BiWinning85 5 Posted September 17, 2012 Just wanted to let you know not to waste your time on this server. TL;DR 3 on 1. Me injured and alone. Trapped w no way out. Player combat logs and admins do nothing.I joined and managed to gear up very quickly (A car and 5 crashed chopper sites in 4 hrs). Had AS50, M107, M14, Bizon, 2 M249 SAW, etc. Low pop @ the time (less than 8) and EVERYONE was friendly for a while. The server restarted w 2 new ppl, me, and 1 other. I entered the NW Airfield to farm for gear I didnt need lol. Heres where it starts to get fucked up. I was in ATC Tower when A player on side chat starts "threatening" me (hell shoot me if I dont tell him where my car is... lol it has more gear than me and was 3500M away). I refused and it ended up w me being pinned for a while. Sitting playing a waiting game. Reinforcements show up for him. 2 guys now. The server resets. I spawn in and the sniper takes some shots through the window exposing his position. (stupid me) moves to take a shot and gets shot from behind by his buddy on the other side of me. I retreat w 1500 blood, a broken bone, and bleeding. I manage to get bandaged, morphine, and eat about 7 meat to get to a reasonable state. Its all over but who Im taking with me now. I wait and hear zombie aggro. I see a player at the front door (im in stairwell waiting to die w M249). A player (Dredd) pops across front door and shoots (had no line of sight on me i think he was trying to startle me). Zombies aggro him. 3 on 1.... He DC's to drop zombie aggro...... Now im fucking pissed. Im out numbered, trapped and they are now cheating. I wait. He comes back, starts coming in... and I unload on him a 10+ round salvo destroying him. @ the exact same moment his buddy was decending the top stairs. Im line of sighted due to stair case, I wait, he comes forward (walking like a pro) and we both unload and kill each other.I complain to the 2 admins (the server owner and operators) (Blood4Odin + Hull_Creature). Blood non chalantly tells me essentially no harm no fould (the server reset immediately after combat removing the bodies so they could not get thier gear back, however they (a 3 man group w only 5 ppl on, one of which was me that consequently left) will simply farm new stuff)After telling them I have this frapsed and will make a review they (Hull_Creature + another player who was not even on @ the time) start cursing me out like the 19-25 yr old morons they are.TL;DR Dont waste your time. This server is run by children who will let thier buddies cheat. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 20 Posted September 17, 2012 (edited) WWWAAAHHHHHHH Fuckin WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHSo much for you having a cry on "reddit" mate. Get over it.Dredd was chastiesed for combat logging, and as he is a regualar player, we are not going to ban him for that, as you bleeted and cried for.You attitude was that of a spoiled brat and if you were mine, I would beat you like a red headed step-child.Don't like my attitude or the way I talk, get over it, get your mothers tit out of your mouth and grow up. Still don’t like it, then fuck off and house your own server and put up with cocks like you who feel cheated out of one little thing.Oh and try to use a little punctuation in a while, it makes life so much easier to read the shit you are on about.Thanks for playing. Edited September 17, 2012 by HULL_CREATURE 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted September 17, 2012 Cool story bro, not quite what happened but who cares, only a game right. BTW i was the guy who shot you but died in doing so. Ask yourself, do u see me crying? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 450 Posted September 17, 2012 lol you registered on these Forums just to post that? Seriously, it's a Private Hive what do you expect? There is a reason the Official Hive Servers are regulated and have to put up with all those hosting rules. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
incontrovertible 2 Posted September 17, 2012 (edited) @ the OPMate I was the sniper in that encounter and just to set a few things straight; I saw you running down the airfield dragging zombies and climb up the comm-tower ladder. I woulda dropped you right then but the previous night we had lost our UAZ to a hacker that teleported our vehicles or something, earlier you had said on side chat that you found a UAZ in an area matching the description of where it disappeared. I asked you about it, then decided you would not trade it back so I kept you in there while the others surrounded you.During the attack Dredd got stuck in the concrete rubble outside, unable to move, excited and afraid he did that combat log to try and clear himself (which he was chastised over Mumble for by everyone), after which you shot him muting the entire scenario anyway. Nem then came down and shot you, dying himself shortly after, while my DMR shots were merely white noise to cover their approach I attracted zombies, switched to my G17 on instinct instead of sticking with the DMR which would've saved me and got mauled.Blood&Hull have run an Insurgency server for over a year now and as ArmA vets cheating is unrelatable to us considering that we got the game