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Hi there,

So, i am once again pretty geared [basically only missing rangefinders] and so its time for a change of playstyle. Only problem, whenever i tried this the before it ended pretty damn quick with a bullet to the head. So i thought i´d ask for some tips here...

I found multiple m107 on the last heli and i found a ghillie earlier on so i figured i´d try to go the way of the sniper, camping a big town and trying to kill bandits and mean looking guys in general. You know, beeing one of the guys that keeps you on your toes in this game. And i would prolly be doing that right now, if not the following had happended the last 3 times i tried that:

Like the coward i am i took my time on a low pop server [low beeing me and my guns...] and scouted electro for sniper positions. Ended up on a hill with a good overlook, headed quite some miles away to not be a douche and log in in perfect position, log on a high pop server, get into position, conveniently hidden i think, raise my gun to see if...DEAD.

Ok, everyone else knows of this great spot i thought, they scan it, they got me, restart.

On my next life i found a dead guy soon enough, having a hacked as-thermo. I knew it was hacked, i figured his full tool belt was too, but hey, my first ever nv and rangefinders [and last rangefinders for what its worth], i couldn´t resist. This time my spot was on another hill, i couldn´t see nearly as much of the city but felt much more concealed, lieing prone under a pine. Immediatly aquired a target, shot him multiple times to no effect [either a standing corpse or a hacker, btw, do standing corpses light up on a thermal scope?], multiple beeing two head shots, i decided i could kill hi...DEAD. Well, nearly dead, shocked, broken leg, bleeding, unconcious with a very slow clock till i finally bled out. This one killed me so hard that i woke up on the beach with the same condition and had to bleed to death a second time. You could say he killed me so hard i died 2 times^^.

Tried to get the stuff back but was shot the moment i started looting. In a pine. After coutious approach...

To make it short, the last try on another position from where i could see shit ended with a headshot without me ever seeing someone at all.

So, do i just plain suck at sniping? Is everyone else hacking? Are there simple tips you could share with me?

If you made it this far you shall be rewarded with my only truly epic experience of pvp this far in dayz:

Freshly spawn after meeting some bandits in Elektro i am passing balotta approaching Cherno when out of nowhere i hear a shot and my legs brake, i fall unconsious. See a bandit approaching and aiming at me with a small gun [mak i think] The moment i am able to move i see an atv right next to me, from where i was lying i could haul myself into the backseat, despite the broken leg and bleeding. The gy shots some bullets at me while i get up and than seemingly panicks seeing me on his car and gets into the front seat, driving around like a mad man. He suddenly stops, gets out and aims for my head... i thinks, because my vision was nearly out at this point. i took the chance, change to front seat and pushed the pedal to the metall, laughing frantically while i make my way to cherno on my first vehicle *ever*. I even managed to bandage once i found a point of relative safety. Ok, i must admit, somehow i ended up standing on the atv not long after that, flipping it on a street in the middle of cherno. But much fun was had indead, a good laugh was laughed. Me likes dayz alot :)

Edited by DancerInTheDark

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If you are going to snipe, use the arma map editor. Goto the good sniper spots look around and find the spots that have an advantage over that one. then look around and find the spots that have the advantage over that one also.

See the pattern here?

Never pick the obvious places, or the next obvious place. I had a spot in Elektro that was so bad for sniping it was the perfect spot to snipe from. Could I see the entire city? Nope! Could I kill anyone on the hills? Nope but I did have a small window up there.

Unfortunately I was on a peace keeping mission and was there to just shoot zombies.

Never stick around after a shot or 2, bad form. Good luck and don't shoot the bambies!

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The thing is, there's only so many good sniper locations in and around the major cities compared to the ridiculous amount of snipers, bandits and griefers that waltz into Cherno or Elektro with an AS50. So you probably will face competition for sniper locations, especially on the most populated servers.

On top of that, there are also a lot of people who will regularly visit these "hot spots" (i.e. sniper hill at elektro) just to kill unsuspecting snipers.

Camping isn't always the best idea - in fact staying in one spot for too long in DayZ is a bad idea in general.

But kudos for at least trying to use your sniping skills and gear for good and not for evil :D

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If you're playing on highly populated servers...never sit in the same spot after taking some shots.

For example: If you're sniping whoever somewhere, and you take a couple of shots at them but do not hit them, and they move to somewhere that you cannot currently get them...do not sit and wait. Get your ass out of there and relocate.

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^^^ even if you hit em, coz your 107 is loud as hell, after the very first shot all the city and surrounding will know your position and you're basically dead, if you don't move right after.

Also, don't forget about the cheaters.. there's so MANY players using a well know public cheat (it displays every user on the map) that makes playing DayZ today basically impossible. I usually play in team so if i die i have another of my mates watching my back, so who killed me is shot right after (and i can have all my stuff back looting my own corpse), this is the only way to fight em... except when you find the one with "god mode".. in that case (if you're fast enough) ALT+F4 is the only solution.

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every sniper spot has another sniper spot that overlooks it

if you join a high pop server and dont know about the absolute 99% safe spots you will die

every time

no matter what

there are people with 100x more experience out there that know how to watch their backs

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