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Heli Crash sites and loot spawns

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I searched around the forum but couldn't really find an answer for this.

I've managed to find quite a few helicopter crash sites, but on the whole the loot has been disappointing. I've grabbed a FAL or Bison a couple of times, but I guess they've already been looted because there are never any NVGs, AS50s or guille suits etc. I've only ever found those things in tents or on bodies.

Anyways, my question is - once a crash site spawns does it only spawn the loot once. SO, if someone takes the AS50 (if there is one) then they're won't be any more there?

And follow up question - when do the crash sites tend to respawn, is it after server restarts or is it time dependant?

Thanks for any help you guys can give

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Anyways, my question is - once a crash site spawns does it only spawn the loot once. SO, if someone takes the AS50 (if there is one) then they're won't be any more there?

You're right, as soon someone takes something it wont be replaced.

And follow up question - when do the crash sites tend to respawn, is it after server restarts or is it time dependant?

In normal DayZ my experience was, that crash sites only spawn on server restarts, but i might also be wrong

My experience was, that it depends on luck pretty much what you find... i have found 2 nvg on 3 crash sites once, so you should just keep on searching, you might be lucky one time

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Yes the loot only spawns once every server reset, when the server restarts the heli crash sites will be reset in 5 random locations... I think

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When a server is restarted, the number of crash sites (up to 5) and their locations are determined by random. The loot spawns (the number of loot piles around the chopper) for the crash site are determined in a similar way (I think there can be up to 6 of them). Once loot has been taken from the crash site, it does not respawn.

BTW, I've looted about 50-60 crash sites by now and I have never found NVGs there. Some people stated that the pilot zombies from the crash sites sometimes drop NVGs as well. I've killed more than 100 of them and none of them had NVGs. The only "sources" for NVGs so far were tents and other players, but I suppose that most of those have been duped.

Good luck with your search!

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Sometimes, I mean really fucking rarely, the helicopter spawn will glitch out.

One helicopter I had found had 6 AS50s and 3 M107s.

Another literally had all of its spawns give me NVGs.

This was back when we had makarov spawns, though.

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NVG's are rare but they do spawn at heli crash sites myself I've found them at two different heli crashes, also found AS50's, M107's, Bizon's, Fal's both types and L85's. You really need to be on when the server restarts and then go hunting for them otherwise you'll usually be to late.

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heli pilots

Do you mean the Zombies that spawn, walking around the crash? There's a particular Z model that looks more like a pilot than the others, and he has NVG on his face?

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