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Disconnecting - 1.7.1 - Discussion

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I finally signed up today to voice my concerns about the alarming popularity of disconnecting to avoid death. As it currently stands the majority of players, even un-geared noobies, will now alt+f4 rather than die.

I recognize that at as of the current state of meta-gameplay, "everyone" is killing !EVERYONE! on sight.. but that doesn't excuse the abuse of this game breaking exploit.

Now I know, @Rocket, has confirmed in upcomming patch 1.7.1 that he has addressed this issue;

* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)

I, however, don't believe this will effectively combat the current problem. What would be to stop the exploiter from simply just running or ducking behind cover then alt+f4'ing?

I'm convinced there should be some sort of penalty in place for the end user making use of this exploit. Perhaps, when re-connecting to a server being knocked out for 5-10minutes? This would surely deter even the most dedicated of douchebags.

However even then, some players that are geared well would rather wait the allocated time on re-connecting than die.

I hope we can bring a solution to this problem with discussion. As of now, 14/06/2012, disconnecting to avoid death is a ever growing problem within the community.

Kind regards;


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easy fix...30 second timer to exit game,,,if you alt-f4, your body stays there for 30 seconds...

So when your in a fight, and suddenly you see "enemy's name" disconnected, you know you can walk right up to him and put a bullet between his eyes.

5 seconds isn't enough to take out death dodgers, 30 seconds at least,,,hell, why not a full minute?

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easy fix...30 second timer to exit game' date=',,if you alt-f4, your body stays there for 30 seconds...

So when your in a fight, and suddenly you see "enemy's name" disconnected, you know you can walk right up to him and put a bullet between his eyes.

5 seconds isn't enough to take out death dodgers, 30 seconds at least,,,hell, why not a full minute?


It's not enough? This will completely negate people alt+f4ing instantly as they get shot at. It's not perfect but it will make people you shoot at actually die and not vanish.

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Yea doesn't fix the problem with someone running into a building while you wait for them to come out, then before you know it they are magically behind you.

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30 seconds and you need to type /quit and DO NOT MOVE before the server kicks you out, otherwise you stay in the server.

And yes, /qq to be instantly kicked to desktop.

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I posted this in a Reddit discussion on the matter, I've left in the replies from other users for context and for their contribution.


EvE Online uses an 'aggression timer' that holds your ship (avatar etc) in-game for a set amount of time if you are actively involved in combat. This prevents people disconnecting to avoid loss quite well and might deal with server hopping to gain an advantage in a firefight.


This works really well for EVE, we even have implemented this for our minecraft server to stop combat logging. Both people, the aggressor and defender get combat-tagged for 20 seconds. Enough time to kill even the most armored player. Even then is they log in to many time in 5 minutes then they get banned for an hour.


Nicely done, it has to, as you have done, scale to its intended environment. EVE, I think, uses 15 minutes; some of the capital ships have that much HP.


I would think a 3-10 second "avatar is artificially still playing" after the user logs out, or make it so that the player can't log into that server until some predetermined delay time has been met.

I think the latter would be easiest to implement. Yes they could hop on another server, but they can't use re logging as a way to get the upper hand in shoot out.

dev bukkit combat-tag mod

We modified this for our needs, but the principals are the same.


The time limit might need to be played with a little bit, I'm not sure 10 seconds would stop snipers from taking some pot shots and then logging.Even 60 seconds wouldn't be over the top for me, it stops the exploiting and isn't over the top when it comes to logging out if someone is in a rush IRL.

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The only reason it's not longer, is to avoid the issues of body duping.

To get around this and have a longer disconnect time, I would need to add another level of checking. I don't have the time currently, so its something that can be expanded, but I need to do a first level test to see what the effect is.

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Hey tekcoR, who are you and why have you copy pasted my avatar and signature? lol

That's great if you wanna help show people to our website but if you could kindly not use the TFB avatar as that's kind of a clan logo thing :)

Unless you are a member under a different name!

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I think 30s would be enough time, but only if they have received damage or fired a weapon in the last 10s

This avoids people having the misfortune who disconnect randomly or when they think they're safe and someone chances upon their logged out location.

Nothing will be perfect for everyone, but I welcome an improvement over the current mechanics

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Hey tekcoR' date=' who are you and why have you copy pasted my avatar and signature? lol

That's great if you wanna help show people to our website but if you could kindly not use the TFB avatar as that's kind of a clan logo thing :)

Unless you are a member under a different name!


I'd rather not say who I am, but you do know me ;)

The only reason it's not longer' date=' is to avoid the issues of body duping.

To get around this and have a longer disconnect time, I would need to add another level of checking. I don't have the time currently, so its something that can be expanded, but I need to do a first level test to see what the effect is.


I understand the constraints that the current game engine provides, and that this problem might require lengthy amount of work.

I just hope through amicable discussion we can perhaps provide some ideas.


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Hey tekcoR' date=' who are you and why have you copy pasted my avatar and signature? lol

That's great if you wanna help show people to our website but if you could kindly not use the TFB avatar as that's kind of a clan logo thing :)

Unless you are a member under a different name!


I'd rather not say who I am, but you do know me ;)

Dear moderators, this dude is impersonating a clan member. Can you take his beans?

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I just wanted to add something regarding Disconnecting.

I have noticed an increased number of people some how very quickly going back to the server lobby rather than totally disconnecting from the server.

Once instance of this I was killed by a clan member my friend shot him but he disconnected to the lobby, he then waited for another of his clan to join who logged in and shot my friend from behind.

Someone also did this when I started shooting them, they went prone and disconnected to the lobby. This person had no idea who I was so I am not sure how long they sat in the lobby for after I left the sever, but no one disconnected just one person in the lobby not playing for about 20 mins after that incident (it was early hours of the morning server time).

So the issue is not just alt-F4/disconnecting from the server totally its also just disconnecting to the lobby.

Will this 5 second timer apply to this as well?

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Guys, the request for 30 seconds has been made, both here and in other threads.

The reasons for NOT going beyond 5 seconds have been explicated. Why are people still trying to be heard on this? You're all just shouting in an echo chamber.

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Bearing in mind this is still an Alpha mod, why not test the concept with 5 seconds as Rocket is actually hoping to do in the next patch? If it works (and by work I mean technically it performs as it should - not "work" in the sense of removing "tactical DCing" from combat), then who knows where it will go from there? The time period might be extended / reduced, who can say?

At the moment lets just test the 5 second concept first and see if it works, code and technically-wise, as intended - then we can start asking Rocket to consider longer if we feel it may benefit the gameplay, but it'll be up to him as always. Small steps are needed, and that's what we are seeing.

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The only reason it's not longer' date=' is to avoid the issues of body duping.

To get around this and have a longer disconnect time, I would need to add another level of checking. I don't have the time currently, so its something that can be expanded, but I need to do a first level test to see what the effect is.


There is still a glitch to Body Duping, some people I know do it...

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I'm convinced there should be some sort of penalty in place for the end user making use of this exploit. Perhaps' date=' when re-connecting to a server being knocked out for 5-10minutes? This would surely deter even the most dedicated of douchebags.


Do you realize how bad connectivity is right now? Getting disconnected and having my body stay in game for 5 seconds should be ok most of the time (you are not aggrod or in a firefight that often, in this game). And 5 seconds is plenty of time for players and Zs to kill you. Being unable to play for 10 minutes because a server somewhere sneezed is not something I would ever want though.

There are a million things that are more punishing and that the devs could do to prevent the d/c exploit. I'm pretty sure most of them have not been done because, especially in the state the servers are in, it would punish the innocent disconnects more than it would exploiters.

Keep that in mind.

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Here is my issue with the 5 second rule and I am just being devil's advocate here. I want something to stop these damn death dodging disconnectors.

Say you have someone flying a heli, and they lose connection, there body is in the pilot seat for 5 seconds. This will kill everyone in the heli. Granted it takes a little time to switch seats, but adding another 5 second buffer to the reaction time is just going to guarantee death.

We need a timer to disconnect, not something that keeps us hanging around vulnerable.

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