for realism. Blood painstakingly tries to keep the server clear of hackers and does a great job at it, as good as anyone. The server restart after the attack was actually him updating the banlist, and as such all 4 of our corpses were irretrievable.While admittedly a sloppy execution the attack was legit, truth is if yanks like you didn't overreact and looked at the facts Iraq would not have been invaded for the wrong reasons, and hundreds of thousands of civilians would not be dead, as well as your boys and ours.Have fun times guys. Edited September 17, 2012 by incontrovertible 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiWinning85 5 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) WWWAAAHHHHHHH Fuckin WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHSo much for you having a cry on "reddit" mate. Get over it.Dredd was chastiesed for combat logging, and as he is a regualar player, we are not going to ban him for that, as you bleeted and cried for.You attitude was that of a spoiled brat and if you were mine, I would beat you like a red headed step-child.Don't like my attitude or the way I talk, get over it, get your mothers tit out of your mouth and grow up. Still don’t like it, then fuck off and house your own server and put up with cocks like you who feel cheated out of one little thing.Oh and try to use a little punctuation in a while, it makes life so much easier to read the shit you are on about.Thanks for playing.Fuck you bitch. Your a REAL tuff guy on the internet huh? You obviuosly have some anger issues... You are the cancer Im telling other players to stay away from. Have some fucking indifference. You know.. like integrity right? Wait.. my bad you come from a country founded by rapists, murderer's and theives big suprise you're a douche. Bottome line is you are protecting your friends cheating ways (they claim it was because he was stuck fuck you guys) he had aggro that would have killed him and allowed me to kill the other guy more efficiently... and just maybe I woulda taken them all down).IDGAF what you and your cheating friends think. This is a post to everyone else to not waste thier time on your server.By the way. your god damned right I was pissed of. Like I said, I was outnumbered and pinned downed 3 on 1. Cheating ontop of that is a fucking joke.TLDR FUCK YOUCool story bro, not quite what happened but who cares, only a game right. BTW i was the guy who shot you but died in doing so. Ask yourself, do u see me crying?What the fuck do you have to cry about???? You attacked my position and I unloaded 20 rounds w my SAW. YOU had 220 MS ping while I had 83ms. And what per say do YOU think happened cause... I was you registered on these Forums just to post that? Seriously, it's a Private Hive what do you expect? There is a reason the Official Hive Servers are regulated and have to put up with all those hosting rules.Actually troll knob, this is why players DO play on private hive. MOST servers have integrity and indifference to the players and actually enforce the rules. They save the server and roll it back from hackers, they BAN combat loggers, they ban dupers, etc.... Hive is a fucking joke. STFU if you dont know what your talking about@ the OPMate I was the sniper in that encounter and just to set a few things straight; I saw you running down the airfield dragging zombies and climb up the comm-tower ladder. I woulda dropped you right then but the previous night we had lost our UAZ to a hacker that teleported our vehicles or something, earlier you had said on side chat that you found a UAZ in an area matching the description of where it disappeared. I asked you about it, then decided you would not trade it back so I kept you in there while the others surrounded you.During the attack Dredd got stuck in the concrete rubble outside, unable to move, excited and afraid he did that combat log to try and clear himself (which he was chastised over Mumble for by everyone), after which you shot him muting the entire scenario anyway. Nem then came down and shot you, dying himself shortly after, while my DMR shots were merely white noise to cover their approach I attracted zombies, switched to my G17 on instinct instead of sticking with the DMR which would've saved me and got mauled.Blood&Hull have run an Insurgency server for over a year now and as ArmA vets cheating is unrelatable to us considering that we got the game for realism. Blood painstakingly tries to keep the server clear of hackers and does a great job at it, as good as anyone. The server restart after the attack was actually him updating the banlist, and as such all 4 of our corpses were irretrievable.While admittedly a sloppy execution the attack was legit, truth is if yanks like you didn't overreact and looked at the facts Iraq would not have been invaded for the wrong reasons, and hundreds of thousands of civilians would not be dead, as well as your boys and ours.Have fun times guys.YOU didnt shoot me cause you WANTED my UAZ (which is fucking hilarious cause it had more gear than I was carrying... so wtf would I hand it to you to shoot me???? dumb ass Aussie).I dont care why you claim he disconnected. He chose an attack path (front door ATC tower and got stuck on attack which WOULD have divided