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evilsandwich2 (DayZ)

How to instantly make dayz more fun

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Warning: I don't care if you disagree.

So.. Yeah.. Zombies should matter.. Run into the biggest city crawling with hundreds of zombies? No problem

How to make this game less of a joke?

Zombies should matter. Much higher health, full speed in doors.

Want to raid the airfield? Currently: login to empty server, loot, maybe kill a zombie or 2 with perfectly aligned headshots. Repeat until fully geared (for pvp of course)

Zombie survival mode: take your friends, bring weapons you had to scavenge from minor loot spawns, use your brain, clear a path... U know.. Like in every zombie movie ever?

Perhaps if teamwork was required and zombies were a threat, there would be less KOS and more "uh oh, zombie aggro".

if you disagree, fuck off

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If they fix item duping and infinite ammo (as well as combat log-outs to lose aggro), then zombies will become much more of a threat.

If you can't log-out when being chased by zombies, and on top of that ammo is actually rare (like its supposed to be), then zombies become much more of a threat

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I like these ideas, and they would make DayZ a lot better in the standalone. Perhaps these will be added in the standalone. I'd love to see more zombies in cities. Anywhere which had more zombies would be a lot better. Like, the main city. You think there would be a lot more than just 100 zombies spawned inside it.

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I agree the Game at beginning is:

Newbie Game = Pain in the Ass, until you figured out how to find Starter Weapon --> MIdgame

Midgame= get to Know the Cities first PvP Encounters , Still Pain in the Ass getting Killed by High end gear. Lucky Killing someon raiding airfield--> Engame.

Engame = Having Tents with all you can imagin , Dead no problem Chopper fly me to Base. I find myself standing surrounded by 10 or more zombies shooting a Player dont even paying Attention to them. Why should ii, if i onyl need to run though the next building.

Game need Harder Zombs maybe more Zombs, And Duping Fixed.

Edited by Paddy0610
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  On 9/17/2012 at 9:02 AM, Fat-Marco said:

If they fix item duping and infinite ammo (as well as combat log-outs to lose aggro), then zombies will become much more of a threat.

If you can't log-out when being chased by zombies, and on top of that ammo is actually rare (like its supposed to be), then zombies become much more of a threat

Trees are the number one enemy of zombies, they stay away from those evil leafy monsters! :)

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  On 9/17/2012 at 9:11 AM, jakeo10 said:

Trees are the number one enemy of zombies, they stay away from those evil leafy monsters! :)

Ever Tried running down a Hill getting chased by Zombies? They are so Afraid of it they commit suicide.

Edited by Paddy0610
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  On 9/17/2012 at 8:53 AM, evilsandwich2 said:

if you disagree, fuck off

No, fuck you. Go play something else.

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Agree. Though this may not be necessary as the "Zombie Life Cycle" in the standalone coupled with more zombies could have the same effect.

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To the op, why not turn this into a suggestion and move it to those boards? Kind of moronic that you stated if we disagree then to fuck off. Why make a thread if not to hear other people's responses? Tbqh it makes you sound like failsauce

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I don't know whether to take you seriously with your 'fuck off if you disagree' attitude.

You seem like one who can't handle constructive criticism.

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i'd like to see some kind of army manning the bases and maybe heli crashes and patrolling roads.

I decided to put it as a suggestion in the subforum, it is too easy to go server hopping and getting top tier loot if you know where to look, with practically 0 danger.

high level gear should be difficult to get access to, the soldier AI and models are in the game already and this would add an extra layer of strategy and co-op in the game.

If you disagree is ok ;)

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i only have one small problem with this. More zombies spawned by player = Larger Ping. This means for those of us who dislike playing on servers closer to home we get kicked constantly for our high ping. But other wise i totally agree with concept. :thumbsup:

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  On 9/17/2012 at 8:53 AM, evilsandwich2 said:

if you disagree, fuck off

I thought this was funny. In future, let your mom hold ur hand whilst you're reading the DayZ forums - it's for real men only.

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I would like to see zombies become more of a pain and make all players think before firing a gun. I mean if your in the woods and see another player then sure its pvp throughout. You step into Elektro and you know that players are a possible threat but zombies too, seeing 50 zombies around one building makes you debate going into it... or firing a shot would bring them pouring into the building you are in. This would bring it more in line with the movies, one zombie... easy.... 5.... pain but possible... 100.... major problem and it would mean two players in a town might work together first and foremost.... then upto them to shoot the other player for his stuff

but remember.... Man is always the biggest monster of all

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I disagree. Zombies shouldnt run inside, that will make it insanely hard to escape them, but if they have higher health, it will get ridiculous. THen, the zombies will get more threatening than bandits. sure that might be a thing, but zombies should not be more powerfull than humans. This could be possible if we could be able to kick or hit the zombies, but that will require lots of patching and even more bugs blablabla. fuck me right?

Edited by grimsonfart

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If zombies are so weak, then why do so many people die so often? :lol:

They're certainly no threat to me, but they seem to kill plenty of other people.

I see a lot of people shooting around them without a care, like people here are complaining about. And you know what happens? They generally die.

100.... major problem and it would mean two players in a town might work together first and foremost.

Never going to happen. At least, not to any degree more than it happens now. Zombies will simply never be more dangerous than players, so dealing with players is the priority. Even if someone recognizes that a second human would be helpful, you're not going to find any competent players who are going to trust some random person to be anything other than an idiot.

Edited by Just a Goat

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It would be better if the zombies were actual zombies, so headshots only. That would make things a lot harder if you got into trouble and aggroed two or three who sprinted toward you, you could still pick them off from a distance but you couldn't blindly charge into them spraying bullets.

To make good loot harder to obtain it would still have to be able to be got by single players, but it would always be that groups could get to it easier. a random grouping mechanic would help.

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I don't like this idea in my own opinion, I'm more interested in PvP. Zombies are already a huge annoyance when in a firefight, no need to make it any worse.

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  On 9/17/2012 at 12:04 PM, Legacy said:

So what if I disagree?


You have my beans ^-^ /)(\ ^-^

OT: "if you disagree, fuck off" Nope. All that needs to happen to make the zombies more of a threat is to fix the duping and make some changes to the loot.

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If the zombies could run indoors and get to you when you hug up against a tree or a bush, they would be much more of a threat. I think these two things alone would drastically change how people play the game.

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No to running indoors, i would prefer increased count however. this means you still have to plan where you're going but you can evade them. more zed and no wlking indoors, you would have to CRAWL EVERYWHERE. this presents 2 problems

1.) High looting times caused by crawling from building to building which would be insanely boring, imagine spawning in a electro spawn you would have to crawl EVERYWHERE for the first 30ins - hour

2.) Too easy to kill players, if you're shot don't get em the first time they'll have to get up and run to stop bieng shot repeatedly after. and if they stand up they will proably have 20+ copies of usain bolt after them, either way one dead player.

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with all the pvp , i have to disagree, so ill fuck off , you sir wont even get my empty can of beans .

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