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An anti-banditry idea...

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I have perhaps an idea to stop this banditry problem...

What if there were a few areas of the map, maybe the airfields that are already in place or just one of them or a new military installation perhaps that was NOT over run by zombies, but instead was held by invincible military NPC's. Inside the protected perimeter, there would be some of the same loot table as other military installations like the current airfields (and/or perhaps a shop with a money system implemented in game!). Not sure about the brackets lol that's kind of a wild idea.

These NPC's would shoot on site anyone with a banditry status without mercy. This would give helpful players a good place to meet as well as perhaps find gear, although obviously most of the gear would constantly be looted as it would be a "safe zone". I think it would be more of a safe social zone for players to meet up, RP etc than for loot.

If not loot, there would need to be some kind of incentive for players to want access that would not be gamebreaking... perhaps you could get a free food and water top up every few hours, or something...

It would still be a great incentive not to just randomly kill players. If I knew I would be restricting myself from access to certain parts of the map (even if *usually* there isn't much loot or if I'm just restricting myself from being able to get free food/water periodically), I wouldn't shoot first as much as I do now.

It is also somewhat realistic, that there would be safe zones in the world where bandits were not accepted.

Just throwing it out there, perhaps it would be too difficult to implement from a technical standpoint, or there is an angle to it I do not see that makes it bad.

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Realistic speaking, i don't think capitalism would survive in a post apocaliptic scenario...

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Realistic speaking' date=' i don't think capitalism would survive in a post apocaliptic scenario...


The money/shop thing wasn't the main idea of the post at all, and I didn't expect that part of my post to be taken too seriously.

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Yes, i understand.

Since i don't really have a Yes/No go on your main idea, i just wanted to point to the elephant in the room about the capitalism thing :P

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A safe zone is not right for this game. My main reason against this is your loot idea and that there is still spawns in there, which is basically free easy loot. I dont mind the military camp idea as that is pretty cool, but loot 100% shouldn't drop inside it.

Also, if im honest it will just increase bandits killing and getting better loot. They would just camp outside the settlement and know that geared people will be coming in and out. Thus giving them higher yield kills and making it easier for them.

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Yea it would pretty much be an unused idea.

As Enaver said, any bandit worth his salt will sit and watch as the cashed up 'goodie' goes and makes his purchases from the outskirts, stalks them, takes them out, snatches the gear.

Once that happens to someone the first time, they won't bother trying to spend the extra effort cashing themselves up to hand the items to bandits on a platter.

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Nope' date='

A safe zone is not right for this game. My main reason against this is your loot idea and that there is still spawns in there, which is basically free easy loot. I dont mind the military camp idea as that is pretty cool, but loot 100% shouldn't drop inside it.

Also, if im honest it will just increase bandits killing and getting better loot. They would just camp outside the settlement and know that geared people will be coming in and out. Thus giving them higher yield kills and making it easier for them.


Maybe your right now that I think about it, about the loot. I actually edited it to suggest maybe a free water and food top up every few hours? If anyone has any ideas on how to tweak it feel free.

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Already been suggested, not real enough, get out immediatly. No offense meant, but thats really the reaction your going to get, even though I feel it would be neat.

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I've been playing for about 10 days now and only got shot once by a bandit. What is this bandit problem? Oh I forgot I don't mindlessly walk into the big cities and airfield.

Actually imo there needs to be a better distribution of banditry all around the map - not only in the PK hotspots and along the coast.

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Yea it would pretty much be an unused idea.

As Enaver said' date=' any bandit worth his salt will sit and watch as the cashed up 'goodie' goes and makes his purchases from the outskirts, stalks them, takes them out, snatches the gear.

Once that happens to someone the first time, they won't bother trying to spend the extra effort cashing themselves up to hand the items to bandits on a platter.


Well, let's as an example say it was based on a free top up of water and one food every three hours. Yes, it could be camped by bandits. But bandits camp any high traffic area already, it's not any different really.

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And what about people like me who have 3 murders from self defence? Do I get killed by the game for defending myself?

Having loot in there is a pretty dumb idea. People would have no reason to risk military bases.

However, I kind of like the "safe-zone" part. I feel that in a zombie apocalypse there would be military. According to Day Z every soldier dies and a tonne of inexperienced civilians survive. I'm pretty sure soldiers would be more likely to survive in this situation and I feel like if this happened there would be some kind of "solution" to the problem, whether it's complete destruction by nuke or rescue by the military. It feels like the world has given up on Chernarus.

Maybe remove the safe-zone aspect of it and the invincible soldiers part. It would be fine I think to have a zombie-free military zone where players could perhaps meet up and if a player fires a weapon the NPCs will turn on them. Allow players to raid the military camp, killing the NPCs for their guns and ammo.

I'm not sure how to make it work. Let's just stick with the fort idea of implementing the commander/warfare mode and using wood and scrap metal as currency :)

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Well realistically if you think about it civilians would have a better chance of survival because they have the option to go hide. If you were in the military at the time you would be assigned to a military base and your objective would be to maintain the problem. Soldiers aren't invincible. Keep in mind that this apocalypse is based on a disease, not based on the rising dead. possible that military personnel got sick inside the base and it got fucked up from the inside out. Also, safe zones is a horrible idea for this game. I don't want to feel safe in the game cause it would absolutely ruin the game experience for anyone. Whats the point if you feel safe? In the real world, people would kill you for a can of beans if they were starving and had the opportunity.

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