the team. You are correct, you did nothing wrong. I heard you switching and firing your G17 good for you... try teaching that to your buddy.... (Or was he out of secondary?? IDGAF) You guys had me 3 on 1 and needed to maniplulate and abuse the game to CHANGE how it would have played out. Not only this but you stupid fucks were too stupid to even pretend to ban him... and make him change his name... When I started compalining (AS I HAVE EVERY FUCKING RIGHT TO DO) all you faggots did was start screaming at me and taunting me. Fuck you you cheating talentless losers. And i dont fucking care how long what fucking server they ran. As of last night they ALLOWED a person to remain after combat logging. Fuck you allEDIT DONT ASSUME IM AMERICAN YOU FUCKING AUSSIE BITCH. I FUCKING HATE THESE WARS FOR MONEY. Its not anyone Over reacting. Its called MANUFACTURING CONSENT (look it up its a type of / goal of propoganda). They are profiting for every bomb they drop. You making bitch ass asumptions about me shows what a closed minded loser you are. Edited September 18, 2012 by BiWinning85 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiWinning85 5 Posted September 18, 2012 earlier you had said on side chat that you found a UAZ. I asked you about it, then decided you would not trade it back so I kept you in there while the others surrounded you.I had logged onto that server to create an alt for when it was busy. It had 1 player on @ the time. I planned on getting some basic gear, and logging off. Retaining the vehicle without being able to play for days on end w clan would be unviable so I told DonDaDawg that I would give HIM the UAZ as I left for the night. He asked me about it as it was getting on and told him that my tents did not work so I would need the vehicle to store the gear I had found. You piped up 1 time saying "Well if you are giving away a UAZ..." or something to that effect.IDC that you lost one. IDC that you wanted it. It doesnt belong to you and I had no obligation to give it you 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted September 18, 2012 Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out, you are not welcome. People like you who think they are entitled to dictate admin actions on private servers cause you feel somehow fucking special are nearly as bad as the hackers. Admin action WAS taken on the logger and even less fairly on the other players involved(we couldnt get back to our kit due to restart) to show we take even minor incidences seriously. and still you cry.... All i can suggest is lose the attitude you brought to global comms as we are more than happy to help people who don't act like dicks. This server has evolved from many iterations on a variety of hosts to provide a fun and safe dayz experience with a more adult type of player(btw we swear a bit and don't take shit). Our server owner has worked hard to work around this mods restrictive admin controls lockdown to better deal with hackers. If you think you can do better, go pay for a server, learn how to lock it down from hackers, learn how to deal with hackers, database issues, new patches and on top of that the dick players who think the sun shines out of their asses. Let me know how u go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 20 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) I feel so ahamed :unsure: , I'm not a tough guy.I just wanted to feel like a big man.I’m sorry I have given you cancer.I’m sorry that I have an anger issues.Its all my fault.PLEASE, PLEASE don't tell people about how unfairly you have been treated by me.I’m just so very sorry.Would you like me to buy you a server so you can "abuse me" some? :(Or would you like to play mommy’s and daddy’s? You can be daddy if you want?So come over here and suck Mommy’s COCK! Edited September 18, 2012 by HULL_CREATURE 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnalcetaH 0 Posted September 18, 2012 This quote from you saids it all BIWINNING85"IDGAF what you and your cheating friends think" ???If you didnt then we wouldnt be having this discussion ????You must have a really shallow life if things like this wind you up!I D O N T C A R E W H A T H A P P E N E DI T S A V I D E O G A M EDREDDI AM THE FUCKING LAW !!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted September 18, 2012 I AM THE FUCKING LAW !!!!!!!!Wrong.Dredd is the Law, but if indeed he was to swear he would have said "Drokking."RgdsLoK(reading 2000ad since prog00-01) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiWinning85 5 Posted September 18, 2012 This quote from you saids it all BIWINNING85"IDGAF what you and your cheating friends think" ???If you didnt then we wouldnt be having this discussion ????You must have a really shallow life if things like this wind you up!I D O N T C A R E W H A T H A P P E N E DI T S A V I D E O G A M EDREDDI AM THE FUCKING LAW !!!!!!!!stfu. combat logging bitch. The point of this wasnt to come here and talk to you retarded dip shits. It was to inform other players not to come and invest time into your server because you guys cheat. thats it.. you troll fucks decided to come idc.@ IDC ITS A VIDEO GAME... Obviously you do care or you never would have combat logged.... sad children w no talent playing grown up gamesI feel so ahamed :unsure: , I'm not a tough guy.I just wanted to feel like a big man.I’m sorry I have given you cancer.I’m sorry that I have an anger issues.Its all my fault.PLEASE, PLEASE don't tell people about how unfairly you have been treated by me.I’m just so very sorry.Would you like me to buy you a server so you can "abuse me" some? :(Or would you like to play mommy’s and daddy’s? You can be daddy if you want?So come over here and suck Mommy’s COCK!issues buddy. Im not a lil boy like you. I dont answer to anyone but myself. But you have said it its your server you can what you want and help whoever you want to abuse. you guys are full of it. Id rather see this thread locked. Even if it isnt im done playing w faggot aussies who have nothing to do in life but cheat at video games. have fun w your little private server.Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out, you are not welcome. People like you who think they are entitled to dictate admin actions on private servers cause you feel somehow fucking special are nearly as bad as the hackers. Admin action WAS taken on the logger and even less fairly on the other players involved(we couldnt get back to our kit due to restart) to show we take even minor incidences seriously. and still you cry.... All i can suggest is lose the attitude you brought to global comms as we are more than happy to help people who don't act like dicks. This server has evolved from many iterations on a variety of hosts to provide a fun and safe dayz experience with a more adult type of player(btw we swear a bit and don't take shit). Our server owner has worked hard to work around this mods restrictive admin controls lockdown to better deal with hackers. If you think you can do better, go pay for a server, learn how to lock it down from hackers, learn how to deal with hackers, database issues, new patches and on top of that the dick players who think the sun shines out of their asses. Let me know how u go.STFU that server was restarted before I even complained to an admin. You guys are so full of shit its not funny. Look at you guys here trying to cover your asses that you didnt do anything wrong. I didnt try to "Dictate" admin actions. Its basic fucking rules of 99% of private hives.. (prove your a cheating combat logging bitch that wont play fair and be banned)... However you said it yourself as a group... hes a regualr player and friend of yours so you deleted his gear he lost??? due to being killed? fucking joke. fuck you.And yes you are Absolutely right. you paid for it you can do whatever the fuck you want. go ahead. but public players dont want to waste their time when you will hold these talentless cheating players hands. fuck off and die aussie scum.BTW remember me owning 2/3 of you even pinned down against 3 guys w a grenade even? you guys are a joke. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnalcetaH 0 Posted September 18, 2012 Some one needs a hug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnalcetaH 0 Posted September 18, 2012 612 86648222 call me and ill meet you at the airport Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caseymc 14 Posted September 18, 2012 While admittedly a sloppy execution the attack was legit, truth is if yanks like you didn't overreact and looked at the facts Iraq would not have been invaded for the wrong reasons, and hundreds of thousands of civilians would not be dead, as well as your boys and ours.Your statement is erroneous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg-UK4 31 Posted September 18, 2012 What a whiney bunch of children. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted September 19, 2012 Hello there,OT and FYI I forgot to say Dredd may also say "Stomm" ocassionally.Splundig Vir Thrigg, Earthlets.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jvo 18 Posted September 19, 2012 (edited) Btw if you won't ban regulars for combat logging your a baddie and desperate. I autokill the first time and then ban the 2nd. If they don't learn and get a ban it is their loss, only will have to happen once or twice to never be a problem again. Edited September 20, 2012 by Jvo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiWinning85 5 Posted September 22, 2012 Exactly my thoughts. They are either desperate for players (which is fucking retarded as it makes ppl never come back if they wont ban for bull shit like this) or just protecting thier own friends.He said it himself. "If I want to do what I want (general community standards) get my own server" IE, he rented it he can do what he likes (IE thats why he rented. to cheat)I lost alot of good gear bc its a cheating server ran by anger issue retard admins. IDC though they can have it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 3 Posted September 23, 2012 FactsThis server is owned by a hard working bloke who hates hackers and cheats. He spends alot of his own time and money providing arma 2 servers and dayz servers to the general community. He has done so for years. Successfully!The owner and admins DO NOT cheat. period.From many years experience in admining we have a tough but fair hand in dealing with issues.The player who logged from a z attack, and not from biwinning shooting at him has been dealt with. He knows he has done wrong, has been warned as per internal processes.Additionally a server restart was brought forward by the owner to even out the negative experience of the event. I was an innocent victim of this restart as I could not recover my gear and I DID not cheat.We encourage a fair and fun time on any and all our servers. We are more than happy to help out people with legitimate concerns when they don't be a dick as biwinning did over global voice comms. This gets our back up and we WILL respond in kind, hence the reception you have received from us.Do NOT get attached your gear, this is dayz.At the end of the day this issue have been dealt with, if you don't like it then please go else where to play dayz. For everyone else who are after a fun but mature dayz experience please join us, chat with us on mumble, we don't bite. Contrary to the ramblings of some people :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnalcetaH 0 Posted September 23, 2012 (edited) really you need to pop your pc back into its box and take it back to the storeif you keep playing games with this much built up aggression youll have an early heart attack its been a week and you still cant let goi see you have absolutly no friends how depressing for youthe server has been as full and more popular than ever beforethank you very much for letting everyone know about this great serversincerly yourscombat logging bitch dredd Edited September 23, 2012 by SnalcetaH Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIOSEMTEX 77 Posted September 23, 2012 Interesting little showdown you are having.The bottom line OP, is that you should be grateful to Blood and Hull for providing you with a server to play on.It is a question of morals and ethics, to expect them to be fair as well. I have played on their server. I was seeking a haven (or at least some respite) from haxors, they are trying to provide it, I am grateful. It is no wonder these folks are angry at you, you come across as entitled and narcicisstic, you are not showing any respect for members of the community who are contributing more than you are. If you sucked it up and apologised, I would bet they may even be generous enough to let you visit them again, albeit taking likely, more pleasure in your demises. You grief-ed 3 of them, they grief-ed 1 of you, good job, I'd say you won that confrontation. You are not winning this one.As I once saw someone's signature - "Less QQ more pew pew"I am very grateful to Ape (ACS) and Techie (TechNZ) for providing me with a Lingor to frolic through the meadows in.However, I am totally convinced that Kraken used a maphack to find me, when I was staking out the prison, in the dark this afternoon. I lost 2 sets of NVG to that hacking bastard. QQ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiWinning85 5 Posted September 25, 2012 Just because your poor and the server costs are half your wages IDGAF.Guess what..... sheltering players who abuse the game is bogus bullshit..... so fucking what the server was 'reset to punish him' it was you 3 left on after it happened.....that means the guy left alive... or you 2 on the coast.. build a car and drive up and loot your gear back in 1 hr.... BIG punishment....I wasnt being a dick... I was flipping out on the faggots who combat logged 3 on 1... I only got pissed at the admin when they would do nothingI have gone elsewhere but refuse to let other players blindly walk into your fucking private server cheat villeTLDR Fuck you...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiWinning85 5 Posted September 25, 2012 Interesting little showdown you are having.The bottom line OP, is that you should be grateful to Blood and Hull for providing you with a server to play on.It is a question of morals and ethics, to expect them to be fair as well. I have played on their server. I was seeking a haven (or at least some respite) from haxors, they are trying to provide it, I am grateful. It is no wonder these folks are angry at you, you come across as entitled and narcicisstic, you are not showing any respect for members of the community who are contributing more than you are. If you sucked it up and apologised, I would bet they may even be generous enough to let you visit them again, albeit taking likely, more pleasure in your demises. You grief-ed 3 of them, they grief-ed 1 of you, good job, I'd say you won that confrontation. You are not winning this one.As I once saw someone's signature - "Less QQ more pew pew"I am very grateful to Ape (ACS) and Techie (TechNZ) for providing me with a Lingor to frolic through the meadows in.However, I am totally convinced that Kraken used a maphack to find me, when I was staking out the prison, in the dark this afternoon. I lost 2 sets of NVG to that hacking bastard. QQare you that fucking pathetic?? I owe them something for putting up a server to cheat on??? fuck you moron.... Servers dont cost fuck all (100$/month everything included)...And I only come across as entitled and narcissistic because after I calmly attempted to speak with an admin about it they told me to fuck off basically..... so fuck them.. fuck their cheating friends and fuck anyone who supports them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites