played Ultima Online.But, sadly, I'm done with the abusive nature of the games design...This isn't about hackers. I acknowledged this game had a hacker problem, and did a good job of avoiding them by sticking to low population servers and playing at off hours.But I'm talking about a serious problem that, unlike hacking, could actually be fixed in this alpha... Combat logging.It's just totally beyond my logic for people to do this. I haven't had a problem with hackers yet, but combat logging has griefed me for the last time. It's sad I feel the need to leave a game over a mechanic that just so blatently abused and the only response people give is "deal with it."I won't get into how combat loggers are defeating the whole point of the game; the thrill and risk involved with dying at any moment. Its honestly never struck me to log out while being shot at, and I have been killed numerous times. I'm a good sport about dying, hell I could even tolerate the occasional hacker... But combat logging is just so prevelant it sickens me now.Last night I was sniped and killed while scavenging with a friend of mine. The guy came and looted my body, at which point my friend hiding nearby lit him up with his AK-74... Only to have him combat log after taking a hit. I could go on and tell you about a few more similar circumstances, but I won't bother.I know most people are just going to tl;dr me, or give me some snide remark like "aim better" but the bottom line is combat logging just shouldn't be possible in a game like this or any game for that matter. It's a broken mechanic, and sadly damaging enough that I'll be putting the game away in hopes that the standalone fixes these issues.Thanks for those who took the time to read this. I know it won't matter much, but I just hope the DayZ staff knows how damaging this exploit is to their fanbase. Edited September 17, 2012 by IAME 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Regicide 111 Posted September 17, 2012 Yeah it's rough, but it's gonna be fixed in standalone. Don't give up entirely on DayZ, just give it a break for a few months :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 175 Posted September 17, 2012 Combat logging is SO far down on my list. But anyway, farewell sir, i hope we see you again in the standalone. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JarethJams 87 Posted September 17, 2012 You are a good man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stokvis 24 Posted September 17, 2012 The mechanic isn't broken. The mentality of the people disconnecting in a firefight is.I don't know what's exactly the point of logging out at the point that the game gets exciting, perhaps they are statswhores, perhaps they are just pussies?Anyway sometimes a good way to get a free car. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fitzkrieg 129 Posted September 17, 2012 Reminds me of a moment I had about a month ago. Where I had a double barrel shot gun and there were two cunts shooting unarmed people at the coast, they had already killed my friend before with their AS50 and a MK40 Mod 0, I catch them off guard and fire hitting the AS50 guy, his legs collapse and he and his friend fire blindly into the woods where I was, attracting near all of Cherno on their position, at this point I had run out of ammo for my DB, dropped the gun and pulled out old choppy, I ran out and went for the kill, they saw a homicidal hero skin running at them and they both just decide "fuck it, let's keep out pixels". Before I could even land the first blow they both Alt-F4, so trust me. I know your pain, I'm sorry you're also going on hiatus whether permanently or until standalone, but yeah, I'm on break aswell when out smarting people is just fruitless when they just "NOPE. Alt-F4" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Huey (DayZ) 87 Posted September 17, 2012 There`s allot of private servers popping up (Offered by DayZ hosts), maybe try one of these servers?I know a few where logging means being removed from the whitelist.But i guess you made up your mind, come back for the Standalone :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted September 17, 2012 Enjoy the break and see you in the standalone. Hope they come up with a good fix for the combat pussies for sure. Lame as lamo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grndctrl 28 Posted September 17, 2012 (edited) What about , me getting killed by two scripters that spawn next to me .. only thing i had was an axe lol , but i feel ya man , i'm just about to quit , but hard cuse i like the edge of it , never felt this way towards a game , and hope standalone will be MUCH better / cheers! Edited September 17, 2012 by Corecomander Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
porkus_maximus 36 Posted September 17, 2012 I'll stop combat logging when people stop teleporting/ghosting to get behind me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AG-D.Wright 56 Posted September 17, 2012 Aim for the head.Problem solved. Its not Day Z's fault that you have bad aim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted September 17, 2012 I had the same with one bandit:I followed this guy with a gillie suit who kept killing survivors. When I found him he shot a CZ550 at me which missed and I instantly shot back wounding him. He instantly combat logged and I was like "you got to be freaking kidding me!?". I decided to wait for a few minutes at the place where he combat logged (but hidden in bushes). I was lucky: He got back in the server to the misfortune of him that I was sitting in the bushes with my makarov pointing at his head (he wasn't watching me). *Shoots* What I said to him: "Shouldn't have shot those bambis, I would have left you alone, but combat logging... Are you that much of a d*ck?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CerebralZombie (DayZ) 151 Posted September 17, 2012 Yeah players seem to feel a need to save their good gear/weaponry. Even though it really doesn't matter what gun you use, just how good you are at DayZ/Arma. Rocket and the team made many of the guns you find anywhere, a one shot kill. Until they make it so people can't combat log, they will. Hope to see you around when the standalone comes along. Peace! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CerebralZombie (DayZ) 151 Posted September 17, 2012 I had the same with one bandit:I followed this guy with a gillie suit who kept killing survivors. When I found him he shot a CZ550 at me which missed and I instantly shot back wounding him. He instantly combat logged and I was like "you got to be freaking kidding me!?". I decided to wait for a few minutes at the place where he combat logged (but hidden in bushes). I was lucky: He got back in the server to the misfortune of him that I was sitting in the bushes with my makarov pointing at his head (he wasn't watching me). *Shoots* What I said to him: "Shouldn't have shot those bambis, I would have left you alone, but combat logging... Are you that much of a d*ck?"Lucky he came back, since a lot of the time they will join another server to move from said spot and go back into the server they'd combat logged from to continue on, or flank the player(s) that attacked them. It would take them awhile with loading times n' all, but it happens a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kryvian 123 Posted September 17, 2012 I sorta feel your pain, but in my list of wrongs:hackers (they're pushing away players from the game/to private hives, destroys the concept of a huge community)duping (cause every camper and his mother has an AS50 TWS and full belt)tents that don't save/dupe/etc (I've seriously given up trying to stash stuff whatever I find and can carry, fine. I die? good, it got interesting again)ammo relemplish via the 3~4ish ways (that I know of), cause stanag SD and Nato rounds aren't that common/lazy to search for themcombat logging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CM LEGION 29 Posted September 17, 2012 I had the same with one bandit:I followed this guy with a gillie suit who kept killing survivors. When I found him he shot a CZ550 at me which missed and I instantly shot back wounding him. He instantly combat logged and I was like "you got to be freaking kidding me!?". I decided to wait for a few minutes at the place where he combat logged (but hidden in bushes). I was lucky: He got back in the server to the misfortune of him that I was sitting in the bushes with my makarov pointing at his head (he wasn't watching me). *Shoots* What I said to him: "Shouldn't have shot those bambis, I would have left you alone, but combat logging... Are you that much of a d*ck?"Got that guys name? i'd like to friend him. And how dare you treat a superior god in that way you lowly bambi tear jerker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted September 17, 2012 There`s allot of private servers popping up (Offered by DayZ hosts), maybe try one of these servers?I know a few where logging means being removed from the whitelist.ive heard/read this term a few times recently. but i have no idea what it means..what is "whitelist " ???i thought it meant having software versions that matched the server. but im thinking that isnt right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vipala 32 Posted September 17, 2012 (edited) There are anti combat logging scripts in place in some privates hives ;) One can only hope they will implement something like that in the standalone, otherwise private hives will be the way to go even after the standalone is released.@SiberianWhitelist is basically a list that means that you are trustworthy/approved by the community/admins and can play on certain server(s). If you are not in the whitelist you cannot play on the server(s) sharing that whitelist. If you were on the whitelist but were removed for whatever reason(combat logging for example) you cannot play in the server(s) sharing that whitelist. Edited September 17, 2012 by Vipala Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chimonanthus 9 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) Making your character go to sleep (with an animation) when you log out for like 2 minutes could solve the problem. It would give pretty much anyone the time to finish you off or at least give those tons of zombies chasing you the time to kill your character while you're "out". Would also need some kinda function that makes you unable to login in another server for some time after you disconnected from one (so that your body in the original server has the time to disapear).EDIT: Yeah, I suppose everything will be solved in the standalone. Edited September 18, 2012 by Chimonanthus 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anarchyihdi 151 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) Yeah, while recording the other day i shot a "bandit" and he went into hiding so i through a grenade in his direction - looked at the area and nothing, hmm.. weird... sat around (as i was waiting in the first place for my bud to get back with his car) i see ANOTHER bandit log in, to my surprise it was his friend, dragging his bandit buddy across the floor, so i loaded a couple into him when BAM.. houdini.. both log out -.-Video will be up soon lolPs. bad grammar im sorry, 1 in the morning here :P Edited September 18, 2012 by Anarchyihdi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) Same shit happens to me all the time as well. Snuck up on a 50 cal fool sniping at the Prison on Lingor night before last he Alt-F4 as soon as I shoot. Last night set up trap on Nairfield Lingor. City bus + FIRST SATCHEL Charge ever found in a barracks. Dude rides up to it on a dirtbike. As soon as he stops I set it off blowing everything to hell. He runs away! WHAT? 4 shots from the M14AIM as well he absorbs? Fuck that.....really makes the game silly.I love the game, but am almost to the point of playing something else until the standalone. Take care brother thanks for the post, beans for you. Edited September 18, 2012 by -JMP- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keosan24 55 Posted September 18, 2012 I've had people instantly log out after they hear the shot i mean so fast that by the time i click to shoot they log out and the bullet hits the ground on the opposite side of them a mili-second after. Everyone seems to assume that the standalone will fix everything but they dont seem to know that the standalone could bring its own form of problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aggressivek 22 Posted September 18, 2012 This game does not have "Hackers" they're scripters and all they do is run a simple program that a 10 year old can manage and just run a script along with it. Everyone that plays this game has to deal with these idiots but I think its funny at times and all you have to do is get use to it. Like people on these forums say "Don't get to attached to your equipment because you can die at anytime" and once you get that, this game will be much more enjoyable. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhilB 230 Posted September 18, 2012 I feel the OP's pain, much sympathy bro.However at this point I doubt your experiencing combat logging. I suspect that more likely it's a scripter teleporting away or going invisible. I don't know how the scripting works but watching them do it it seems almost instantaneous.If mj is a gateway drug, then combat logging is certainly a gateway to scripting. Alt-F4 was so 3 months ago. It's the same people. They've all graduated to scripting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites