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Some things that ruin the realism of DayZ.

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  • The Alice Pack has more space than the Czech, when it is physically half the size.
  • Silent Ammunition. (Are silenced weapons really that "OP" that they need to be controlled with "magical silenced ammunition"?).
  • Fragility of vehicles. (Some private servers have modded the vehicles to be much more resilient to contact with objects and provide a much more realistic, and less frustrating experience.)
  • The temperature system.

Please feel free to add any.

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The 'magical silence ammunition' is subsonic, therefore only used in SD guns so they can actually be used for effectiveness.

EDIT: Although it is a bit unrealistic how you can't use normal bullets in suppressed guns, yes.

Edited by Inception.
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Two things, silenced weapons generally fire subsonic ammunition which is different then standard ammunition, some suppressors can fire standard ammunition but many cannot. Regular ammunition fired through suppressors that do accept that ammo type without damage to the suppressor still have a sonic crack and are therefore louder. Subsonic ammo is most defiantly not "magic ammo" though and is very real... if anything an argument can easily be made that the weapons in the game are to silent and therefore unrealistic. Second, in a (non zombie) survival situation exposure is one of the, if not the, biggest killer, so I do not think the temperature system is unrealistic.

Edited by Chuckles
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Thats nice and all, and I appreciate the mandatory spiel about SD ammo, but I'm talking about the specific firearms in DayZ and their real-life compatibly with both ammunition types.

in a survival situation exposure is one of the, if not the, biggest killer, so I do not think the temperature system is unrealistic.

Maybe 200 years ago, or a situation where you are out of contact of human civilization. The setting of DayZ, however, is a post-apocalyptic area with plenty of remnants of human civilization and it's hard to believe that one could not find all of the appropriate clothing needed to be exposed to the apparently mild weather (no snow, extreme heat). Exacerbating the 'suspension of reality' is the fact that heat packs seem to be bugged and only raise one's temp after it has decreased to a critical level.

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some suppressors can fire standard ammunition but many cannot.

This is not true.

There are no restrictions on what type of ammo can be run through a can, assuming it's the correct caliber for the can/firearm, and it's a jacketed round (lead ball ammo fouls the baffles up much faster than jacketed ammo).

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Silent Ammunition. (Are silenced weapons really that "OP" that they need to be controlled with "magical silenced ammunition"?).
I'm not sure what the complaint here is. Are you saying that SD weapons should be able to fire normal ammunition silently, or are you saying that SD weapons are too quiet? In the first case, others have answered already. Some suppressed firearms can safely fire supersonic ammunition without damaging the suppressor, but they are far louder when firing that ammo, and the little sonic boom of the bullet passing through the air is loud enough that it is audible at considerable distance even if you ignor the sound of the gunshot. In the second case, your'e absolutely right. A "silenced" gun is a huge misnomer, and unless it's one of very few highly specialized weapons with specialized ammunition, it's going to be audible from way more than 0.1 meters away, or whatever the game uses as the zombie alert radius on the M4 SD. The James Bond "Phut phut" gun is a Hollywood myth.

You can't freeze to death in the game, and being uncomfortably cold to the point where you lose fine motor control is not uncommon. People get hypothermia all the time from swimming in chilly water or being out in the rain at night. When I worked on a loading dock at a factory, we'd come in for breaks after two hours of working in the rain on 50-degree nights (that's Fahrenheit, so 10C) and we'd hardly be able to stir our coffee for the shaky hands and stiff fingers. I'd hate to see my pistol marksmanship under those conditions, and more than one of us developed a cough or the sniffles over the course of the season.

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My complaint is that silent ammunition is used as a crutch for loot dynamics, and restricting the use of silent weapons; which does not adhere to reality.

Edited by TagMor

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I think what the OP is getting at is that you can't use non-silent ammunition with a silenced gun. (Like if you ran out of sub-sonic rounds you could use regular ammunition as a backup even though it wouldn't be silent.)

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  • The Alice Pack has more space than the Czech, when it is physically half the size.
  • Silent Ammunition. (Are silenced weapons really that "OP" that they need to be controlled with "magical silenced ammunition"?).
  • Fragility of vehicles. (Some private servers have modded the vehicles to be much more resilient to contact with objects and provide a much more realistic, and less frustrating experience.)
  • The temperature system.

Please feel free to add any.

You have my beans good sir! I agree with you on the Alice pack and Fragile Vehicles even more so.

