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Constantly passed out at login

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I thought players only started unconscious if they logged out during certain conditions. However we play with 2 PCs in the same house, and %90 of logins one or the other player starts passed out for a few mins. While manageable most of the time, since we log out in safe enough spots, it is rather annoying. When we take a break to the lobby every hour it starts to drag and I can't start carrying a full backpack of epipens as a solution. Just wondering if anyone else has this issue, and if same IP could be a cause for some odd reason?

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Same IP is not the reason :)

Happens to me at times, but that is if my little guy is in some sort of shock when logging out.


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Yeah that's the trick.. No shock, full blood, food, liquid.. No agro'd zombies near, nor any zombies or players for that matter. Also no alt-f4, just a smooth logout. It really makes no sense at all.

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It sounds likely your heart stopped, get someone to give you epi or shoot you in the head.

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Heh it's usually my wife who logs in passed out, option#2 could mean the couch!

More seriously though, didn't at all expect a Rocket reply, so it's nice to know you're monitoring all this.

I'll update if it continues, had only been occurring for the last 2-4 days, and always with no shock or blood loss and having drank and fed prior to log out.

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If i get the chance ill swing thru and help you, naturallythe dev is right, i'd have to catch knocked out and hit you with an epi. for a quicker response go to ts.dayzmedics.com andexplain and ask for help there.

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It sounds likely your heart stopped, get someone to give you epi or shoot you in the head.

I had a friend epinephrine me the other week because of this problem, and it didn't solve. It might work for others, though.

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