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GTX 670 FTW getting 20 FPS in cities ._.

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im getting 20 FPS with a $400 graphics card stated above which makes no sense. This happens on ALL servers btw ;D. I used to use ATI 7850 :(


16 GB RAM (1600)


GTX 670 FTW Edition

800w power supply

500 GB hard drive+external hard drive

Someone plz help me fix this >:(

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It is the new anti-banditry feature implemented by Rocket. Shoot another player and you will lag forever.

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it would be the mod/server in most cases.... but you can adjust your video settings by turning off a few features that might bump up those frames

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Doesnt really matter what gpu you have, when you go near buildigns it's all about your CPU. And they impact the CPU by quite a lot.

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I found an amazing tip that makes the games 2x more playable, when you start open up task manager fins arma2oa.exe right click it and set priority above normal it helps out tremendously :D hope it helps you

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Change ur settings to a lower setting when u enter a city.

Im running a I7 2600k @ 5ghz, 16 gigs of ram, GTX 680 and i get 60+ outside when i max settings, but if i enter the city with those settings its like 30, so i reduce object detail(MOST IMPORANT!), also lower the texture quality a bit and AA/AF. And always have HDR and post processing disabled. Doesnt make it look better and just hogs resources.

Edited by Vipala
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Bad arma engine, its more on the CPU than GPU.

There is a fix you can do to the arma file just change values, I have a 60£ GPU and I get about a range from 15-25fps depening where i am on the map.

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Bad arma engine, its more on the CPU than GPU.

There is a fix you can do to the arma file just change values, I have a 60£ GPU and I get about a range from 15-25fps depening where i am on the map.

exactly...i will point u towards armaholic.com for info on how to tweak the settings to get better frame rates...even though i posted on that forum site one time and a dick admin told me i was spamming the site...anyway most likely under your config file the game is trying to prerender frames like 10000 frames ahead...change it to like 2-4 and ull be on ur way

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Diaclaimer: I didn't read anyone's Reply.

Why would you come to the dayz forums to complain about this? Did you buy that gpu or did your mom? You apparently have no understanding of this game and/or have never played dayz. You also have minimal knowledge about computers (based on the information you chose to provide).

Ok so... If your hardware is above recommended specs, why are you coming to the forum to complain about it? Or are you just trying to brag about your brand new gpu which I'm sure cost the same as the rest of your computer.

$400 gpu with a single mechanical hard drive? No CPU listed? No ram listed? How about gpu usage statistics?

Or wait.. You're gonna love this ... Dayz FPS issues are mostly related to the server you play on. Did you know that? No. Get mom to buy a $3000 Alienware (lol) computer, log on to overloaded server, get 5fps. Come to forum and qq like a spoiled brat.

I hate people that just bitch and moan about problems before they even attempt to fix the fucking problem for themselves.

You want to be spoon fed an answer because you are bad with computers? LEARN TO USE GOOGLE, it's not that hard. Figure shit out on your own and stop relying on other people to do the work for you. I guarantee you will fail in life unless you take my advice. Oh noes I was fired and I can't pay bills, I better go qq on a random ass forum until I'm a millionaire!!! GL

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Diaclaimer: I didn't read anyone's Reply.

Why would you come to the dayz forums to complain about this? Did you buy that gpu or did your mom? You apparently have no understanding of this game and/or have never played dayz. You also have minimal knowledge about computers (based on the information you chose to provide).

Ok so... If your hardware is above recommended specs, why are you coming to the forum to complain about it? Or are you just trying to brag about your brand new gpu which I'm sure cost the same as the rest of your computer.

$400 gpu with a single mechanical hard drive? No CPU listed? No ram listed? How about gpu usage statistics?

Or wait.. You're gonna love this ... Dayz FPS issues are mostly related to the server you play on. Did you know that? No. Get mom to buy a $3000 Alienware (lol) computer, log on to overloaded server, get 5fps. Come to forum and qq like a spoiled brat.

I hate people that just bitch and moan about problems before they even attempt to fix the fucking problem for themselves.

You want to be spoon fed an answer because you are bad with computers? LEARN TO USE GOOGLE, it's not that hard. Figure shit out on your own and stop relying on other people to do the work for you. I guarantee you will fail in life unless you take my advice. Oh noes I was fired and I can't pay bills, I better go qq on a random ass forum until I'm a millionaire!!! GL

By not reading the thread you just made your self look like a huge ass hole.

The guy wasn't bitching. He is asking for honest help. I will call you a bold face liar if you say you have never asked for help.

phew ok. so there's a few things I've learned. Most of it I learned on my own from trial & error. And now I'm here :)

thank you for any help!!!

Because God knows you haven't come to the forums for HELP or OPINIONS.

Fail troll is fail. This is why people hate the DayZ community is because of fucking assholes like you who are too wrapped up sniffing their own shit.

Edited by ThermoNuke
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Thermonuke is god

Also, a good tip i came across is with the arma 2 engine is that any setting set UNDER high will use your CPU; so try to balence a few of them out so your CPU and GPU dont get bottle necked.

Edited by Arry

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Ok, I know the fps is somewhat affected by the server,but...

just yesterday I build my first computer GTX 680, core I7 3770k, 8GB ram etc. So today I install arma2 and load up operation arrowhead, I spawn myself in the largest town expecting incredible frame rates, I got 45-70fps. I then used the auto tune software that came with my asus mobo to overclock from 3.5GHZ to 4.2GHZ and I have just repeated the experiment and I was averaging 82 fps with a minimum of 62.

What I am getting at is that this game is VERY CPU intensive. Don't know anything about AMD processors let alone yours, but that might be one of the sources to your problem.

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I'm using a phenom ii quad core at 3.2ghz with the gtx 570. Never drops below 30-35fps anywhere in game. I think the CPU is the issue. All these people with 60fps. Yikes. I can't tell the difference between 40 and 60+.

Edited by jakeo10

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When zombies spawn their AI runs off your CPU (if you triggered them). There are more zeds in cities. And yes this does somehow effect FPS.

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Diaclaimer: I didn't read anyone's Reply.

Why would you come to the dayz forums to complain about this? Did you buy that gpu or did your mom? You apparently have no understanding of this game and/or have never played dayz. You also have minimal knowledge about computers (based on the information you chose to provide).

Ok so... If your hardware is above recommended specs, why are you coming to the forum to complain about it? Or are you just trying to brag about your brand new gpu which I'm sure cost the same as the rest of your computer.

$400 gpu with a single mechanical hard drive? No CPU listed? No ram listed? How about gpu usage statistics?

Or wait.. You're gonna love this ... Dayz FPS issues are mostly related to the server you play on. Did you know that? No. Get mom to buy a $3000 Alienware (lol) computer, log on to overloaded server, get 5fps. Come to forum and qq like a spoiled brat.

I hate people that just bitch and moan about problems before they even attempt to fix the fucking problem for themselves.

You want to be spoon fed an answer because you are bad with computers? LEARN TO USE GOOGLE, it's not that hard. Figure shit out on your own and stop relying on other people to do the work for you. I guarantee you will fail in life unless you take my advice. Oh noes I was fired and I can't pay bills, I better go qq on a random ass forum until I'm a millionaire!!! GL

Wow what a bitter post. You see, 400 bucks is not alot of money for every person, 670 gtx is actually a reasonable choice for a high end card, but not quite top high.

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