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  • Zombies

I have to play with a mouse, keyboard, PC and monitor.

could the kids please shut their stupid mouths.

the inability to fire non SD rounds with SD weapons is pretty awkward. should definatly be changed. its nonsense to have to drop your silenced weapon just because you can only find normal mags.

to alice pack issue: volume is not everything. you can put a lot more stuff in a highly organizable pack than in a big clumsy one

Edited by Sturmgeist

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When my car is stuck in the smallest ditch of all time and I can't do jack shit about it


(I eventually got it out)

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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Cars should be much more easy to drive through a bit of rubble, I agree there. But if you drive a normal car through a forest it should get stuck on slopes...if it is not 4x4 vehicle. That would be realistic. I nearly got my Mercedes stuck in a nice sloping meadow yesterday in RL...easy to do. The general idea would be to make the cars better in handling, more resistant and more consistent in the game. Also, the driver in the passenger seat could be able to fire highly inaccurate shots from his window.

The teeperature system with some worked out bugs I'd like to see in action again, though. It was one of the most hilarious things ever to happen to me when some guy needed heatpacks in order not to get too cold in the rain. I talked on the side chat, and he said "ok, where can I find you?" and I just told him "I'm in a bush near you with a ghillie. I will come out and give you supplies. A sniper is overwatching, don't do stupid stuff" He was irritated when I got up froim 20 m behind him and really did nothing but give him heatpack, painkillers and stuff...pretty nice.

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When my car is stuck in the smallest ditch of all time and I can't do jack shit about it


(I eventually got it out)

I flipped a bus in that exact same place, anyway back on topic.

Being able to lie on top of fire places and take no damage.

Being able to crash a bicycle into a tree at 60 kmph and take no damage at all.

There's just to much stuff to list.

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Infinitely spawning Zombies and loot that respawns when a player approaches.

The spawn area should be larger, roughly 4x4 grid squares. This would eliminate spying on towns for activity.

Also there should be a max amount that zombies will spawn in a certain 'zone', allowing you to clear out zones.

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  • When you flip an ATV onto its side and can't do anything about putting it back onto its wheels - ATVs are not THAT heavy.
  • Being unable to give yourself a blood transfusion, at any stage of blood loss.
  • Amazing player/zombie running stamina. Even if we want to ignore the issue of player stamina, these zombies are like marathon runners - why isn't there some percentage chance (even if it's very small) to have a zombie's limb fall off from running? It doesn't always have to be a leg, it could even be an arm - rotting corpses should be somewhat more fragile/flimsier than your average healthy, living survivor's body.
  • Being capable of repairing any vehicle, without any technical expertise at all.

Hear me out on that last point I just made: whilst I know the current system is the way it is to allow everyone the opportunity to commandeer a salvaged vehicle, I feel it ruins the "realism" element of DayZ - which is what this thread is focusing on (as opposed to whether DayZ is "just a game" or "a simulation" - there's already a thread for that conversation). To me, it's unrealistic to believe that everyone who "survived" the beginning of the zombie apocalypse automatically knows how to repair any vehicle they stumbles across, from a small motorbike and ATV all the way to a helicopter. It would have been nice if there was a process of perhaps trial and error that allowed you to 'hone' the skill of repairing vehicles - you can go and obtain the parts, but the installation process initially could either fail or be partially successful but your novice repair job could result in unexpected malfunction/break-down, requiring you to once again repair the vehicle and thus "learning" over time how to repair vehicles properly and more effectively.

Of course, that introduces its own problems, considering the average life expectancy of a typical survivor is under an hour, but since we're already dealing with one fundamentally unrealistic element of the game (which is your character "re-spawning"), perhaps allowing your "learned" repair ability to carry over to your next life wouldn't be out of the question - the difficulty and length of time it takes to successfully learn how to do a high quality repair job on a vehicle could be increased so that the task of trouble-free vehicle repairing doesn't become such a "non-issue" so quickly.

I know that my last point could be said for the majority of things currently in the game that actually require technical skill, such as firing most of the weapons in game or certainly being able to fly a helicopter - but those things, I feel, are actually learned over time by the player. For example, not everyone who picks up an AS50 knows how to snipe with it effectively and not everyone who pilots a helicopter does so successfully on their first attempt - some crash and burn horribly in the first few moments of lift-off. People practice with repetition with those things and get better and more effective at it over time. I just don't see any of that happening with something like repairing vehicles, which should be complicated.

Edited by Hotdog

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Maybe 200 years ago, or a situation where you are out of contact of human civilization. The setting of DayZ, however, is a post-apocalyptic area with plenty of remnants of human civilization and it's hard to believe that one could not find all of the appropriate clothing needed to be exposed to the apparently mild weather (no snow, extreme heat). Exacerbating the 'suspension of reality' is the fact that heat packs seem to be bugged and only raise one's temp after it has decreased to a critical level.

This just isn't true, also even with appropriate clothing if inner layers became wet or torn by the environment/zombie attacks they lose much/all of there protective qualities. Regulation of your core body temperature is of extremely high importance in any survival scenario even when you have appropriate gear. While I don't think death is currently possible from the temperature system in the game (at least I haven't) I think having this as a survival consideration is very realistic and I look forward to its less buggy implementation into the game. You do not need to have snow on the ground or have a desert sun in the air to have hypothermia/hypothermia, and there are many factors beyond actual temperature that impact hypo/hypothermia from age to how much your exerting yourself.

This is not true.

There are no restrictions on what type of ammo can be run through a can, assuming it's the correct caliber for the can/firearm, and it's a jacketed round (lead ball ammo fouls the baffles up much faster than jacketed ammo).

Looked into this a little bit, and you are correct for any modern silencer I could find online (after a short search) so I stand corrected.

EDIT* I do agree with you about vehicles though, I've never spilled my (real) bicycle once and had it ready to fall apart.... of course my bike also doesn't magically fix itself if i get off it and back on it again.

Edited by Chuckles

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  • Zombies

Infected. Words have a specific meaning. Although, to be fair "zombie" is applied to much more than simple undead.

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The 'magical silence ammunition' is subsonic, therefore only used in SD guns so they can actually be used for effectiveness.

EDIT: Although it is a bit unrealistic how you can't use normal bullets in suppressed guns, yes.

There is no subsonic ammunition in DayZ. The SD rounds still make a snap sound when passing next to you. Subsonic ammo wouldn't do that.

  • Zombies

Science fiction things can be realistic to an extent. The explanation could be "infection" or "magical curse".

I'm tired of seeing this argument every time someone mentions realism in this game. The setting is "our current world + zombies". That means everything except zombies is supposed to be realistic. Just because there are zombies or dragons it doesn't mean people should be able to regrow limbs or fly without any explanation for it.

Edited by SillySil

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The 'magical silence ammunition' is subsonic, therefore only used in SD guns so they can actually be used for effectiveness.

EDIT: Although it is a bit unrealistic how you can't use normal bullets in suppressed guns, yes.

The problem isn't the SD ammo itself, it's what you can and can't use it in.

Being subsonic really doesn't make a round quiet in anything bigger than a .22LR. .45ACP out of the 1911 is often subsonic, for example.

What makes a weapon super quiet is shooting subsonic (no supersonic crack from the bullet traveling) through a weapon with a suppressor (no muzzle blast).

You can shoot supersonic ammo through a suppressor. I do it all the time. It's about as loud as a .22 . I've never even heard of a suppressor that you can't shoot regular ammo in.

You can shoot subsonic ammo through a weapon without a suppressor - it's basically almost as loud as usual, but it often makes self loading rifles malfunction - they won't cycle.

In the real world, if you're using 5.56mm or .308 with a suppressor you're almost certainly using supersonic ammo. I've never even bothered trying because it's not worth the hassle trying to get 5.56mm that will still cycle my rifle.

We should be able to put regular STANAG mags and M9 mags through the M4SD and M9SD - the noise level should be reduced, but still attract zombies. Perhaps pistol-ish noise levels for the M4SD and 1/2 normal for the M9SD. In both cases they should retain accuracy and power - modern suppressors don't "slow down" bullets or make them inaccurate.

How about another realism issue - catching a cold in a ghillie suit. Yeah right. You should never get cold in one.... but on the other hand, you should over heat running in one and require more water.

Edited by Just a Goat

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  • Zombies

As in the zombies that are ingame now, show no threat to the players, so noone needs to cooperate and people just shoot eachother

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One unit of blood saving me from death.

A steak allowing me to recover from a 9mm bullet hole.

Gun damage in general. Seriously, what the fuck?

Being stopped by a two-foot-high ledge.

A door breaking my legs.

Breaking both legs jumping off an eight foot ledge.

Putting a 30 pound rifle in my backpack. No, scratch that, putting TWO 30 pound rifles in my backpack.

Firing a 30 pound anti-materiel rifle unsupported and hitting anything more than five feet away.

Scope drift returning me right back to my target.

A 30 pound rifle being as hard to carry as a 6 pound shotgun. And easier to carry than a 14 pound rocket launcher.

A 200 round case of 7.62mm ammo being as hard to carry as two 9mm magazines. A 30 round magazine of AKM ammo weighing as much as a cylinder of .45 ammo.

Being unable to carry a flashlight and a weapon at the same time.

Flares can burn at 1600 degrees...but you can't light a campfire with one.

You starve to death in an hour and a half but you can't regenerate blood.

My hunting knife can only cut dead animal flesh.

Edited by BazBake
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