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What type of weapon you prefer and how you play with it?

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So the question goes as in topic. Tell your story about the weapon class you prefer and why.

I tend to stick with assault rifles with stanag ammo and silenced side arm. Currently running around with M4A1 Holo and M9SD. Primary weapon is for defending my self in pvp (which probably I didn't start) and secondary goes for silent zombie take downs. My play style is Heroish meaning I don't engage in fire fights and help random guys if I trust them not to stab my back. My worst enemy is ( I think) everyone with M107 or AS50 which in my opinion are pointless and too common sniper rifles in the game (thanks to the duping). Where do you need anti-material rifle in a game where vehicles are rare already? (no need to answer to that :) )

Well that's my fare share and I do like that we have the freedom of all play styles but I would like to see the game culture to move a bit to softer direction where you would really have to think about the consequences when shooting some one.

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L85 m14 and m9sd hasen't let me down once

because I see people before they see me with the l85, the m14 is just unbeatable and the m9sd is for long range shots

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when i go get my full gear load out in my backup tent

m4a1 holo



drive around in our truck / bike / motorcycle looking for zombies; when we see some we head for the highest hill and begin hunting.

after hes dead / logged out we continue on

btw i lold at softer direction

hardcore game for the casual

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buffjesus i though you quit or was that just chenarus

Edited by Man vs Wild

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DMR an 1911 best gun's for me so far ammo is common for both an i get 20 shots out of the dmr before reloading it does 8000 blood dmg per hit so i find its effective :D

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I like as50 TWS with a pdw sd with as much duped ammo as i can carry with a soldier fit on,and i prefer to shoot admins.

Edited by Bushman
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PDW is always my Side arm, Can use a wide range of ammo so its always nice to have.

Rifles, Ill use a M4SD For night time raids of towns for supplies, DMR for PVP runs to find snipers about cherno and electro. Although some times if the server is nice and active ill take a DMR onto anight serv with a pair of NVG's and take a few shots at people.

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This is what i try and kit myself out with, till lost it all (Hacker) see below photo.

But i like any of the M4's for my primary and the M1911 secondary if i cant get my hands on a M9...

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This is what i try and kit myself out with, till lost it all (Hacker) see below photo.

But i like any of the M4's for my primary and the M1911 secondary if i cant get my hands on a M9...

why is your flashlight in your bag and not in your tool belt thats 5 wasted spaces

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why is your flashlight in your bag and not in your tool belt thats 5 wasted spaces

Had been looting NWAF didnt want to be there long.... Picked up M4A3 backpack open so put it in aswel.

Old habbits, "everything in backpack"..

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i havent played ina bout 2-3 weeks

my guy si still alive and not dead however

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Hokey holo's and ancient rifles are no match for a good M19 grenade launcher at your side, kids. .

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L85 m14 and m9sd hasen't let me down once

because I see people before they see me with the l85, the m14 is just unbeatable and the m9sd is for long range shots

:lol: You might wanna try something else for that.

Otherwise, my setup is identical: l85 to be able to see even the ghillie-suited undesirables, proning in the bushes, at night and 1 kilometer away. M14 for effective PvP if needed, M9SD for headshotting zombies that get too close.

If i had to keep just one weapon, it would be M14 AIM. Just an all-around beast.

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Usually something with common ammo, but if it's suppressed, then I'm keeping it. For example: AKM and makarov. And I usually prefer AK-style weapons over M16s when it comes to the rifles.

And I like shotguns as well, especially the 870. I just hope Rocket makes it so you can load the 2 slug rounds without combining them, because you waste 4 slots just to fit the slugs in the shotgun.

Edited by Sutinen

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