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I'm about to rage quit DayZ forever... untill the standalone comes out .-.

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So this has happened to me 3!!!!!!!!!! times so first time im sniping around cherno with an AS50 but my friend skypes me to go to another server... i see setup complete *dies* still says setup complete... debug forest FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK. Atleast accually die from something than just a stupid bug. this happens 3 times when i switch to a new server. In which all 3 have me carrying an AS50 each time i spawn in some random ass place with no gear at all cept ghillie suit. Now I have to go do sniper hunting for the fourth time to get another AS50 because it seems like the devs aren't doing very well on updates. Im not saying their doing bad on the job. I realize they work hard but in this patch it seems bugs go all into place never had a problem with me. is very unstable like an old dude on crack. People's backpacks rollback when you go to survivor skin, bandit skin shows no backpack(idk if that was meant to be) but yeah next time this bullshit happens i quit till this bug is officially fixed or the standalone version is out.

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Thanks for letting us know

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Maybe you shouldn't server hop while sniping cherno with an AS50, maybe Rocket implemented an Anti-A-Hole mechanic that takes a dump on you every time you try this.

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How could we possibly replace a Cherno sniper with an AS50 after he quits? I guess we would just all have to accept that the game got a little more playable...

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i logged into my usual server and was still in loading screen i had nvg as50 and alot of other goodies m4a1 cco m9 sd. And i saw a message saying larry killed hayden(friendly fire) fist through screen man so much time wasted for nothing other then being killed in debug zone

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Noob server hops(alt-f4 is more likely) to snipe unarmed players on the coast, spawns in debug and loses all his gear. I fail to see the negative part of the story.

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Please DO QUIT!

Oh wait bad troll.


Wat? you're serious?

kill yourself.

I gotta admit, responses like these are the one reason i spawn kill in side chat servers. I applaud you.

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Fucking sniper kiddies. I HUNT people like you.

Fuck you and everything you touch, including that god-mode AS50 piece of no-skill SHIT.

Edited by Whiteshadow197

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My message of the DayZ is :

Life's a bitch, then you die.

So many amazing quotes for a signature... but I like mine the best.

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then let's go! take away your ass from here!

if you find so easy as50 like tin cans you won't have troubles with matches and hatchet

Edited by Bludy

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Thanks for letting us know

you crack me up so I gave you some beans

to the OP...do you feel better? Do you feel by venting here given the warm responses that this will change anything? I hope the forum tea and bisbuits you received from this post fills you up enough until stand alone. I'm not saying its gonna take forever, but you gonna waiting a mighty long time....

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